Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tunica County School District

In Aug 2009 the Transparency Committee did a little research in an effort to understand why we were spending so much money in our schools and getting such poor results. Did you know MS ranks 8th nationally in the number of Nationally Board Certified Teachers (NBCT)? As of 2009, MS had accumulated 3,103 Nationally Board Certified Teachers. How many are employed in the Tunica County School District? ZERO!!!!

This is a call-out to all those who are teaching in Tunica County. If you are a Nationally Board Certified Teacher, you need to contact the MS Department of Education and let them know about you. Until then, we will have to take their word for it.

So, on Thu, 5 Aug 2010 at 5 pm, the residents of Tunica County have been invited to join our Board of Education and our Superintendent in the Rosa Fort High School - Library/Media Center so they can hear from us our "tangible evidence" concerning raising our ad valorem tax millage to 32.83 mills.

This school system cannot be fixed by throwing more money at it. According to the MS Department of Education records that were pulled today (3 Aug 2010), our district Accreditation Status is listed as "Probation." Our "Accountability Status" is "at risk of failing." Our graduation rate is 66.5 percent. Out of 152 school districts in MS, where do we rank in bang for the buck?

How is more money going to fix this? Are you going to order better dinners during your meetings? The citizens of Tunica County need to order us up a better School Board in the upcoming election.

WAIT JUST A MINUTE HERE. When was the Public Hearing held to talk about the school budget? I didn't see it advertised in the newspaper. Doesn't the budget meeting have to come before the "we're going to increase your taxes and there isn't anything you can do about it" meeting?

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