Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Good Time Was Had By All….

At the first Aug Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, Billy Pegram asked that the claims being paid by the county be read out loud and that not only the amount of the claim be read but the name of the company, agency or person being paid. Thank you, thank you, thank you Billy Pegram.

During this process, Ken Murphree’s claim was read for, I guess, May through Jul as none of the end dates cover a date when claims would have been paid. (Claims are paid at the first meeting of the month following the claim.) Murphree’s invoice for May 4 – Jun 13, 2010 was in the amount of $1955 and the Jun 14 – Jul 6, 2010 invoice was for $1997.50. As usual, the invoices indicated only where Murphree had been on certain dates; not what he accomplished.

So, the Beat 1 Supervisor asked that Murphree provide a written report at the first meeting in Sep detailing his activities. Whoa! Then things got hot. The Beat 3 Supervisor and the Beat 4 Supervisor objected to a person Tunicans’ compensated to the tune of $85 per hour having to write a report? Why? This doesn’t make any sense.

At one point the Beat 3 Supervisor left the meeting. On his way out he said: “I’ll be back when you guys quit grandstanding.” I think “grandstanding” is when you create drama when leaving the discussion. This is the definition of “grandstanding”: “to try to gain the applause of an audience by or as by making an unnecessarily showy play.” My apologies to the Beat 3 Supervisor. I didn’t know we were supposed to applaud when you left the room.

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