Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1st Post for Sat, 14 Aug 2010: Schultz Project

Tunicans for Transparency in Government held our monthly meeting last Saturday. The agenda was really full and we came away with more questions for our county officials.

The first item to be discussed was the Schultz plant. At the Tunica County Board of Supervisors' meeting on 6 Aug 2010, the Board went into Executive Session and apparently treminated our relationship with Graycor Harrel as the General Contrator. During the same Executive Session, the Board hired H&M Company of Memphis to be the General Contractor.

Here are our questions:
1. Why was it necessary for this action to be handled in Executive Session?
2. Is this the way contracts are terminated?
3. Wouldn't the site preparation need to be rebid?

Have you noticed the lack of activity at the plant site? This was our second point of discussion on the Schultz Project. The site preparation company for Phase 1 is L & T Construction. Their bid for Phase 1 was $3,287,274.70. Apparently, there has been a lack of funding for this portion of the project and several items from the planned preparation had to be deleted. A $1M Community Block Grant has been awarded so work should begin again soon.

Next set of questions:
1. Are the deleted items now going to be added back into the project?
2. If not, wouldn't the site preparation need to be rebid?

More later....

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