Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pritchard Road Precinct

Pritchard Road Precinct

Have you all noticed in the Tunica Times the public notice about moving one of Beat 2’s voting places from Pritchard Road to Verner Road? I did see the notice when it was first published and went to the Courthouse to get a copy. And I wrote to the Justice Department with my complaint. Personally, I think we should wait until the results of the 2010 Census are known so we can see if there will be any redistricting.

But back to the story…my original complaint was because this particular Resolution was not on the agenda for the 3 May 2010 Board of Supervisors’ meeting. I thought this Resolution was signed on 4 May 2010 and since it was not on the agenda of the 3 May 2010 Board of Supervisors’ meeting, it must have been agreed upon behind closed doors.

I have had several conversations with the Dept. of Justice about this matter. It was not until this morning when the Dept. of Justice called again, that the Dept of Justice and I both realized this Resolution was not written on 4 May 2010, it was written on 4 May 2009. Now how in the heck is the public supposed to remember a resolution written over a year ago but not acted upon and sent to the Dept of Justice until 14 Jun 2010?

To be fair to the public, I believe if more then 3 months has lapsed, you need to bring a Resolution back to a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors and review the Resolution even if it is only to remind the public of your intended actions. In this case, you waited too long.

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