Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Channel Your Energy

Last night I attended a meeting in Tunica. The usual regulars were there, minus a few. A couple who had joined this group awhile back but in all the years I’ve been a member, they had never attended a meeting. After the meeting, the female of this couple proceeded to tell me … and this isn’t a quote … that I had great leadership skills but I needed to “channel my energy” into other endeavors and when I asked her about one of the “discoveries” the Transparency committee had found, she said, and this is a quote: “I’ve known about (this) for years.” By the time I got home I was laughing.

So, what’s my point? The point is this, you can be a part of the problem or you can be a part of the solution. I also know this makes some people angry and uncomfortable with me. This, of course, was not news to me.

Tunica is a wonderful town and county. It can be made better but that takes more then running your mouth. It takes action. I am choosing to be a part of the solution. What part would you like to play?
Barbara Tuchel
Tunicans for Transparency in Government

P.S.: Tunicans for Transparency in Government will hold their next meeting on Saturday, 14 Aug 2010, at the R. C. Irwin Public Library from 1p to 3p. All adult residents of Tunica County and all elected officials of Tunica County are welcome to attend.

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