Wednesday, June 15, 2016

6 Jun 2016 BOS Meeting

Last week, I didn't see anything in the newspaper about this meeting.  Maybe they're waiting for this week?

The meeting on 6 Jun 2016, Went on for over three hours.  Perhaps the Board needs to reconsider their decision about two meetings per month at 9a.

My biggest take-away was the presentation from Code Solutions. In a nutshell, their presentation suggested that we replace Pepper Bradford with a contract for $10,000 plus per month.  That's over $120,000 per year!

When did we ever pay Pepper this kind of money?  It seemed to me that Michael Johnson wanted approve this company right on the spot.  By now, Johnson should know that a contract for this much money would have to be bid.

Additionally, who are these people?  I'm not absolutely sure but I believe the man doing the speaking was a political supporter of Johnson out at the Cut-Off.

Watch out for this one folks.

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