Thursday, April 30, 2015

30 Apr 2015: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Thank you for the appointment this evening. 

We have 3 subjects in our presentation tonight. 

The first subject we want to present tonight is about the Volunteer Fire Protection contract that is on the agenda for tonight.  At the 4 Mar 2015 Community Information Session, there was a pretty heated discussion between fire fighters and some citizens.  I believe it was at this meeting that the County Administrator mentioned that we need to look at the current structure of the contract agreement and see what will work for all of us going forward. 

I believe that fire protection is an essential service of government.  We can no longer rely on gaming revenue and quite frankly should never have relied on gaming revenue to support any governmental essential services.  Why?  Because as we have been told we cannot control gaming revenue.  We can only control taxes.  Therefore, as a private citizen, I want to say that I am willing to be taxed for fire services.  To me there should be no discussion of a contract for payment from gaming revenue.  The only discussion needs to be brought up during the budgeting process for the next year to see if we need to increase or decrease the millage to support our fire departments. 

Second, more than a few people have mentioned the attendance at Executive Sessions has grown.  Before, this committee has asked about the attendance of the Sheriff.  We are now asking about the attendance of the Comptroller and the HR Manager.  Don’t you think the public has a right to know who is making these decisions and why?

Third, it has come to the attention of more than a few citizens that some Component Unit heads are not showing up to make verbal reports to the public at Board of Supervisors’ Meetings.  Why is this happening and why isn’t this being addressed by this Board?  Do these managers think they don’t have to let the public know what is going on?  Do they think they don’t have to present to this Board in particular?  Whatever the problem, it needs to stop.  These Component Units are spending monies that belong to the citizens of Tunica County and we have a right to know how you are spending these funds.

I understand the head of the Airport has resigned.  Many of you are most like saddened by this resignation.  I’m not.  We need people who are willing to appear before the public and will show respect for the sitting Board no matter who they are. 

Why isn’t the head of CVB appearing before this Board and the public for updates?  Yes, you have a report in your packets, but doesn’t the public deserve to hear from this individual?  By the way, the last time we heard from the CVB, and I think I am recalling this correctly, the indication was that our gaming revenue took a dive after the flood in May 2011 due to a decline in visitors. 

I don’t believe this to be true.  From the report the public was given on 4 Mar 2015, our gaming revenue had been declining since 2008 where it went from $32M in 2007 to $30M in 2008 to $27M in 2009 to $24M in 2010 to $22M in 2011.   We did lose visitors but our gaming revenue had been declining for 4 years prior to the May 2011 flood and those in authority both elected and hired did not take notice and make appropriate adjustments in time to prevent our current financial crisis.  And, by that I mean an increase in our taxes to keep pace with our expenses.   Expenses that I don’t think were well thought out before they were built but none the less they are here and we have to figure out how we are going to keep these Component Units going when there isn’t one of them that is carrying their own financial weight. 

All of that being said, in the past I have been very critical of Tunica National.  However, if you all have noticed, Bob Wolcott shows up at every meeting when he is on the agenda and he has worked very hard to bring down the expenses at Tunica National.  I personally, want to thank Bob for his willingness to work with this Board and our County Administrator.  Good things can happen when we work together.

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