Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15 Apr 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

The BOS didn't announce that there will be a Community Meeting at the Courthouse on 22 Apr 2015 at 5p.  We always learn something new at these meetings so come on out and bring your friends and family.

Several of the regulars were at a meeting in Jackson tonight. They are Rechelle Siggers, Michael Thompson and Adrian McKay.

I am disturbed that the following heads of departments didn't show up to give an oral report:

Gene Osborne: Tunica County Healthcare Authority
Cliff Nash: Tunica County Airport Commission
Steve Sosebee: Tunica County Arena & Expo
Matt Young: Tunica County Utility District (TCUD)

Blogger's note: Don't you all think the public wants to hear from you or do you think this meeting isn't important?  What is it?

Several things were on the agenda but were not brought up:

Old Business:
Consider budget amendments
Consider legal counsel for Democratic Committee
Consider relocating Tunica County Health Department

Blogger's note: When the public records are reviewed and the agenda is not followed, it is a bit difficult to find documents.

During Executive Session there was a vote to again remove Michael Thompson.  Blah, Blah. Blah.  It didn't pass. No surprise there.  Michael Thompson is doing one heck of a job for Tunica County and it is past time people stopped attacking him and started supporting him.

As for me, I will be so happy when this election cycle is over and both Burnetts are shown the door.

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