Thursday, April 30, 2015

30 Apr 2015: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Thank you for the appointment this evening. 

We have 3 subjects in our presentation tonight. 

The first subject we want to present tonight is about the Volunteer Fire Protection contract that is on the agenda for tonight.  At the 4 Mar 2015 Community Information Session, there was a pretty heated discussion between fire fighters and some citizens.  I believe it was at this meeting that the County Administrator mentioned that we need to look at the current structure of the contract agreement and see what will work for all of us going forward. 

I believe that fire protection is an essential service of government.  We can no longer rely on gaming revenue and quite frankly should never have relied on gaming revenue to support any governmental essential services.  Why?  Because as we have been told we cannot control gaming revenue.  We can only control taxes.  Therefore, as a private citizen, I want to say that I am willing to be taxed for fire services.  To me there should be no discussion of a contract for payment from gaming revenue.  The only discussion needs to be brought up during the budgeting process for the next year to see if we need to increase or decrease the millage to support our fire departments. 

Second, more than a few people have mentioned the attendance at Executive Sessions has grown.  Before, this committee has asked about the attendance of the Sheriff.  We are now asking about the attendance of the Comptroller and the HR Manager.  Don’t you think the public has a right to know who is making these decisions and why?

Third, it has come to the attention of more than a few citizens that some Component Unit heads are not showing up to make verbal reports to the public at Board of Supervisors’ Meetings.  Why is this happening and why isn’t this being addressed by this Board?  Do these managers think they don’t have to let the public know what is going on?  Do they think they don’t have to present to this Board in particular?  Whatever the problem, it needs to stop.  These Component Units are spending monies that belong to the citizens of Tunica County and we have a right to know how you are spending these funds.

I understand the head of the Airport has resigned.  Many of you are most like saddened by this resignation.  I’m not.  We need people who are willing to appear before the public and will show respect for the sitting Board no matter who they are. 

Why isn’t the head of CVB appearing before this Board and the public for updates?  Yes, you have a report in your packets, but doesn’t the public deserve to hear from this individual?  By the way, the last time we heard from the CVB, and I think I am recalling this correctly, the indication was that our gaming revenue took a dive after the flood in May 2011 due to a decline in visitors. 

I don’t believe this to be true.  From the report the public was given on 4 Mar 2015, our gaming revenue had been declining since 2008 where it went from $32M in 2007 to $30M in 2008 to $27M in 2009 to $24M in 2010 to $22M in 2011.   We did lose visitors but our gaming revenue had been declining for 4 years prior to the May 2011 flood and those in authority both elected and hired did not take notice and make appropriate adjustments in time to prevent our current financial crisis.  And, by that I mean an increase in our taxes to keep pace with our expenses.   Expenses that I don’t think were well thought out before they were built but none the less they are here and we have to figure out how we are going to keep these Component Units going when there isn’t one of them that is carrying their own financial weight. 

All of that being said, in the past I have been very critical of Tunica National.  However, if you all have noticed, Bob Wolcott shows up at every meeting when he is on the agenda and he has worked very hard to bring down the expenses at Tunica National.  I personally, want to thank Bob for his willingness to work with this Board and our County Administrator.  Good things can happen when we work together.

About the Debates....

It's time to catch-up before the next debate on ?? May 2015 at GW.  The start time is 6p.

At the first debate candidate Evada Bullock stated that she would not debate.  I'm taking this quote from the 27 Mar 2015 issue of the Tunica Times because neither Bob nor I got the quote correct.  Bullock stated: "I'm not here for a debate today.  When things get better with the community and the board of supervisors, maybe we can be ready or a debate in July - July 27th.  Today, I'm not ready.  Thank you."

WOW! In my opinion, if you are not ready to debate the day you declare for office you are not ready to be elected.  What does "When things get better with the community and the board of supervisors" even mean?

At the second debate held at the Dundee Community Center, candidate Billy Pegram sent a message to attendees by way of Rev. Roman Fullilove.  Pegram declined the invitation and stated "voters already know what I stand for."***

WOW AGAIN.  Let's recap what Tunica County citizens recently learned about our financial problems:

Supervisors are: Dunn, Henderson, Battle, Tucker, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $2,211,929
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Henderson, Battle, Tucker, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $2,600,728
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Henderson, Battle, Tucker, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $16,543,018
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Tucker, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $22,736,974
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $23,486,930
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $29,539,787
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0
Arena Bond: $30,000,000  Note: No feasibility study.
Tunica Museum Bond: $3,000,000 Note: No feasibility study.

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $29,446,067
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $28,996,696
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0
Airport Expansion Bond: $15,000,000 Note: No feasibility study.

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B. Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $31,083,290
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0
Tunica River Park and Museum Bond: $26,000,000 Note: No feasibility study.
Tunica National Golf Course Bond: $17,000,000 Note: No feasibility study.

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $30,691,108
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $33,166,315
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $32,873,895
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $30,757,057
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $27,764117
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $24,935,465
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B.Williams, Pegram
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $22,060,202
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0
*May 2011: Flood closes casinos for approximately 3 weeks. Gaming revenue already in a decline.

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, P. Williams, Nickson, Daley
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $22,505,411
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 0

14 Aug 2012: Transparency Committee, NAACP, and Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County requested an Independent Audit of our Tunica County Government.  P. Williams, Nickson and Daley voted yes.  Dunn and Burnett voted no.

17 Sep 2012 P. Williams, Nickson and Daley voted to increase our millage for debt service from zero to 15.77.

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, P. Williams, Nickson, Daley
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $20,577,025
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 15.77

Supervisors are: Dunn, Burnett, P. Williams, Nickson, Daley
Gaming Revenue for the General County Fund is: $18,485,914
General Obligation Sinking Fund Millage: 17.00

Anyone want to go dig up the property values for each of these years so we can add them to this post?  My recollection is that property values have been declining for a good bit of time and our essential government services have been funded from gaming and not taxes.  People: We have no control over gaming revenue.  Our essential government services need to be funded by taxes not gaming.  This whole thing is set up wrong.  Arghh.....

In conclusion, we can see what has happened to our County financially when those we voted into office either didn't recognize the ramifications of their decisions or they ... quite frankly, I don't know what they were thinking. 

However, we do know this, we are over built and deep in debt.  Whoever helped put us in this position does not deserve another term in office.  We have learned our lesson.

***As quoted in the 17 Apr 2015 issue of the Tunica Times and from notes taken by Bob Tuchel.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15 Apr 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

The BOS didn't announce that there will be a Community Meeting at the Courthouse on 22 Apr 2015 at 5p.  We always learn something new at these meetings so come on out and bring your friends and family.

Several of the regulars were at a meeting in Jackson tonight. They are Rechelle Siggers, Michael Thompson and Adrian McKay.

I am disturbed that the following heads of departments didn't show up to give an oral report:

Gene Osborne: Tunica County Healthcare Authority
Cliff Nash: Tunica County Airport Commission
Steve Sosebee: Tunica County Arena & Expo
Matt Young: Tunica County Utility District (TCUD)

Blogger's note: Don't you all think the public wants to hear from you or do you think this meeting isn't important?  What is it?

Several things were on the agenda but were not brought up:

Old Business:
Consider budget amendments
Consider legal counsel for Democratic Committee
Consider relocating Tunica County Health Department

Blogger's note: When the public records are reviewed and the agenda is not followed, it is a bit difficult to find documents.

During Executive Session there was a vote to again remove Michael Thompson.  Blah, Blah. Blah.  It didn't pass. No surprise there.  Michael Thompson is doing one heck of a job for Tunica County and it is past time people stopped attacking him and started supporting him.

As for me, I will be so happy when this election cycle is over and both Burnetts are shown the door.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Know what you are talking about or keep your mouth shut!!!

On 7 Apr 2015, Bob and I were having lunch at Subway when a County resident came in talking about a letter from the State Auditor's Office and that I needed to get a copy of the letter and put in on this blog.  Among the comments made by this resident was that this letter addressed misuse of FEMA money.  As you will read below, there is no mention of FEMA money in this letter.

During this lunchtime "discussion" the resident made more then a few false statements and I corrected him each time.  You know Tunica, I wish people would at least attempt to find the facts before going off and spreading gossip.  AND that is just what this was: GOSSIP.  Repeating gossip over and over again does not make the story you are telling true. 

I did ask for a copy of the letter and was told it had not been released yet.   Next thing I know, the letter is in the Tunica Times.  Hmmm, wonder who released it?  I can tell you this, it wasn't Phillis Williams, Sonny Nickson, McKinley Daley, Rechelle Siggers or Michael Thompson.  I asked.

Here we go with the letter:

Tunica Times, Fri, 10 Apr 2015 "State Auditor to county: 'Reconsider' withholding funds" by Brooks Taylor.

"Mississippi Auditor Stacey Pickering waded into the fray between Tunica County and the Town of Tunica/Tunica Schools in a March 30, 2015 letter to Board of Supervisors president James Dunn.

Pickering wrote:

It has come to my attention through phone calls from the public that the Board of Supervisors has stopped making payments to the Town of Tunica after the Board filed a lawsuit alleging that the payments to Tunica are unconstitutional.  I would urge you o reconsider this this position.  Although Miss. Code Ann. Section 19-13-31 allows a board of supervisors to reject claims found by board to be illegal, the local and private law has not yet been declared unconstitutional and/or illegal and you have not yet received an injunction relieving you from the requirements of that law.

Performing these actions without the benefit of a court order can leave you subject to civil penalties.  Mississippi Code Annotated Section 19-13-27 provides for a penalty of the Clerk of the Board that fails to keep the Docket book according to the statute, which can be collected on his or her bond.  Also, section 25-1-73 provides that any county officer whose duty is to be custodian of public funds and who shall improperly withheld the funds or shall fail to turn the funds over to the proper custodian shall be liable on his bond for all costs of collection or recovery, including interest in funds improperly withheld.  Section 25-1-45 also provides for damages for neglect of official duty."

There is more written in the above referenced article.  However, at this time I am only going to write about the letter.

1. The Board of Supervisors' Meeting was on 30 Mar 2015 @5p.  The letter is also dated 30 Mar 2015.  As I understand it, this letter was addressed in Executive Session as there was not time to vet the letter before the meeting.  I have asked Supervisors, Williams, Nickson, Daley, the Chancery Clerk and the County Adminstrator if they released this letter before it was made public.  The above 3 Supervisors and the CC and the CA have advised me they did not release the letter.  This would leave Dunn and Burnett.  Of course, there were other people in the Executive Session.  So, take your pick.

2. Notice that the lawsuit being referenced in this letter is Tunica County v Town of Tunica and Tunica County School District.  The letter only refers to the Town of Tunica.  Hmmm....

3. Goggle: MS Auditor duties:

4: Goggle: MS Code Ann. 19-13-31

5. Goggle: MS Code Ann. 19-13-27

6. Goggle: MS Code Ann. 25-1-73

6. Goggle: MS Code Ann. 25-1-45

In MHO, there has been game playing in the Town of Tunica and Tunica County for way too long.  We have serious problems and it is going to take all of us working together to move to brighter days.  This letter is nothing more then a distraction.

Anyone want to fess up to making phone calls to the State Auditor's Office and explaining why the Tunica County School District was not included in the letter? 

I welcome any and all rebuttals and comments.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

6 Apr 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Last night at the BOS's Meeting, the Transparency Committee submitted a report.  Since the NCAA Championship was starting at 8p, I removed a good bit of the report to shorten the presentation and because I just didn't feel like getting upset with my Supervisor on game night.  Boy, was I wrong.  I should have presented the report as written.  Don't know about you, but I have had just about enough of the Beat 2 Supervisor's attacks on our County Administrator.

6 Apr 2015: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p 

Thank you for the appointment this evening. 

We have a 2 subjects in our presentation tonight.    

The first item concerns the list of employees and their salary or rate of pay that was promised to be made a part of this Board’s Minutes for the past month and a half.  We are hoping that Mr. Oliver will complete this list soon.  Why is this important?  Aside from the public’s right to know, this is an election year and hopefully candidates will make themselves aware of this information. 

Secondly, there is another piece of information that would be helpful to the community.  I know several contracts have been renegotiated by the County Administrator.  Is it possible for you all to present a working list to the public as each contract is redone so that we can see the progress that is being made?  I would be happy to post these results on the Transparency Blog for everyone to see and perhaps the Tunica Times would do the same. 

This list could start with the ambulance service contract that has already been renegotiated.  The original contract was for $720,000 per year.  The County Administrator negotiated this contract down to $580,000 per year for a savings of $140,000 per year.  This is the same amount we are paying Mr. Thompson.
End of Report
What was removed from the report was an observation of the continued and outrageous and loud demand of the Beat 2 Supervisor calling for the termination of our County Administrator. 
Here's what I think:
1. The Beat 2 Supervisor has requested to fire the CA and make Rechelle Siggers and Adrian McKay Co-County Administrators.
This is what is wrong with this idea:  Siggers is an elected official with duties specified in the MS Code.  It is improper for an elected official to assign duties to another elected official. 
In McKay's case, he is the Comptroller.  If the reader will take the time to look at the audit exceptions in our Audited Financial Statements, you will find that control is lost when the Comptroller and the CA are the same person.   Tunica County has been guilty of this practice for many years.  Secondly, in the case of McKay, he has a degree in accounting.  He is not a CPA.  More then a few Tunicans either don't know the difference or think that this does not matter.  It does matter.
2. The Beat 2 Supervisor has requested the firing of the CA because he does not live here.  Really?  Well, neither do many other Tunica County employees; including McKay and the HR Manager Rev. Oliver.  And while we are on this subject, do not think some of us have forgotten that we don't believe you live here either.  Parking a car in front of your mother's property isn't fooling anyone.
3. Last night the Beat 2 Supervisor again requested the termination of the CA on the basis of including an invoice in the Claims when the invoice was not supported by a contract.  I can't even get my head around that one.  To my way of thinking if the invoice had not been laid on the Board Table, then the BOS would not be aware of the request for payment.
All in all, why is the gallery being subjected to these ridiculous outbursts from this Supervisor?  At almost every meeting he experiences some type of explosion.  Thank the good Lord and all of his Angels, we will not have to put up with this much longer.  As of 1 Jan 2016, Beat 2 will have a new Supervisor.  If it's not me, I am praying it is someone who will not think on the basis of rumors passed around in their circle of friends.  Beat 2 needs a Supervisor who is willing to make decisions on facts.
Bob and I just came back from lunch where we were told another untrue statement about how much we are paying the current County Administrator.  Here it is folks: