Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Letter to the Editor and Comment

This letter appeared in the Tunica Times on 4 Jul 2014.  There is a comment from the 7 Jul 2014 Board of Supervisors' Meeting below the letter.

30 Apr 2014

Hello Supervisors….

Just returned from a Board of Supervisors’ meeting that was very poorly attended.  Yes, it is the beginning of a holiday week.  That being said, your evening meetings have been very well attended.  So, I have to ask, what was the reason you changed the meetings in Jun and Jul to 9a?  Was it for your convenience?  You only have to look at the audience to see the results of this decision.

Now, on to the reason for this letter to the Editor:  This morning there was a discussion about bringing the Battle Arena income into General Accounting.  Supervisor Dunn and Supervisor Burnett seemed to be caught unaware that there was not a system in place to receipt the monies brought into the Arena and that the Arena Board of Directors were making decisions that were not approved by you the Tunica County Board of Supervisors.  Really?  And you’ve been on the BOS for how long?

And Supervisors Dunn and Burnett wanted the County Administrator to discuss recommendations with them before bringing them before the public.  Hey you two, we’ve had enough of you not wanting to have full discussions in a public meeting.  We want to know why recommendations are being made.  We want the facts, all of the facts.  We want Transparency.

Barbara Tuchel
Tunicans for Transparency in Government
End of letter...

Well, it didn't take long for Supervisor Dunn to go against his own request.  Towards the end of the 7 Jul 2014 meeting, Dunn brought up the subject of garbage collection fees.  Apparently, this was new information for Nickson, Daley and Williams.  King James strikes again.

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