The following story appeared above the fold on the front page of the Friday, 25 July 2014 issue of the Tunica Times. The byline is Monica Coleman.
I am entering the entire article in this blog so that I can make more then a few comments about this report. In no way is this a criticism of Ms Coleman's reporting. I'm using her article to correct...well, to say a few words about our infamous Sheriff: K. C. Hamp. My comments are hilighted in yellow.
Begin article
Special judge Joe Brown of Quitman County found Tunica County Administrator Michael L. Thompson guilty of driving with a suspended license Friday in Tunica County Justice Court. Thompson's attorney, Scott Colom of Columbus, said he has already filed a notice of appeal. Good, I'm happy this verdict is going to be appealed.
Tunica County Justice Court Clerk Jennifer Williams said Monday that any appeal would go to Circuit Court and that she was not aware if an appeal had been filed.
"After Mr. Thompson is found not guilty, I will take it to federal court," Colom added. Fantastic!
Colum said Thompson received a speeding ticket in Montgomery County more than a year ago and forgot to pay the ticket but was never issued an arrest warrant. Thompson did not know he was driving with a suspended license, Colom said.
"He got a ticket. He forgot about it," Colom said. "It happens all the time." And this warrants the treatment Mr. Thompson received while in the custody of the Tunica County Sheriff? Remember ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Thompson was in one of Hamp's orange jumpsuits within an hour of his arrest and his picture was on the internet. Don't even try to say this isn't personal. Oh, and Hamp, what about the bond? Think we forgot about that? So, tell us in your own words, Sheriff Hamp, what happened during the night while Mr. Thompson was in your custody? Mr. Thompson's blood pressure went up and he was transported to the hospital in cuffs and shackles in the back of one of your automobiles. What the heck is wrong with you Hamp? You know full well that this County pays $60,000.00 per month for ambulance service and you aren't smart enough to pick up the phone and call for help? Hamp we don't need a Sheriff who can't think on his feet and we are sick of your stupid games. We have problems in this county, big problems. Why don't you put your effort toward solving more crimes?
Colom said he's concerned, however, about the circumstances surrounding the arrest.
"The police admitted on the stand that he knew Mr. Thompson's license was suspended before asking him to take the wheel after the stop," Colom said. "That's classic entrapment." Mr. Thompson was set-up. It has been previously reported that the duputy asked Mr. Thompson to drive because Mr. Wiley appeared sleepy. Yes, this is entrapment.
Thompson was arrested February 12 by local sheriff's deputies and held in county jail for several hours on an alleged outstanding warrant from another county. The court transcript and police report were not available or able to be obtained at the time of this report. There was not any warrant. "Alleged outstanding warrant" my eye. Hamp you know this not to be true.
That alleged outstanding warrant never existed, according to Colom. Colom contends the arrest was Tunica County Sheriff K. C. Hamp's attempt to bring shame upon Thompson. That is exactly right. Hamp was playing another one of his games.
Hamp said this week that he has no personal grievance with Thompson. He said Colom's claims about him are flawed. Hamp, if you believe this to be true, you are either stating something you know not to be true or you are delusional. I'm going to repeat a previous comment so maybe you will start to get the point.
And this warrants the treatment Mr. Thompson received while in the custody of the Tunica County Sheriff? Remember ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Thompson was in one of Hamp's orange jumpsuits within an hour of his arrest and his picture was on the internet. And Sheriff Hamp, what happened during the night while Mr. Thompson was in your custody? Mr. Thompson's blood pressure went up and he was transported to the hospital in cuffs and shackles in the back of one of your automobiles. What the heck is wrong with you Hamp? You know full well that this County pays $60,000.00 per month for ambulance service and you aren't smart enough to pick up the phone and call for help?
If this is the treatment everyone receives in your custody, you need to resign. Would you care to tell the good citizens of Tunica County how many lawsuits have been lodge against the Tunica County Sheriff's Department?
"You can't set up a person that already has a suspended license and a potential warrant," he said. "A copy of the warrant was on file with the Justice Court. It was void after [County Board attorney Ellis] Pittman got involved." A "potential warrant"? What the heck is that? Then the Sheriff goes on to say: "A copy of the warrant was on file with the Justice Court." Seems to me Judge Louise Linzy wrote a letter to the Tunica Times saying that was not true. Louise, if I'm mistaken here, please say so.
"The judge made his findings. He found him guilty after the officer gave testimony," Hamp added. From what is reported in this article..."the police admitted on the stand that he knew Mr. Thompson's license was suspended before asking him to take the wheel after the stop." That's entrapment Hamp, plain and simple.
Tunica County supervisor Henry Nickson, Jr. said he didn't attend the trial but was aware of the verdict. He said the board does not plan to take any action at this time, since an appeal was filed. What? A person gets a traffic ticket and is harrassed by the Sheriff's Department and there is even a hint that something other then an apology will be forthcoming?
"We're letting it work out. He is consulting with his attorney to go through with the matter. We're just waiting to hear from his side and what the Sheriff's Department is going to do," Nickson said. Don't you think the Sheriff's Department has done enough? How about this: Call the Attorney General's department of integrity and make a complaint. How about that?
Tunica County Board of Supervisors President James Dunn said he was not aware that a trial for Thompson had taken place on Friday and that he had no comment. Yeah, me neither.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
23 Jul 2014 BOS Meeting
Just came back from the above 9a meeting. May I take a moment to say I am very tired of my Supervisor's ridiculous reasoning during these meetings. My mother used to tell me that if I was ignorant about a subject to keep my mouth shut rather then open it and remove all doubt. Beat #2, we deserve better then this. Let's work together and find someone who will help with the changes we need to make in our County. For those of you who have supported Burnett in the past because he is your long time friend, please come to the meetings and watch the result of your vote.
Now, onto what went on in the meeting. The agenda item was to "consider health Insurance waiting period for new employees - 30 days waiting period (insurance becomes effective the 1st day of the month after the waiting period)".
The information I was handed in writing appears below:
"The disadvantage and advantage of having a waiting period plays a part in what rate the group could get. For example, if you choose ZERO day waiting period, your plan rate may have (a) 5% to 25% increase vs (a)90 day waiting period. The lower the waiting period the higher your rate could be vs the higher the waiting period, the lower the rate could be. Most Counties do have a 90 day waiting period, such as Jasper County, Claiborne county, and Jefferson County to name a few.
Having (a) ZERO day waiting period is a major risk for the group because it is putting the whole group at risk for a higher rate. Example, if a member has been with the group for 10 years and did not use the claims and the group hires a new employee that has major medical claims; the group's liability will increase because of the new employee that has major medical claims; the group's liability will increase because of the new employee's outrageous claim usage. That is not fair to employees that have been there for 10 years becuase now the rate just increased.
When insurance companies rate a group based on risk factor(s) they look at average age, gender, height and weight, and waiting period to quote the group premiums.
(The) Tunica County Board of Supervisors use to have a self funded plan, therefore all the liability was on the County.
Self Funded Plan:
(In a self funded plan the liability) falls onto the employer. Therefore, the employer can choose whether to have (a) waiting period or not. Claims will come out of the group escrow account. Liability is always higher because they take on all risks.
Example: Employee hired and insured (on the) same day (means the) employer will run into a possibility of (the new) employee being (previously) sick... (The) county takes on...(this)... liability immediately.
Fully Funded Plan:
(In a fully funded plan liability) is paid for by the insurance company. Therefore, (the insurance company puts in) a waiting protet the employer. Liability is on insurance company and not (on) the employer. (Better) rates for renewal.
30/60/90 Day waiting period
(Rate Risk) Factor:
0 day waiting period - Very High
30 day waiting period - High
60 day waiting period - Average
90 day waiting period - Lower"
The BOS voted to amend the employee handbook to reflect their concensus to be fair to new and present employees and to save the County money. After the motion was made and a vote taken, Burnett arrived at the meeting. Burnett started with his ridiculous statements which necessitated the County Administrator and the Chancery Clerk to repeat to him what had already been cleared from the agenda.
Blogger's note: Look to the ACA (Obamacare) for portability and other benefits for transitioning employees.
Now, onto what went on in the meeting. The agenda item was to "consider health Insurance waiting period for new employees - 30 days waiting period (insurance becomes effective the 1st day of the month after the waiting period)".
The information I was handed in writing appears below:
"The disadvantage and advantage of having a waiting period plays a part in what rate the group could get. For example, if you choose ZERO day waiting period, your plan rate may have (a) 5% to 25% increase vs (a)90 day waiting period. The lower the waiting period the higher your rate could be vs the higher the waiting period, the lower the rate could be. Most Counties do have a 90 day waiting period, such as Jasper County, Claiborne county, and Jefferson County to name a few.
Having (a) ZERO day waiting period is a major risk for the group because it is putting the whole group at risk for a higher rate. Example, if a member has been with the group for 10 years and did not use the claims and the group hires a new employee that has major medical claims; the group's liability will increase because of the new employee that has major medical claims; the group's liability will increase because of the new employee's outrageous claim usage. That is not fair to employees that have been there for 10 years becuase now the rate just increased.
When insurance companies rate a group based on risk factor(s) they look at average age, gender, height and weight, and waiting period to quote the group premiums.
(The) Tunica County Board of Supervisors use to have a self funded plan, therefore all the liability was on the County.
Self Funded Plan:
(In a self funded plan the liability) falls onto the employer. Therefore, the employer can choose whether to have (a) waiting period or not. Claims will come out of the group escrow account. Liability is always higher because they take on all risks.
Example: Employee hired and insured (on the) same day (means the) employer will run into a possibility of (the new) employee being (previously) sick... (The) county takes on...(this)... liability immediately.
Fully Funded Plan:
(In a fully funded plan liability) is paid for by the insurance company. Therefore, (the insurance company puts in) a waiting protet the employer. Liability is on insurance company and not (on) the employer. (Better) rates for renewal.
30/60/90 Day waiting period
(Rate Risk) Factor:
0 day waiting period - Very High
30 day waiting period - High
60 day waiting period - Average
90 day waiting period - Lower"
The BOS voted to amend the employee handbook to reflect their concensus to be fair to new and present employees and to save the County money. After the motion was made and a vote taken, Burnett arrived at the meeting. Burnett started with his ridiculous statements which necessitated the County Administrator and the Chancery Clerk to repeat to him what had already been cleared from the agenda.
Blogger's note: Look to the ACA (Obamacare) for portability and other benefits for transitioning employees.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Handing our Military Pink Slips
Yesterday, a friend...and I do consider her a very dear friend eventhough she's a Republican :) brought up the news report of the military drawdown. I did mention that I had read an article about this subject but had not had time to investigate it. That's what I do...investigate...that's why I'm a Whistleblower. BTW, all corrections of what I found or think I found are welcome. Just enter your information in the comments section of this blog.
So, here we go. The budget sequestration went into effect on 1 Mar 2013. Remember President Obama saying this was not a smart thing to do? Yes, I believe this was President Obama's idea but he didn't think Republican would really do it. Why? Because it is not smart. The President was trying to get the House to move on something...anything. Well, he did that alright. The House, incharge of all things money, shut down the government and didn't repeal the sequestration legislation.
The sequestration legislation is an across the board cut in federal spending. Every department is included and this will last until 2021 unless we Democrates overturn the House or Republicans convince their representatives they don't want it.
Now, back to the Military Pink Slips. The Defense Department was not left out of the sequestration cuts. So, how are they going to make their cuts and get the most bang for their buck after the wars have ended? It seems the Department of Defense has decided to make most of their cuts at the highest level. After all, it wouldn't help their bottom line to cut a bunch of Privates.
How does this help America? In my opinion it just makes us weaker and we are losing our investment in the training of these high level military men and women. On an emotional level, I think any American who qualifies for service in the Military should be able to join and retire from the Military if they so choose. They sure shouldn't be booted for budgetary reasons.
Now, let's talk about some action. IMHO what Republicans need to do is write to their representatives in Congress and ask them to repeal sequestration. Sequestration is a Republican problem because they allowed it to go into effect on 1 Mar 2013. That shouldn't have happened and the government shutdown shouldn't have happened either. Republicans need to write to President Obama and tell them they don't agree with the Military Pink Slip decision. Republicans or anyone can start an online petition at You might try that.
What am I going to do? Hmmm, both Senators in MS are Republicans. I might write to them and ask them to speak with some of their colleagues in the House. My Representative in the House is a Democrat and he's already on board with these ideas. I may send yet another letter to President Obama. Mostly, I've been writing to President Obama about the VA so maybe he would be interested in hearing from me on another subject. I like writing to my representatives in government. That's what Whistleblowers do.
The bottom line is this: This problem was caused by Republican inaction. If you don't like it, stand up and do something about it.
So, here we go. The budget sequestration went into effect on 1 Mar 2013. Remember President Obama saying this was not a smart thing to do? Yes, I believe this was President Obama's idea but he didn't think Republican would really do it. Why? Because it is not smart. The President was trying to get the House to move on something...anything. Well, he did that alright. The House, incharge of all things money, shut down the government and didn't repeal the sequestration legislation.
The sequestration legislation is an across the board cut in federal spending. Every department is included and this will last until 2021 unless we Democrates overturn the House or Republicans convince their representatives they don't want it.
Now, back to the Military Pink Slips. The Defense Department was not left out of the sequestration cuts. So, how are they going to make their cuts and get the most bang for their buck after the wars have ended? It seems the Department of Defense has decided to make most of their cuts at the highest level. After all, it wouldn't help their bottom line to cut a bunch of Privates.
How does this help America? In my opinion it just makes us weaker and we are losing our investment in the training of these high level military men and women. On an emotional level, I think any American who qualifies for service in the Military should be able to join and retire from the Military if they so choose. They sure shouldn't be booted for budgetary reasons.
Now, let's talk about some action. IMHO what Republicans need to do is write to their representatives in Congress and ask them to repeal sequestration. Sequestration is a Republican problem because they allowed it to go into effect on 1 Mar 2013. That shouldn't have happened and the government shutdown shouldn't have happened either. Republicans need to write to President Obama and tell them they don't agree with the Military Pink Slip decision. Republicans or anyone can start an online petition at You might try that.
What am I going to do? Hmmm, both Senators in MS are Republicans. I might write to them and ask them to speak with some of their colleagues in the House. My Representative in the House is a Democrat and he's already on board with these ideas. I may send yet another letter to President Obama. Mostly, I've been writing to President Obama about the VA so maybe he would be interested in hearing from me on another subject. I like writing to my representatives in government. That's what Whistleblowers do.
The bottom line is this: This problem was caused by Republican inaction. If you don't like it, stand up and do something about it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
7 Jul 2014 BOS's Meeting and the Battle Arena
What needs to be said first is that the President of the Board of Supervisors needs to bone up on Robert's Rules of Order. If one wants to place something on the published agenda, one needs to ask to amend the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. It's about time you learned this James.
Okay, on to the discussion surrounding the Battle Arena. A member of the Board of Directors of the Arena was recognized by the President of the BOSs when he was not listed on the agenda. Further, after giving his report, this person kept getting up from his seat and interrupting the meeting. So, why is that James? You would have asked the Sheriff to remove anyone else who acted like this.
During his time at the podium this member of the Board of Directors from the Arena made several remarks that had nothing to do with the business at hand. One of the remarks was directed to County Administrator Michael Thompson. The Director said Michael didn't live here. Now, I have been a big proponent of hire Tunica first. However, I have come to realize this does not work in all cases. We had a County Administrator who lived here and look at the mess we are in. Besides, our last County Administrator was not a CPA. Michael Thompson is a CPA. Big difference.
The second remark had to do with an Arena employee who resigned because of the instability of the BOS. Maybe this Director would like to research his statement a bit more to make sure he has all of the facts.
The third remark was directed to Comptroller Adrian McKay. The Arena Director said he was one of the "officials" at the Arena and he was not notified when McKay met with Steve Sosebee. The Arena Director clarified his statement by saying he was one of three officials at the Arena. What the heck is all of this about? Who said he was an Arena "official"?
Now let's get to his report. Apparently, there were 25 pages to his report showing income at the Arena. And this changes needing an Enterprise Fund how? There wasn't one thing in this report that allowed the citizens of Tunica County to look at one account and see how the income and expenses for the Arena stacked up. That's why we need an Enterprise Fund and that's why we need to change the way monies are handled at the Arena.
Okay, on to the discussion surrounding the Battle Arena. A member of the Board of Directors of the Arena was recognized by the President of the BOSs when he was not listed on the agenda. Further, after giving his report, this person kept getting up from his seat and interrupting the meeting. So, why is that James? You would have asked the Sheriff to remove anyone else who acted like this.
During his time at the podium this member of the Board of Directors from the Arena made several remarks that had nothing to do with the business at hand. One of the remarks was directed to County Administrator Michael Thompson. The Director said Michael didn't live here. Now, I have been a big proponent of hire Tunica first. However, I have come to realize this does not work in all cases. We had a County Administrator who lived here and look at the mess we are in. Besides, our last County Administrator was not a CPA. Michael Thompson is a CPA. Big difference.
The second remark had to do with an Arena employee who resigned because of the instability of the BOS. Maybe this Director would like to research his statement a bit more to make sure he has all of the facts.
The third remark was directed to Comptroller Adrian McKay. The Arena Director said he was one of the "officials" at the Arena and he was not notified when McKay met with Steve Sosebee. The Arena Director clarified his statement by saying he was one of three officials at the Arena. What the heck is all of this about? Who said he was an Arena "official"?
Now let's get to his report. Apparently, there were 25 pages to his report showing income at the Arena. And this changes needing an Enterprise Fund how? There wasn't one thing in this report that allowed the citizens of Tunica County to look at one account and see how the income and expenses for the Arena stacked up. That's why we need an Enterprise Fund and that's why we need to change the way monies are handled at the Arena.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Letter to the Editor and Comment

This letter appeared in the Tunica Times on 4 Jul 2014. There is a comment from the 7 Jul 2014 Board of Supervisors' Meeting below the letter.
30 Apr 2014
Hello Supervisors….
Just returned
from a Board of Supervisors’ meeting that was very poorly attended. Yes, it is the beginning of a holiday
week. That being said, your evening
meetings have been very well attended.
So, I have to ask, what was the reason you changed the meetings in Jun
and Jul to 9a? Was it for your
convenience? You only have to look at
the audience to see the results of this decision.
Now, on to
the reason for this letter to the Editor:
This morning there was a discussion about bringing the Battle Arena
income into General Accounting.
Supervisor Dunn and Supervisor Burnett seemed to be caught unaware that
there was not a system in place to receipt the monies brought into the Arena
and that the Arena Board of Directors were making decisions that were not
approved by you the Tunica County Board of Supervisors. Really?
And you’ve been on the BOS for how long?
Supervisors Dunn and Burnett wanted the County Administrator
to discuss recommendations with them before bringing them before the
public. Hey you two, we’ve had enough of
you not wanting to have full discussions in a public meeting. We want to know why recommendations are being
made. We want the facts, all of the
facts. We want Transparency.
Barbara Tuchel
Tunicans for Transparency in Government
End of letter...
Well, it didn't take long for Supervisor Dunn to go against his own request. Towards the end of the 7 Jul 2014 meeting, Dunn brought up the subject of garbage collection fees. Apparently, this was new information for Nickson, Daley and Williams. King James strikes again.
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