Monday, April 7, 2014

Letter to the Editor from Bob



Lately, we have seen the County’s power structure attempt to control through intimidation.  Simply check the records and news stories for the events surrounding our County Administrator, County Comptroller, and Board of Supervisors’ Lawyer.  There was no legal basis for the actions taken and that leaves us to conclude they were efforts to intimidate and control.  It is not working as the perpetrators envisioned.  These three County employees are too well grounded in ethics and have strong, well documented skills.  Strongly held ethics and excellent skills are scaring some of our “power elite.”  The “power elite’s” control is slipping from their grasp.  So, the next attempt to control is under way. 

The latest effort to control took place at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting, 14 March 2014.  It looks okay at first reading. Given any thought and it unravels. Set the salary for the Comptroller at a low figure and open the job to all applicants.  Seems okay to you?  It is not okay. It is an effort to replace the current Comptroller with someone the “power elite” can control.  The replacement has already been selected and will be placed in the position as soon as it can be “managed.”  Why replace a fully skilled, competent individual now acting as Comptroller?  Control is the logical answer.  What a waste of county money and energy…all for what purpose?  Certainly not for the good of the County.

Robert Tuchel

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