Monday, April 7, 2014

7 Apr 2014 Update on Stennis Report [1-12]

7 Apr 2014: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

Thank you for your appointment this evening.

We wanted to make a follow-up report on the Stennis Institute Report:

  1. Ms. Jones appeared before this Board and stated that this report is “on going.”  If this is true then why was this 156 page report printed on November 26, 2013, in what appears to be a final format?

  1. On page 78 of the printed report the following statement appears: “The approved (Sponsored Programs) contract will run from July 1 – October 31, 2013 to allow for document revisions and the final presentation.”  How is this "on going?"

  1. Ms. Jones indicated that job descriptions would be needed to complete the survey.  Do we or do we not have job descriptions for all employees?  ________

  1. On page 77 of the printed report the following statement appears: “As part of the Scope of Work to update the study, these (job) descriptions will be reviewed by current Tunica County personnel serving in each position.  The current employee will update his/her duties.  New job descriptions will be developed for positions within the County’s two clinics.  As discussed, (the) director of the clinics will coordinate gathering information for these job descriptions.”

  1. We now know there are not one but two doctors at the clinics.  We also understand there is a third doctor who comes in on the weekends only.  We have not been able to verify the following information: One of the doctors at the clinics is here on a work visa and recently the clinics paid several thousand dollars to renew her visa.  If you find that this is true, please let the public know why we would do that. [STOP] 

  1. This report does not read true in the assignment of individuals and their salaries to proper departments.  For instance, in past years, there were several individuals who were listed as employees in Administration.  One of these individuals was Gene Osborn who was the Health Administrator.  Is the new Health Administrator still listed under Administration? ______

  1. Another job slot was totally left out of the Stennis Report.  This would be the Grounds Keeper at Tunica National.  This is important because this individual is paid around $90K in salary.  When benefits are added to this amount we are looking at an expense of at least $100K.  Why not transfer this job to Kemper Sports and get it off Tunica County’s books?

  1. On page 28, there is a listing of 12 departments to be evaluated.  These departments are: Administration, Tax Assessor, Courts, Arena & Expo Center, Maintenance, Jail, Parks & Recreation, Planning, Solid Waste, Roads, Clinics and the Sheriff’s Department.  Note: The Sheriff’s Department has 3 subsets: Investigation Division, Narcotics Division and Administration.

  1. On pages 29 through 40 of the Stennis Report, there are charts for some of the above 12 departments and some of the above departments have been lumped together in one chart.  An example would be the chart on page 29 that lumps together Administration and Taxes.

  1. The job slots in the chart are listed as follows: Comptroller, Community Affairs Director, Accounts Payable Clerk, Administrative Assistant, MIS Director, Payroll Clerk, Purchasing Agent, Receptionist, Tax Assessor Deputy Collector.

  1. Notes: It can be understood why the MIS Director is placed under Administration as there is no other place to put this job within the 12 departments listed on page 28.  Additionally, there is also another employee in the MIS department who is not listed.  There has not been a Receptionist position in Administration as Rosie was transferred to another department years ago.

  1. On page 31 there is a chart for the Arena and Expo Center.  Within this chart is the position of Sales Manager with a salary of $46,220.  Where did this come from?
This report will be updated as we go along.  You will know this report has been updated when the bracketed numbers in the title change from [1-12].



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