Monday, March 3, 2014

3 Mar 2014 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Sure do like the new way the prior month's minutes are being read.  This method not only allows the Supervisors to review the past month but the public can make their own notes.

Here are some of the notes I made:

1. Still to be decided by the Supervisors is the County policy about taking home vehicles.  Note: This is a good time to remind those who are taking home County vehicles that you will most likely receive a tax form 1099 and will have to claim this action as income on your taxes.

2. Claims for Jan 2014: Supervisors Burnett voted no.

3. Payroll for 13 Feb 2014: Supervisor Burnett voted no.

4. A statement from Supervisor Nickson was recorded.  The statement said he does not feel safe for himself, his family and his friends because of Sheriff Hamp.

5. On 27 Feb 2014 the Transparency Committee made a presentation to the Board of Supervisors.  The presentation talked about 501c3 status for our Component Units, Claims, and information for the Election Commission through the BOS questioning the residency of the Beat 2 Supervisor and his wife.

6. The BOS voted to move Open Enrollment for healthcare and cafeteria plans to one date instead of 2 dates that are presently months apart.  Supervisor Burnett voted no.

7. A decision concerning Appropriation reductions was to be moved to the 3 Mar 2014 meeting. 

8. Payroll for 27 Feb 2014: All Supervisors voted in the affirmative.  Note: Guess Supervisor Burnett read our letter to the editor about him voting no on payroll.  Interesting.  Supervisors are paid at the end of each month.  Pleeeease!!!!

9. Approval of the minutes for Feb 2014: Supervisor Burnett voted no.

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