Saturday, August 18, 2012

Still Asking...Why is MS a Red State?

And...reason #3 not to vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket.

It happened in March 2012.  On 13 Mar 2012 Romney was quoted as saying: "Planned Parenthood.  We're going to get rid of that."

On 20 Mar 2012, President Obama was quoted as saying: "If you truly care about families, you shouldn't play politics with a woman's health."

Remember all of the outcry about defunding Planned Parenthood?  Some of those voices came from MS.

To recap:

1. Paul Ryan is the lead dog for Personhood legislation and MS voted against Personhood.
2. Paul Ryan voted against the "Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act."
3. Mitt Romney has said he is "going to get rid of " Planned Parenthood.

So, why would MS support the Romney/Ryan ticket?

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