Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More from the Board of Supervisors' Meeting 15 Aug 2012

Next subject:  Redistricting.

Supervisor Dunn presented a company to help plan how Tunica County was going to come into compliance with the 2010 Census.

Supervisor Burnett said something about Dunn contacting this company without first getting permission from the rest of the BOS.  Are you kidding me?  Burnett you served on the former Board of Supervisors and you all elected to save this piece of business for the new Board.  What have you done to help move this County forward?  Did you do any research or make any presentations? 

The answer is no.  You do nothing but take-up space at the Board of Supervisors' table.  When you don't get your way, you raise your voice.  You are not earning the money Tunica County is paying you.

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