From time to time, I receive messages though my email. Most of the time they are complaints about Tunica County and what the Transparency Committee "should" be doing. We're not going to use names of senders. We will include my replies.
Just for your information, Tunica National Golf & Tennis made money
last year even with the flooding of the Mississippi River which shut
down the casinos in Tunica County. The golf course was built to give
the people staying at the casinos something more to do than just
gamble. The golf course was not built for the few people who live in
Tunica that play golf.
Where did you get this information...about Tunica National making money? The records I've seen does not back this up.
Also, the casinos have two golf courses for their customers...Cottonwood and RiverBend Links. What we did when we opened National had the result of taking business away from the hand that feeds us...i.e. the casino industry.
Now, had Tunica County done a feasibility study and found we were lacking a Tennis facility to attract business to the county and the casinos, I would have no problem with that.
Seriously, please tell me where the profit is recorded for Tunica National.
I don't know where it is recorded and I don't have the need to know as you don't. Harrah's, Sam's Town, Hollywood & the Grand had a golf course to play on. That leaves 5 that didn't have a golf course to send their players to.
If you want to report on wasteful spending by the county government,
you need to look at the number of people who are working at the
Recreation Centers and doing nothing. White Oak, Dundee, and the one
with the pool just north of town. If you go by any of these
recreation centers any time during the day you will find people who
are doing nothing. Now these people are collecting a pay check,
probably insurance, and probably retirement pay. Then you have the
janitor Eddie at the county building that works more than 40 hours a
Reply to the last 2 messages:
I did not appreciate your remark about it not being my business or any other Tunican's for that matter to know how much money we are spending on anything and that includes Tunica National.
As you well know. I have been working on this Recreation Dept stuff for the last 4 years. Where are you with the help? .
For your information, Riverbend Links accepted vouchers from any Casino. Do your homework and then maybe we could get something done. Right now, it appears you are speaking as a golfer who enjoys playing at Tunica National and you don't care how much it costs the County.
Let's just start with this: What greens keeper makes $90k per year? Maybe Augusta?
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