Thursday, April 12, 2012


This number represents the anticipated graduation rate in the public school district of Tunica County for the 2011-2012 school year. This letter is not about the current Superintendent of Education. This letter is about the process of how we have chosen to fill our Superintendent position.

A couple of weeks ago, Bob and I attended a special ceremony honoring Dr. Bobby Papasan. What I think I understood from the many comments was that we need to be hiring a Superintendent of Education not electing a Superintendent of Education. This is a belief long held in our household.

Why are we allowing the future of our children and the future development of our County to be decided by a popularity contest? Didn’t we learn anything from the past election and re-election of our former Superintendent of Education?

We need to change the process from electing to hiring the best qualified candidate to be our Superintendent of Education.

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