Friday, November 4, 2011

So, where were all of the Supervisors?

Last night, Bob and I attended a meeting about longterm aid for Tunicans who suffered losses in the Spring floods. Bob and I didn't have any losses. We just wanted to find out what was going on.

There were 3 candidates for Supervisor there but no incumbent Supervisors bothered to show up nor did they send a representative unless you want to count the Sheriff.

Just so you know, Sheriff Hamp, none of us were fooled by your remarks. It is easy for folks to recognize when someone is sincere and when someone is attempting to spin the facts. As you said: "Let's be honest."

The 3 candidates in attendance were all candidates for Supervisor. The 3 candidates attending were District 2 Candidate for Supervisor, Mark E. Hudson and both District 5 Candidates for Supervisor, McKinley Daley and Rico Harris.

As a resident of District 2, it sure felt good to have Candidate Mark Hudson there. I almost didn't know how to act. To have someone show some interest in what's going on in our District and our County? Wow, it was nice.

And, get this, as soon a Mr. Hudson found out that Tunica County didn't have representation on this longterm committee, he volunteered to serve. Thanks Mark.

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