Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Candidates Financial Reporting

Today, I went to the Courthouse to review the Candidates Financial Reports. It is scary to realize that one week from today, we will have elected some of these candidates to public office. I mean, can we trust you with the Tunica coffers if you can't even fill out a simple report?


1. One candidate reported $800 in contributions and $800 in expenses. What's wrong with this? Where is the Distribution part of the report? This particular candidate had to have spent more then $800 in printing.

2. Another candidate listed contributions but no expenses. So, did the T-shirts and printing in the Tunica Times just materialize? Or maybe you don't know how to fill out a report? Maybe you think you own your office and can't be bothered with such small details? And why aren't any of your contributions "from around here"?

3. An ex-candidate...that is one who lost his seat in the August Primary...received $1200 after the 2 Aug 2011 Primary. That might be okay but where are the expenses?

Other reports were just a mess. It looked to me like these candidate didn't have a clear picture of money coming in and going out. Don't get me wrong, some reports were just fine.

And it's not just what is in a single report that needs to be explored. What one has to do is look at all of the reports, get the big picture and see what might make you say "huh?"

For instance, one Supervisor made a $1000.00 contribution, through his business, to the Circuit Clerk's campaign and the Sheriff's campaign. Then you see that this Supervisor's opponent works for the Sheriff. There is probably not anything wrong with this in the State of MS but it sure does give me pause.

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