Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Board of Supervisors' Meeting 15 Nov 2011

We are now another $4 million dollars in debt. The first thing on the agenda was "Consider no protest resolution relating to the Community Disaster Loan from FEMA."

But wait...there has been a change in the agenda since 14 Nov 2011 at 1:47p. On this agenda was the following:

Bids: 9a Receive bids for the purchase of riot gear. (Note: Are you kidding me?)

Public Hearing: None.

Appointments: 9:15a Jewelie Brown - Lot Cleanup Issues
9:30a Barbara Tuchel - Transparency Committee

Now to be fair, I received an email from Clifton Johnson on 14 Nov 2011 at about 4p with a note saying that the Board would not be having any appointments today because the Board's Attorney, Andy Dulaney would not there. I've never been to a Board meeting where there was no attorney serving in Dulaney's absence. But hey, something new everyday.

Also, to be fair the information the Transparency Committee requested in a Freedom of Information letter sent on 3 Oct 2011 was attached to this email. Actually, we requested this information be added to the Supervisors' Minutes so that the records would be there for all to see. The requested information was a listing of employees and their wages. We will be discussing this information at the Transparency Committee meeting on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 at 10a.

Okay, so there is the agenda switcheroo.

Now, questions that need to be asked concerning this $4 million loan:

Is any part of this $4 million going to be used to satisfy the Board's "Memo of Understanding" to purchase the land for GreenTech from a private property owner? Want to answer that Clifton, Andy, any of you? Do you know?

This loan is going to be paid back with an increase in property taxes. That was what was stated in the legal advertisement. Are all of the Board of Supervisors going to be effected? District 1: James Dunn: yes; District 2: Cedric Burnett: no (The tax records are in Clara Burnett's name.) District 3: Paul Battle: yes; District 4: Bobby Williams; yes; 5. District 5: Billy Pegram: yes.

Don't think this wasn't strategic planning on the part of the Board of Supervisors. They gave us less then a week to get 1500 signatures on a protest petition. I'm saying less then a week because most of us who really care about this county were involved in getting most of this Board of Supervisors removed from office.

I did ask for an extension until the end of Nov for the registered voters of Tunica County to get their petition of protest together. No can do.

I can't wait until January.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Notice to Ed Walls in the Tunica Times

This is the kind of abuse of power the District 2 Supervisor Cedric Burnett uses to go after anyone who disagrees with him.

All of a sudden, Burnett is interested in cleaning up the North Sub? The Transparency Committee asked you about this in 2009 and you weren't interested in doing your job. As a matter of fact, you said it wasn't your job. You said it was the job of Jewelie Brown and Clifton Johnson. And now? You are targeting citizens. Seems to me, Burnett is using his office to "go after" those who supported his opponent.

How about the New Sub Cedric? Ever think about cleaning that up Cedric? Ever think of "serving" your constituents Cedric? You're just interested in playing games and pushing people around. Does pushing people around make you feel important?

You may have been re-elected but there were many, many votes against you. You need to remember that and start doing your job.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unofficial votes...

Change has come to Tunica County. The counting is not over and it was 12 midnight when I left. There will be changes in the Board of Supervisors...

However, the one race that needs to have a comment is the Superintendent of Education because it is so important. This is the one place where change has to begin in order to turn the future of our children and our County around.

When given the choice, I bet on the Veteran. You can't compare T. Y. Hall's experience to a 20 something. I'll be waiting for him to prove me wrong.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Who really lives there...anybody?

Just went by the Tax Assessors' Office to see who was on the tax records for 1370 Beatline Road. The Tax Assessors' records show Clara Burnett as the taxpayer.

Hmmm, so let's see. District 2 Supervisor, Cedric Burnett, claims he lives there. The Courthouse land records show Clara Burnett transfered the property to Cedric Burnett on 30 Jun 2011 and the tax records are still in his mother's name? Dang, by the time I was in my 40s, my tax records had been in my own name for over 20 years.

And Clara, the Circuit Clerk's office is still showing your voter registration address as 1370 Beatline Road. Need a ride to the Courthouse Clara?

Aren't you all tired of this game playing? We have serious problems in Tunica County and these two seem more interested in playing games then solving the problems of Tunica County. Tunica County residents are not fooled by this craziness.

Freedom of Information Letter

On 3 Oct 2011, our Committee sent the following letter to Tunica County Administrator Clifton Johnson with a copy going to the Board of Supervisors' Attorney, Andy Dulaney. Comments are below the letter:

Sent via email: 3 Oct 2011

3 Oct 2011

Clifton Johnson
County Administrator
Tunica, MS 38676

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Pursuant to the state open records law, MS Code Sections 25-61-1 to 25-61-17, I write to request that a list of all persons employed by Tunica County as of 1 Oct 2011 be made available to the public by placing a copy of this listing in the Oct 2010 minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Tunica County, MS. This list would include the name of each employee, the department to which each employee is assigned and the corresponding salary for this employee for the period covering 1 Oct 2010 through 30 Sep 2011.

It is provided by the MS open records law that a response is expect within fourteen (14) business days (MS Code Section 25-61-5(1)). This is not necessary if you will just make the above request available to the public as stated.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records. I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in a fine of up to $100 and all reasonable litigation expenses (MS Code Section 25-61-15).
Thank you for your assistance.

Barbara R. Tuchel

cc: Andy Dulaney

Today, this email was sent to both Johnson and Dulaney.


Attached please find the FOI letter that our Committee sent to you on 3 Oct 2011. Today, I searched the public records and could not find the requested document within the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors.

Clifton, on your way out you indicated that the Board of Supervisors does not include a list of employees and their pay in their minutes unless there is an increase in pay. If you will search the public records, you will see that this is not true. You offered to give me a copy.

The point of the FOI letter was to make this information available to the public, not just to me. Further, it is the public's right to know who is on their payroll and what each individual is being paid.

Please include this information as an amendment to the Oct 2011 minutes. Also, please put the Transparency Committee on the agenda for the 15 Nov 2011 meeting to discuss this matter.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here is how we stop this loan...

Before 9a on Tue, 15 Nov 2011, Tunicans have to put together a protest petition "signed by not less than fifteen percent (15%) or 1500, whichever is the lesser, of the qualified electors of the County objecting to and protesting against the authorization of the loan..."

"If such protest and objection is filed...the question of authorizing the Loan shall be submitted to an election to be held as provided by the laws of the State of Mississippi."

This is a loan not a grant and we have to pay it back. With what? An increase in revenue from the gaming industry? We aren't expecting that to happen. Didn't I hear that 2 on our casinos have filed for bankruptcy?

What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas. It's going to trickle down to us!

They are going to borrow 4 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!

And pay it back with what...tax increases?

Here's the resolution:

"Resolution of Tunica County, Mississippi (The "County") declaring the intention of the county to authorize the borrowing of an amount not to exceed four million dollars ($4,000,000.00) by entering into a loan with the United States of America, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") relating to the disaster experienced by Tunica County associated with the flooding of the Mississippi River, loss of revenues, damage to public property and infrastructure; and for other authorized purposes under the ACT."

Further, the Public Notice states that "the taxing power of the County will be pledged to the payments of the Loan..." That answers that question.

So, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors has authorized the building of all of this stuff around here and never thought to put money aside for a rainy day?

Throw the bums out!!!!

Superintendent of Education

As we all know, a community without a superior school system is not going to succeed economically. Tunica County's school system is not helping to bring new residents to our county and it is not fair to our children.

We just got rid of Gentry..hey, did you notice how fast that property went up for sale? Gentry doesn't want to help Tunica County. He just wanted to take our money and run. To my way of thinking, Gentry did our children a disservice.

We can't take a chance that the next Superintendent of Education might get things right. We have to know he is going to get things right. He has to know about children.

Did you read the Tunica Times this week? The article about the Halloween Party for the "K.I.D.S"? Very impressive.

If Tunica County voters do the right thing this coming Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011, we will elect a Veteran.

Friday, November 4, 2011

So, where were all of the Supervisors?

Last night, Bob and I attended a meeting about longterm aid for Tunicans who suffered losses in the Spring floods. Bob and I didn't have any losses. We just wanted to find out what was going on.

There were 3 candidates for Supervisor there but no incumbent Supervisors bothered to show up nor did they send a representative unless you want to count the Sheriff.

Just so you know, Sheriff Hamp, none of us were fooled by your remarks. It is easy for folks to recognize when someone is sincere and when someone is attempting to spin the facts. As you said: "Let's be honest."

The 3 candidates in attendance were all candidates for Supervisor. The 3 candidates attending were District 2 Candidate for Supervisor, Mark E. Hudson and both District 5 Candidates for Supervisor, McKinley Daley and Rico Harris.

As a resident of District 2, it sure felt good to have Candidate Mark Hudson there. I almost didn't know how to act. To have someone show some interest in what's going on in our District and our County? Wow, it was nice.

And, get this, as soon a Mr. Hudson found out that Tunica County didn't have representation on this longterm committee, he volunteered to serve. Thanks Mark.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Protests in America

Have you been watching the growing numbers of Americans protesting our national economic problems? I am so excited by what they are doing for all of us.

What can we do in our little part of this great nation? How can we contribute? One thing we can all do next Tue, 8 Nov 2011, is to change our elected officials. They don't own these seats and they are not unbeatable. Some of those running do not live here and therefore they are not as interested in Tunica County as real Tunica County residents.

As Bill Clinton once said...We need to throw the bums out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Candidates Financial Reporting

Today, I went to the Courthouse to review the Candidates Financial Reports. It is scary to realize that one week from today, we will have elected some of these candidates to public office. I mean, really...how can we trust you with the Tunica coffers if you can't even fill out a simple report?


1. One candidate reported $800 in contributions and $800 in expenses. What's wrong with this? Where is the Distribution part of the report? This particular candidate had to have spent more then $800 in printing.

2. Another candidate listed contributions but no expenses. So, did the T-shirts and printing in the Tunica Times just materialize? Or maybe you don't know how to fill out a report? Maybe you think you own your office and can't be bothered with such small details? And why aren't any of your contributions "from around here"?

3. An ex-candidate...that is one who lost his seat in the August Primary...received $1200 after the 2 Aug 2011 Primary. That might be okay but where are the expenses?

Other reports were just a mess. It looked to me like these candidate didn't have a clear picture of money coming in and going out. Don't get me wrong, some reports were just fine.

And it's not just what is in a single report that needs to be explored. What one has to do is look at all of the reports, get the big picture and see what might make you say "huh?"

For instance, one Supervisor made a $1000.00 contribution, through his business, to the Circuit Clerk's campaign and the Sheriff's campaign. Then you see that this Supervisor's opponent works for the Sheriff. There is probably not anything wrong with this in the State of MS but it sure does give me pause.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another reason to have evening BOS meetings...

Just got a phone call about what went on at the 31 Oct 2011 Board of Supervisors' meeting. Haven't had time to check it out yet but from what I was told during the phone call, it was really quite a show.

This is one thing I do know for sure. Board of Supervisors' meetings should be held in the evening so more Tunicans can see what is going on.