Thursday, August 25, 2011

Run-off Election

There has got to be a better way to handle the counting of ballots. We were there until 11p on Tue, 23 Aug and the next day until 4p.

As this committee talked about at the 6 Jan Public Hearing and 9 May Public Hearing: If you want your vote to count, "YOU" are responsible for going to the Courthouse and updating your information. And then, "YOU" need to make sure you are voting in the correct Precinct.

I am going to make another issue about our State Representative Clara Burnett and I will keep making an issue of her lack of responsibility in changing her address until she gets her business taken care of at the Courthouse. Clara: Your address is still listed as 1370 Beatline Road. You don't live there. Do you need a ride to the Courthouse? You may have been re-elected to your position but this does not relieve you of your responsibility in updating your address on the voter rolls.

While we are on the subject of Ms. Burnett: Aren't you on the Education Committee at the State Legislature? So, how come our schools are in such bad shape?

Tunica, we need to find a qualified candidate to run against Clara Burnett the very next time she is up for re-election. As has been stated before, we need to elect persons who will get the job done no matter what the color of their skin happens to be.

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