Monday, April 3, 2017

Action: 3 Apr 2017

Enough said about this in the script.

Senator Roger Wicker: 202-224-6253

Senator Thad Cochran: 202-224-5054


This is ______.  I live in _____, MS.

I'm calling today to voice my objection to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.  There should not be any vote until the FBI investigation is completed.

My email to Senators Wicker and Cochran:

I don't know why I even bother writing to you or protesting at your office.  Your voting record is so opposed to what I think is best for our Country, MS and our citizens.

This week you will vote for Neil Gorsuch when you stood by and said nothing when Merrick Garland was ignored.  That was wrong.  I am sick to death of what the Republican Party is doing to this Country.  How you can vote for Neil Gorsuch is beyond me.  I don't like his record.  But, how can you vote for anyone who is nominated by a President who is under an FBI investigation?

Don't insult my intelligence with one of your cut and paste replies.

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