I love Mississippi. It's where I was born, raised, and educated. It's where I lived for most of my life. I beam with pride when I think about the wonderful people in my home state.
Mississippi boasts some of the friendliest people you will ever meet anywhere in America: people who would give you the coat off of their backs in your most dire time of need.
I love this state. This is why I fight so hard to see progress in Mississippi. It's because I know our potential for greatness, and how we can and should aspire to be the best of what America has to offer.
In my personal journey in the fight for fairness, equality and progress, I've come to a stark conclusion. It hurts me to say this, but our governor is hurting our state. Governor Phil Bryant is single-handedly preventing our state from progressing and moving forward.
Those of us who have lived in Mississippi know the magnitude of what our state has to offer. We know about the culture, the food, the music and the unforgettable life experiences that have molded and shaped us into who we are; and we could not have had those experiences anywhere but here.
But people outside our state don't know our story.
It's the governor's job to tell the story of Mississippi, while leading the state forward to create progress and opportunity for Mississippians. It's his job to present the narrative of Mississippi in the best light possible, putting our collective best foot forward in order to attract companies and corporations to come do business with Mississippi and bring jobs to our state.
To do this, it's important that our state has a positive aura, a confident and constructive outlook and a polished image that says to the rest of the country and the world that Mississippi is open and we are ready to work with you.
Bryant has utterly failed to represent Mississippi at our best. Instead, he has almost become the walking stereotype of every negative stigma associated with our state.
In 2015, after Dylann Roof posed with Confederate flags and then proceeded to murder innocent people inside a black church in South Carolina, then-Governor Nikki Haley used that instance as a teachable moment to tell the residents of her state that it was time to let go of the racism of the past and move forward.
Former Governor Haley led at the forefront of the movement for change. That change was a shining example to the rest of the world that yes, America has dark spots in our history; but we are willing to shine the light and erase the darkness of our past in exchange for the bright future of tomorrow.
This was an epic period in American history, and no matter what Haley does for the rest of her life, she will forever be remembered for her sterling leadership that helped to bring healing to our nation.
Because they welcomed positive change, South Carolina has been rewarded many times over. Corporations that previously refused to do business in the state have now dropped their embargo and have moved into South Carolina, providing jobs for many.
But even though Bryant has seen the positive outcome that came to South Carolina when they lowered the Confederate symbol, he has stubbornly remained steadfast as a blockade in Mississippi's road to progress.
Mississippi has the unfortunate distinction of being the poorest state in America. We cannot afford to drive business away. We must make our state as hospitable as possible for corporations and companies to bring jobs here.
In a state that has such a torrid history when it comes to slavery, why would Governor Bryant seek to use every possible moment for progress to instead brandish his stubborn refusal to let go of a mantle that was worn by those who endeavored to prolong suffering and racism and hatred towards American citizens?
One would think that our governor would be eager to run away from such a dark history; but it's just the opposite. It seems that he fully embraces it.
Bryant has yet again declared April to be Confederate Heritage Month, even though it has been well documented that the Confederate symbol has been used as a banner for bigots, racists and murderers.
We learned this month that the governor is a card-carrying member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group that does not realize that they are quickly becoming relics of the past.
It's almost as if Bryant wants to be seen as a caricature of Mississippi: It seems that he goes out of his way to present himself as the down south, “good ol boy” that's most happy in a racist culture, regardless of the criticism of his fellow Americans.
If he were a private citizen, then he would have the right to proudly display the Confederate symbol. As an American, he would be entitled to his personal opinion. But he's not a private citizen. He's the governor of an entire state. He's the governor of a diverse population, at least 37 percent of which is the African American community that has suffered under the banner of the Confederate flag.
By refusing to let go of racist symbols and images, Bryant is alienating an entire segment of Mississippi's population.
When the governor provides a supportive prop for racists in Mississippi, he hurts all Mississippians.
Companies and corporations do not want to be associated with racism. They understand a simple concept that our governor doesn't seem to get:
Racism hurts the bottom line. You can't be a good racist (openly) and make good money.