Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Let's talk numbers.....

And how much money we've lost.

What I would really like to talk about is the airport and how much money we have lost over the years.  However, I have too much going on at the moment to do the research.  So, I'm going to use the clinics as an example.

At a recent BOS's meeting we learned that the clinics have lost between $800k and $1M each year since inception which was 2005.  This information was reported in a previous post on this blog.

For argument's sake, let's go with the lower number of $800k.  If we use the $800k figure times 10 years since the clinics opened under Tunica County management, we have lost $8M.  $8,000,000.00 That is a lot of money.

Why wasn't anyone screaming about this loss before Michael Thompson became County Administrator in Dec 2013?

Why wasn't anyone screaming about this before Phillis and Sonny and McKinley joined the BOS?

Why wasn't anyone questioning James Dunn or Cedric Burnett or Paul Battle III or Bobby Williams or Billy Pegram or Dr. Osborn?

I can remember attending Budget Public Hearings and questioning this loss and the outrageous salary we were paying Dr. Gentry.  Oh yeah, I forgot.  I don't know what I'm talking about.

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