Monday, June 8, 2015

Beat 2 Supervisor Platform

On Nov 3, 2015, Vote for Transparency

Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor Beat 2
I.  Beat 2 Meetings will be held each month on the following dates. Beat 2 residents will have an opportunity to voice his or her concerns.  We will be discussing anything that is of concern to you, the residents of Beat 2. 
a.    Mon, 25 Jan 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
b.    Mon, 22 Feb 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
c.    Mon, 28 Mar 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
d.    Mon, 25 Apr 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
e.    Mon, 23 May 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
f.     Mon, 27 Jun 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
g.    Mon, 25 Jul 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
h.    Mon, 29 Aug 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
i.      Mon, 26 Sep 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
j.     Mon, 24 Oct 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
k.    Mon, 28 Nov 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
l.      Mon, 19 Dec 2016 @ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Additionally, for your convenience, I will have an office in our home.  The address is listed below.  My sole reason for running for the Supervisor’s position in Beat 2 is to serve you.

II. My main focus will always be the residents of Beat 2.  You are my first priority.  You come first.   Additionally, I will be exploring Monthly Projects in addition to my other Supervisory responsibilities.  Here’s my plan:
a.    Jan 2016: Employees: 
i.    Review each employee’s file to make sure each person is being paid the correct             salary and receiving their full benefits.
b.    Feb 2016: Parks and Recreation:
i.    Discuss how to increase the participation at the Aquatics Center.
ii.    Review Recreation Programs.
iii.    Review Senior Citizen Programs.
iv.    Explore moving Summer Jobs Program to the Tunica County School District and reassigning Parks and Rec employees to Senior Services.       

a.    Mar 2016: Arena:            
i.    Review the Arena’s event calendar.
ii.    Find ways to increase bookings. ii
iv.    Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of assisting with ideas for events.
b.    Apr 2016: Economic Development:
i.    Encourage diversity in recruiting new businesses.  Example: Distribution Centers.               ii.    Keep an active list of Tunicans who have successfully completed the manufacturing courses.  Make this list public.
iii.    Create a new list of acceptable concessions for prospective companies. 
Example: Most important on this list must be: Hiring of Tunica County residents.
iv.    Create a list of benefits: Example: Highway and River Transportation.                           v.    Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of making sure all lists are up-to-date; create a list of prospective companies.
c.    May 2016: Lawsuits:
i.    Review past and active lawsuits.
ii.   Identify problems areas and/or personnel.
iii.  Implement training through Human Resources.
d.    Jun 2016: Housing and Planning:
i.    Come up with a plan to beautify our community.
ii.    Work with the Board’s Attorney to streamline the clean-up process.
iii.    Develop links to grants and funding sources.

These are the first six months of special projects.  Future months will include: the Airport, Golf Course, River Park and Museum. 
I am asking for your vote on 3 Nov 2015 for the office of
Supervisor Beat 2.
I promise, you will not be disappointed.




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