As far as we have been able to find out, there is no "Jack Moss" living in Tunica County, MS. You can find "Jack's" comments at the end of the Wyatt Emerrich rebuttal.
And so, "Jack" if you want to comment again on this blog, identify yourself and stop the name calling. I am certainly willing to be called out on anything I post. However, if you aren't willing to identify yourself, how seriously do you expect the public to take your comments?
Today, this blog has almost 39,000 hits. I'm not afraid to state my opinion on any subject to those who are reading. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. I am not afraid to consider another's solution to a problem. What about you "Jack?"
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
The Hearing on 18 Jun 2015
This post will be about the court hearing about Tunica County vs The Town of Tunica and The Tunica County School District.
Before going any further, I want to say I don't have an opinion one way or the other. It is my hope that whatever is the result of this hearing that all parties will abide by the ruling so we can get on with conquering the many problems that are facing all of us. Full disclosure, Bob and I live in the Town of Tunica and we are willing to pay taxes for the privileges we enjoy.
So, let's get on with this post.
During the hearing, I took note of a few details to keep in mind.
1. The Town's attorney made mention of a report he called: "Cash in the Bank." Where have we heard this before? The Beat 2 Supervisor has repeatedly asked for this report. It has,on numerous occasions, been explained to him that this report is a snapshot at a point in time and does not take into consideration the obligations on these funds.
The Town's Attorney came up with a "Cash in the Bank" figure of around $9M. At this time, Board President James Dunn stated that the County has obligations of between $3M - $4M per month. I did not hear any acknowledgement from either the Town's Attorney or Dunn that some of these funds are untouchable for any other reason then their designation. For instance, the taxes that are being collected for debt service has its own account. There are taxes being collected for the Road Fund and these funds are in a separate account.
So, where did this report come from? Wouldn't you like to know? Me too. So let's ask. Cedric Burnett did you cause this "Cash in the Bank" report to be generated from someone other then the County Administrator? If so, you have been a Supervisor long enough to know that you may not interfere with the day-to-day operations of the County.
Now I am not suggesting that the Town or the Schools should be denied any information that would help to come to a correct conclusion in this hearing. What I am suggesting is that the appearance of having gone around the County Administrator is hurtful to the County, the Town and the School District because a "Cash in the Bank" report can give either a false negative or a false positive picture.
2. It became clear through the questioning of Dunn by the County's Attorney for this case, that the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to reduce the percentages of gaming revenue that was to be paid to the Town and the Schools. The vote on this resolution was 4-1 with Cedric Burnett being the dissenting vote. When the resolution reached the State Legislature, who was there to receive it? Cedric's mother, Clara Burnett. From what was said in court, Clara Burnett wouldn't support the resolution resulting in the resolution never making it out of committee. So, it looks like no matter what the other four Supervisors voted, Clara was going to go with her son's vote. This is just wrong on so many levels.
It is important to establish when the "unconstitutional" thought appeared. A timeline was not established by either side during the hearing and it needs to be to understand the actions of the current Board of Supervisors.
a. The Resolution to reduce the percentages of gaming revenue to the Town and the School District was passed by the Board of Supervisors by a 4-1 vote.
b. When the Resolution reached the State Legislature, our Representative Clara Burnett did not support the Board's resolution so it died in committee.
c. The Board of Supervisors heard from their Attorney that they needed to ask the courts for a decision on HB1002.
If anyone disagrees with this timeline, please let me know.
4. There was also a discussion from the Town's Attorney in this case about why, after 20 years was the Board objecting to the division of gaming revenue. Didn't anyone think to mention that this is a different Board. This term, there are 3 new Supervisors, a new County Administrator and a new Board Attorney.
5. And then the Mayor testified about the impact the Town has endured due to the withholding of gaming revenue. In the County, past Supervisors did not act to increase taxation when gaming revenue declined. Same with the Town. Bob and I have asked the Mayor to consider raising our taxes. Now, I am not a crazy person who just can't wait to pay more taxes. I too wish things were different but they're not.
So, let's talk about this. What would you like to give up in the way of government services so that you will not have to pay taxes? Do you want to shut down Public Works? I'm not for that. Do you want to do away with our Police Department? I really don't want to do that. What's on your list of what we can do without in the Town of Tunica to continue to not pay taxes? I'm all ears. Sing out and let's come to a conclusion.
This is off the subject of the hearing but I do have a few ideas about how we can increase tourist traffic in the Town.
A. The Town of Tunica has one attraction that is not subject to going out of business. That attraction is the Veteran's Memorial. If we advertise this park, I believe people will come to see it. Then, they will go through our shops and maybe have something to eat and we won't have to worry about who has just gone out of business. We wouldn't be subject to negative word of mouth advertising because we didn't invite them to shop or eat. We invited them to come to the Town of Tunica to see our Veteran's Memorial Park. In order to do this, Main Street needs to shift their way of thinking and they need to change their billboards. What they are running now are print ads. And our logo....quit changing it. The current logo does not read well and it hardly reads at all from a moving vehicle.
B. I would like to see the Town, the County and the School District work together to coordinate our Museums. I'm not in favor of this Arts Council in its current format. When did you all advertise and welcome all Tunicans? Arts are for everyone. So, talk amongst yourselves and see what you can do about being more open to other County and Town residents. I've been involved in many art oriented groups in various communities and I have never before seen the Arts used to divide people. You don't like what I'm saying. Tough, I don't like what you are doing. Things are not going to change around here unless each and every one of us steps out of our comfort zone and stops excluding others. It's all really a matter of manners.
UPDATE: I am most happy to report that my "assumption" about the Tunica Arts Council was wrong. As you can read in the comments below, TAC is not a closed group and membership is open to everyone. Very relieved to hear this news. I have asked for the dues amount and where to find applications and will post that information here.
In the meantime, if you too are interested in the arts or this group, like their FB page and message your email to be added to their list.
Back to the subject of the hearing.
6. The Town's Attorney introduced a letter from the State Auditor. The letter begins by saying he is responding due to having received several phone calls. What does this mean? Who knows.
I will say this about HB1002: I've read it and I don't see where either the Town or the Schools are to be paid monthly. It is true that historically, they were paid monthly but it doesn't say that they are to be paid monthly in the Bill. The only mention is of the transfer of money from the Casinos, to the State Treasurer and then to the County. At the very least, this is a poorly written bill.
I don't have a clue as to how the judge is going to rule on this matter. Whatever the ruling, let's just abide by it and go on.
Before going any further, I want to say I don't have an opinion one way or the other. It is my hope that whatever is the result of this hearing that all parties will abide by the ruling so we can get on with conquering the many problems that are facing all of us. Full disclosure, Bob and I live in the Town of Tunica and we are willing to pay taxes for the privileges we enjoy.
So, let's get on with this post.
During the hearing, I took note of a few details to keep in mind.
1. The Town's attorney made mention of a report he called: "Cash in the Bank." Where have we heard this before? The Beat 2 Supervisor has repeatedly asked for this report. It has,on numerous occasions, been explained to him that this report is a snapshot at a point in time and does not take into consideration the obligations on these funds.
The Town's Attorney came up with a "Cash in the Bank" figure of around $9M. At this time, Board President James Dunn stated that the County has obligations of between $3M - $4M per month. I did not hear any acknowledgement from either the Town's Attorney or Dunn that some of these funds are untouchable for any other reason then their designation. For instance, the taxes that are being collected for debt service has its own account. There are taxes being collected for the Road Fund and these funds are in a separate account.
So, where did this report come from? Wouldn't you like to know? Me too. So let's ask. Cedric Burnett did you cause this "Cash in the Bank" report to be generated from someone other then the County Administrator? If so, you have been a Supervisor long enough to know that you may not interfere with the day-to-day operations of the County.
Now I am not suggesting that the Town or the Schools should be denied any information that would help to come to a correct conclusion in this hearing. What I am suggesting is that the appearance of having gone around the County Administrator is hurtful to the County, the Town and the School District because a "Cash in the Bank" report can give either a false negative or a false positive picture.
2. It became clear through the questioning of Dunn by the County's Attorney for this case, that the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to reduce the percentages of gaming revenue that was to be paid to the Town and the Schools. The vote on this resolution was 4-1 with Cedric Burnett being the dissenting vote. When the resolution reached the State Legislature, who was there to receive it? Cedric's mother, Clara Burnett. From what was said in court, Clara Burnett wouldn't support the resolution resulting in the resolution never making it out of committee. So, it looks like no matter what the other four Supervisors voted, Clara was going to go with her son's vote. This is just wrong on so many levels.
It is important to establish when the "unconstitutional" thought appeared. A timeline was not established by either side during the hearing and it needs to be to understand the actions of the current Board of Supervisors.
a. The Resolution to reduce the percentages of gaming revenue to the Town and the School District was passed by the Board of Supervisors by a 4-1 vote.
b. When the Resolution reached the State Legislature, our Representative Clara Burnett did not support the Board's resolution so it died in committee.
c. The Board of Supervisors heard from their Attorney that they needed to ask the courts for a decision on HB1002.
If anyone disagrees with this timeline, please let me know.
4. There was also a discussion from the Town's Attorney in this case about why, after 20 years was the Board objecting to the division of gaming revenue. Didn't anyone think to mention that this is a different Board. This term, there are 3 new Supervisors, a new County Administrator and a new Board Attorney.
5. And then the Mayor testified about the impact the Town has endured due to the withholding of gaming revenue. In the County, past Supervisors did not act to increase taxation when gaming revenue declined. Same with the Town. Bob and I have asked the Mayor to consider raising our taxes. Now, I am not a crazy person who just can't wait to pay more taxes. I too wish things were different but they're not.
So, let's talk about this. What would you like to give up in the way of government services so that you will not have to pay taxes? Do you want to shut down Public Works? I'm not for that. Do you want to do away with our Police Department? I really don't want to do that. What's on your list of what we can do without in the Town of Tunica to continue to not pay taxes? I'm all ears. Sing out and let's come to a conclusion.
This is off the subject of the hearing but I do have a few ideas about how we can increase tourist traffic in the Town.
A. The Town of Tunica has one attraction that is not subject to going out of business. That attraction is the Veteran's Memorial. If we advertise this park, I believe people will come to see it. Then, they will go through our shops and maybe have something to eat and we won't have to worry about who has just gone out of business. We wouldn't be subject to negative word of mouth advertising because we didn't invite them to shop or eat. We invited them to come to the Town of Tunica to see our Veteran's Memorial Park. In order to do this, Main Street needs to shift their way of thinking and they need to change their billboards. What they are running now are print ads. And our logo....quit changing it. The current logo does not read well and it hardly reads at all from a moving vehicle.
B. I would like to see the Town, the County and the School District work together to coordinate our Museums. I'm not in favor of this Arts Council in its current format. When did you all advertise and welcome all Tunicans? Arts are for everyone. So, talk amongst yourselves and see what you can do about being more open to other County and Town residents. I've been involved in many art oriented groups in various communities and I have never before seen the Arts used to divide people. You don't like what I'm saying. Tough, I don't like what you are doing. Things are not going to change around here unless each and every one of us steps out of our comfort zone and stops excluding others. It's all really a matter of manners.
UPDATE: I am most happy to report that my "assumption" about the Tunica Arts Council was wrong. As you can read in the comments below, TAC is not a closed group and membership is open to everyone. Very relieved to hear this news. I have asked for the dues amount and where to find applications and will post that information here.
In the meantime, if you too are interested in the arts or this group, like their FB page and message your email to be added to their list.
Back to the subject of the hearing.
6. The Town's Attorney introduced a letter from the State Auditor. The letter begins by saying he is responding due to having received several phone calls. What does this mean? Who knows.
I will say this about HB1002: I've read it and I don't see where either the Town or the Schools are to be paid monthly. It is true that historically, they were paid monthly but it doesn't say that they are to be paid monthly in the Bill. The only mention is of the transfer of money from the Casinos, to the State Treasurer and then to the County. At the very least, this is a poorly written bill.
I don't have a clue as to how the judge is going to rule on this matter. Whatever the ruling, let's just abide by it and go on.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
11 Jun 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting
Oh, you didn't realize the BOS met tonight. The monthly meeting should be on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 at 5p. However, I understand the Supervisors are going somewhere next Mon and they don't like to meet on Fri so they met tonight. The Supervisors voted to change the meetings for the rest of the Summer to 9a in the morning. Wonder if they realized this would only work for the last meeting in Jun and all of Jul because 2 Supervisors will be going back to school in Aug.
After the meeting I talked to a few of the Supervisors to say that their meetings needed to be held for the convenience of the public. The Beat 3 Supervisor said: "Mrs. Tuchel, look how many people are not here tonight." Really? Hello, you all keep changing the meetings!!! What don't you get about that? What do you expect? People are expecting your meeting to be on the 15th of the month. Maybe this was one reason tonight's census was low. How in the heck are we supposed to keep up with meetings when you all keep changing their times and dates? You are elected to serve not to serve at your convenience.
Disappointed in this thoughtlessness.
Next subject: TCUD: What a mess! Years ago, when TCUD was set up, their bond included a provision stating if TCUD couldn't pay their bond, the County would pay it for them. Really? Whose bright idea was this? AND don't go saying "well, we didn't think the gaming revenue would ever go so low." And now they are asking us to pay their bills also? Really?
Additionally, TCUD is paying $2500 dollars a month for rent. What exactly is the hold-up here? Move them to vacant space in a County owned facility and save the money. How about doing this tomorrow?
Excuse me a minute while I go next door and ask my neighbor for grocery money because I just can't live within my means. Back in a minute.
Okay, I'm back...
The County Administrator asked the BOS to meet with the TCUD Board to come up with a workable financial plan between the County and TCUD. But oh no. Let's not listen to the County Administrator let's do what James Dunn says HE wants done. Dunn asked Nickson and Daley to meet with the TCUD Board to work on the problems. Hello James, Michael asked for the entire Board to work with TCUD. You and Burnett were members of the BOS when TCUD was set-up. Why aren't you helping to clean-up the mess the two of you helped to create? Why wasn't Phillis Williams asked to help?
I'm being quiet. Saying a prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless us by removing James Dunn from office in the upcoming election and help us elect Marilyn Young to the MS House. Amen"
And then there is the RiverPark. Oh goody. Until this evening, I did not realize that the riverboat that is docked at RiverPark is not paying the light bill AND it is docked there for free. Thank you Mary for bringing this to our attention.
I want to know who was on the BOS when this intelligent decision was made. We know for sure Dunn was there because he has been on the BOS since 1984. Don't know about Burnett. He became a Supervisor in 1999.
I don't know how Michael and Ellis do it. Every time they turn around they are faced with some screwy contract or agreement.
Hey there Tunica, In the upcoming election, we will be holding the future of our County in our hands. It is time to send both Dunn and Burnett to the house.
After the meeting I talked to a few of the Supervisors to say that their meetings needed to be held for the convenience of the public. The Beat 3 Supervisor said: "Mrs. Tuchel, look how many people are not here tonight." Really? Hello, you all keep changing the meetings!!! What don't you get about that? What do you expect? People are expecting your meeting to be on the 15th of the month. Maybe this was one reason tonight's census was low. How in the heck are we supposed to keep up with meetings when you all keep changing their times and dates? You are elected to serve not to serve at your convenience.
Disappointed in this thoughtlessness.
Next subject: TCUD: What a mess! Years ago, when TCUD was set up, their bond included a provision stating if TCUD couldn't pay their bond, the County would pay it for them. Really? Whose bright idea was this? AND don't go saying "well, we didn't think the gaming revenue would ever go so low." And now they are asking us to pay their bills also? Really?
Additionally, TCUD is paying $2500 dollars a month for rent. What exactly is the hold-up here? Move them to vacant space in a County owned facility and save the money. How about doing this tomorrow?
Excuse me a minute while I go next door and ask my neighbor for grocery money because I just can't live within my means. Back in a minute.
Okay, I'm back...
The County Administrator asked the BOS to meet with the TCUD Board to come up with a workable financial plan between the County and TCUD. But oh no. Let's not listen to the County Administrator let's do what James Dunn says HE wants done. Dunn asked Nickson and Daley to meet with the TCUD Board to work on the problems. Hello James, Michael asked for the entire Board to work with TCUD. You and Burnett were members of the BOS when TCUD was set-up. Why aren't you helping to clean-up the mess the two of you helped to create? Why wasn't Phillis Williams asked to help?
I'm being quiet. Saying a prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless us by removing James Dunn from office in the upcoming election and help us elect Marilyn Young to the MS House. Amen"
And then there is the RiverPark. Oh goody. Until this evening, I did not realize that the riverboat that is docked at RiverPark is not paying the light bill AND it is docked there for free. Thank you Mary for bringing this to our attention.
I want to know who was on the BOS when this intelligent decision was made. We know for sure Dunn was there because he has been on the BOS since 1984. Don't know about Burnett. He became a Supervisor in 1999.
I don't know how Michael and Ellis do it. Every time they turn around they are faced with some screwy contract or agreement.
Hey there Tunica, In the upcoming election, we will be holding the future of our County in our hands. It is time to send both Dunn and Burnett to the house.
Superintendent's 2014 Evaluation
Below you will find posted a representation of Superintendent Chandler's Evaluation for 2014. This chart was posted on this blog in Jan 2015.
Last night Bob and I attended the School Board Meeting. During the agenda item to approve Chandler's current evaluation, the Chair (Cotton) explained to the public and other Board Members that Cotton, Hardimon and Anderson had given Chandler 100% for all 8 Standards due to the fact that the same members had given Chandler all satisfactory (S) scores in all subcategories. Cotton went on to explain that these three members out voted the other 2 members. Additionally, Cotton stated this was how the Evaluations for the past 3 years had been done.
Well, actually, that is not true as the 2014 Evaluation of Superintendent Chandler proves. What Cotton, Hardimon and Anderson have done is to figure out how to gain the system.
Let's use Standard 1 from the Evaluation below as an example. Standard 1 has 10 subcategories, Therefore, each standard has a value of 10%. As you can see, the example has 8 (S) scores and 2 (U) scores. This would produce a score of 80% for Standard 1.
Now, Cotton and Hardimon and Anderson are asking all of us to believe they just so happened to come up with all (S) scores with no discussion amongst themselves. I don't believe it is possible to come up with these exact scores without prior discussion. Their prior discussion(s) would make them in violation of the Sunshine Laws. That is to say, they had a prior discussion about how they were going to score the Superintendent's Evaluation and then came to the table and voted on their prior discussion.
What these 3 Board Members would like us all to believe is that Superintendent Chandler went from a 69.65%, a failing score to a perfect 100% score. No, what we have here is 3 Board Members who have gained the system.
These three Board Members need to be removed from office.
Standard 1: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in implementing the district's vision, mission and goals. Overall rating: 80%
1.1 Accomplishes the goals of the board as measured by the "indicators of success" on the District Report Card. U
1.2 Collaborates with the Board in the preparation of long-term and short-term operational and instructional goals, which are objectively measurable as pre-determined through "indicators of success." U
1.3 Develops action plans with measurable "indicators of success" on the agreed upon goals. S
1.4 Collaborates with the Board in the preparation of annual monitoring intervals for all adopted goals. S
1.5 Collaborates with the Board in determining the reporting format to be used at monitoring intervals for adopted goals. S
1.6 Collaborates with the Board in the development of a Board "Annual Calendar" and assures that this calendar is included in the Board's monthly Board meeting packet. S
1.7 Provides system data and leadership to the Board at school board meetings regarding the status of and progress made toward accomplishment of Board adopted goals. S
1.8 Implements and evaluates the effectiveness of the adopted action plans. S
1.9 Repots annually to the Board on the status of goals attainment as measured by the pre-determined, "indicators of success" / measurable objectives. S
1.10 Effectively oversees and monitors the planning and evaluation of curriculum and instruction programs. S
Standard 2: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD in the continuous improvement of the school district. Overall rating: 75%
2.1 Assists the Board in meeting or exceeding the required training requirements of Mississippi. Overall Rating: S
2.2 Informs the Board about current trends and developments in education. Overall Rating: U
2.3 Prepares reports on progress made toward (1) the accomplishment of the district's goals, (2) the strengths and improvements needed in the school district, (3) any compelling problems(s) or emerging issues(s). Overall Rating: S
2.4 Participates in professional activities to enhance knowledge and skills. Overall Rating: S
Standard 3: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD to implement the district's organizational structure. Overall Rating: 0%
3.1 Operates through adopted policies as the district's chief executive officer. Overall Rating: U
3.2 Follows the Board's adopted Code of Ethics and Professional Governance Standards. Overall Rating: U
Standard 4: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in policy development and policy implementation. Overall Rating: 75%
4.1 Informs the Board about current rules, regulations, and accreditation standards of the Mississippi Board of Education and of applicable state and federal laws. Overall Rating:S
4.2 Adheres to the Board of policy on "Adoption of Polices" when developing policy or presenting new or revised policies to the Board for consideration. Overall Rating: S
4.3 Correlates applicable policies to agenda items at Board meetings. Overall Rating: U
4.4 Maintains an distributes all adopted policies. Overall Rating: S
4.5 Ensures all policies are updated an current and that the staff and community have access to such policies. Overall Rating: S
4.6 Provides recommendations on all policies presented to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.7 Seeks out staff and public opinion on applicable, proposed policies an reports the findings to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.8 Implements and explains policies and actions the School Board. Overall Rating: U
Standard 5: Meets established requirements in developing and conducting Board meetings. Overall rating: 100%
5.1 Posts all meetings by the Board in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Overall Rating: S
5.2 Follows the Board's adopted policy on conducting effective school board meetings. Overall Rating: S
5.3 Maintains the official School Board Minutes and other records that pertain to the State's Open Records Act. Overall Rating: S
Standard 6: Provides leadership as superintendent to the SCHOOL BOARD in personnel management. Overall Rating: 100%
6.1 Communicates Board beliefs/vision/mission/goals to school personnel. Overall Rating: S
6.2 Provides leadership to and general supervision of all school district employees.Overall Rating: S
6.3 Implements staff evaluation processes consistent with the state's evaluation system to ensure fair and equitable evaluation of all personnel in the district. Overall Rating: S
6.4 Maintains updated job descriptions for all staff. Overall Rating: S
6.5 Maintains an updated, Board approved school district organizational chart. Overall Rating: S
6.6 Has a Board approved plan for the recruitment of personnel. Overall Rating: S
Standard 7: Provides accurate data to assist the SCHOOL BOARD in financial management: Overall Rating: 77%
7.1 Coordinates with the Board in developing the budget. Overall Rating: S
7.2 Ensures that the board approves guidelines for budget decision making. Overall Rating: S
7.3 Develops the proposed budget following adopted budget policies that outline the budget development process and timelines to meet state and local requirements. Overall Rating: S
7.4 Implements and administers the budget in accordance with Board directives and policy. Overall Rating: U
7.5 Administers the approved budget within Board-established spending amounts and recommends budget amendments. Overall Rating: U
7.6 Prepares monthly financial reports on the status of the budget - reports to include, at minimum, money budgeted, received and expended to date in all budgeted areas. Overall Rating: S
7.7 Prepares and presents to the Board annually a five-year trend report on the school district's fund balance. Overall Rating: N/A?
7.8 Maintains the district's financial records and cooperates with auditors annually to audit financial records. Overall Rating: S
7.9 Provides the Board with a copy of the annual financial audit along with an executive summary of any findings/problems. Overall Rating: S
7.10 Reports annually to the Board the findings o the District's financial audit. Overall Rating: S
7.11 Provides the Board with monthly reports on all/any financial transactions involving sixteenth section monies. Overall Rating: N/A?
Standard 8: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in Board, staff and community relationships. Overall Rating: 50%
8.1 Demonstrates respect and cooperation in professional relationships with the Board and individual Board members, staff, and community. Overall Rating: U
8.2 Recognizes and protects the chain of command concept. Overall Rating: U
8.3 Works with the Board to develop ad implement a process that encourages and seeks the input of staff at all levels in decision-making on significant issues where it s appropriate. Overall Rating: U
8.4 Provides the Board with information on training opportunities, seminars, and conferences applicable to Board professional development and, whenever possible, attends Board training sessions with the Board. Overall Rating: S
8.5 Develops a process to receive input from citizens n matters relating to the school district and communicates with the community. Overall Rating: S
8.6 Implements he adopted Board policies on media communications. Overall Rating: S
8.7 Ensures that each school has a community engagement plan. Overall Rating: S
8.8 Ensures community easy access to the school district's "Annual Report Card." Overall Rating: S
This evaluation was signed on 7 Feb 2014 by:
Board President: Tomaka Cotton
Board Secretary: Marilyn Young
Superintendent: Bernard S. Chandler
Blogger's Notes and Analysis:
1. Our School Board has 5 members. Therefore, it would take at least 3 members to come to any consensus. That means at least 3 members would have to vote satisfactory for an S to be entered on the evaluation. Also, at least 3 members would have to vote unsatisfactory for a U to be entered on the evaluation. What is not represented in this evaluation are the votes of the remaining 2 members of the School Board.
2. There are 8 Standards in this evaluation.
Standard 1: 80%
Standard 2: 75%
Standard 3: 0%
Standard 4: 75%
Standard 5:100%
Standard 6:100%
Standard 7: 77%
Standard 8: 50%
3. The total value of the 8 Standards is: 557% divided by 8 = 69.65%
2.1 Assists the Board in meeting or exceeding the required training requirements of Mississippi. Overall Rating: S
2.2 Informs the Board about current trends and developments in education. Overall Rating: U
2.3 Prepares reports on progress made toward (1) the accomplishment of the district's goals, (2) the strengths and improvements needed in the school district, (3) any compelling problems(s) or emerging issues(s). Overall Rating: S
2.4 Participates in professional activities to enhance knowledge and skills. Overall Rating: S
Standard 3: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD to implement the district's organizational structure. Overall Rating: 0%
3.1 Operates through adopted policies as the district's chief executive officer. Overall Rating: U
3.2 Follows the Board's adopted Code of Ethics and Professional Governance Standards. Overall Rating: U
Standard 4: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in policy development and policy implementation. Overall Rating: 75%
4.1 Informs the Board about current rules, regulations, and accreditation standards of the Mississippi Board of Education and of applicable state and federal laws. Overall Rating:S
4.2 Adheres to the Board of policy on "Adoption of Polices" when developing policy or presenting new or revised policies to the Board for consideration. Overall Rating: S
4.3 Correlates applicable policies to agenda items at Board meetings. Overall Rating: U
4.4 Maintains an distributes all adopted policies. Overall Rating: S
4.5 Ensures all policies are updated an current and that the staff and community have access to such policies. Overall Rating: S
4.6 Provides recommendations on all policies presented to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.7 Seeks out staff and public opinion on applicable, proposed policies an reports the findings to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.8 Implements and explains policies and actions the School Board. Overall Rating: U
Standard 5: Meets established requirements in developing and conducting Board meetings. Overall rating: 100%
5.1 Posts all meetings by the Board in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Overall Rating: S
5.2 Follows the Board's adopted policy on conducting effective school board meetings. Overall Rating: S
5.3 Maintains the official School Board Minutes and other records that pertain to the State's Open Records Act. Overall Rating: S
Standard 6: Provides leadership as superintendent to the SCHOOL BOARD in personnel management. Overall Rating: 100%
6.1 Communicates Board beliefs/vision/mission/goals to school personnel. Overall Rating: S
6.2 Provides leadership to and general supervision of all school district employees.Overall Rating: S
6.3 Implements staff evaluation processes consistent with the state's evaluation system to ensure fair and equitable evaluation of all personnel in the district. Overall Rating: S
6.4 Maintains updated job descriptions for all staff. Overall Rating: S
6.5 Maintains an updated, Board approved school district organizational chart. Overall Rating: S
6.6 Has a Board approved plan for the recruitment of personnel. Overall Rating: S
Standard 7: Provides accurate data to assist the SCHOOL BOARD in financial management: Overall Rating: 77%
7.1 Coordinates with the Board in developing the budget. Overall Rating: S
7.2 Ensures that the board approves guidelines for budget decision making. Overall Rating: S
7.3 Develops the proposed budget following adopted budget policies that outline the budget development process and timelines to meet state and local requirements. Overall Rating: S
7.4 Implements and administers the budget in accordance with Board directives and policy. Overall Rating: U
7.5 Administers the approved budget within Board-established spending amounts and recommends budget amendments. Overall Rating: U
7.6 Prepares monthly financial reports on the status of the budget - reports to include, at minimum, money budgeted, received and expended to date in all budgeted areas. Overall Rating: S
7.7 Prepares and presents to the Board annually a five-year trend report on the school district's fund balance. Overall Rating: N/A?
7.8 Maintains the district's financial records and cooperates with auditors annually to audit financial records. Overall Rating: S
7.9 Provides the Board with a copy of the annual financial audit along with an executive summary of any findings/problems. Overall Rating: S
7.10 Reports annually to the Board the findings o the District's financial audit. Overall Rating: S
7.11 Provides the Board with monthly reports on all/any financial transactions involving sixteenth section monies. Overall Rating: N/A?
Standard 8: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in Board, staff and community relationships. Overall Rating: 50%
8.1 Demonstrates respect and cooperation in professional relationships with the Board and individual Board members, staff, and community. Overall Rating: U
8.2 Recognizes and protects the chain of command concept. Overall Rating: U
8.3 Works with the Board to develop ad implement a process that encourages and seeks the input of staff at all levels in decision-making on significant issues where it s appropriate. Overall Rating: U
8.4 Provides the Board with information on training opportunities, seminars, and conferences applicable to Board professional development and, whenever possible, attends Board training sessions with the Board. Overall Rating: S
8.5 Develops a process to receive input from citizens n matters relating to the school district and communicates with the community. Overall Rating: S
8.6 Implements he adopted Board policies on media communications. Overall Rating: S
8.7 Ensures that each school has a community engagement plan. Overall Rating: S
8.8 Ensures community easy access to the school district's "Annual Report Card." Overall Rating: S
This evaluation was signed on 7 Feb 2014 by:
Board President: Tomaka Cotton
Board Secretary: Marilyn Young
Superintendent: Bernard S. Chandler
Blogger's Notes and Analysis:
1. Our School Board has 5 members. Therefore, it would take at least 3 members to come to any consensus. That means at least 3 members would have to vote satisfactory for an S to be entered on the evaluation. Also, at least 3 members would have to vote unsatisfactory for a U to be entered on the evaluation. What is not represented in this evaluation are the votes of the remaining 2 members of the School Board.
2. There are 8 Standards in this evaluation.
Standard 1: 80%
Standard 2: 75%
Standard 3: 0%
Standard 4: 75%
Standard 5:100%
Standard 6:100%
Standard 7: 77%
Standard 8: 50%
3. The total value of the 8 Standards is: 557% divided by 8 = 69.65%
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Update on TC Election Commission
I heard from the Chairman of the Election Commission this morning. He will try to hold a meeting on the last Tue of this month "if the others agree."
ELIJAH ALERT: The last Tue of Jun is on the 30th. The Board of Supervisors meets on the last day of the month at 5p.
This is like hearding cats and I am tired of it. The Tunica County Voter Rolls are not in pristine order and this needs to be immediately corrected.
ELIJAH ALERT: The last Tue of Jun is on the 30th. The Board of Supervisors meets on the last day of the month at 5p.
This is like hearding cats and I am tired of it. The Tunica County Voter Rolls are not in pristine order and this needs to be immediately corrected.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
TC Election Commission was a NO SHOW Again....
Tonight was supposed to be the Tunica County Election Commission's scheduled monthly meeting. This meeting is scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30p in the Courthouse. Like every other Board or Commission, meetings are scheduled so that the public may attend and there is no appearance of impropriety.
I am not aware of any other Board or Commission who does not comply with this requirement.
This Committee has reported to the Board of Supervisors that our Election Commission is not operating in the best interest of the registered voters of Tunica County. We have reported this more than a few times and those reports are a part of the Public Records.
Previously, we have consulted the Secretary of State's Office and been told if the Election Commission does not do their job, their responsibilities revert to the Board of Supervisors. This too has been reported to the Board of Supervisors through our written reports.
Today, I again consulted the Secretary of State and received additional information. Section 175 of the MS Constitution says the following:
"Section 175: "All public officers, for willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office shall be liable to presentment or indictment by a grand jury; and, upon conviction, shall be removed from office, and otherwise punished as may be prescribed by law."
Now, I sure hope we don't have to go this far but we have a problem with this Election Commission.
So, Elijah Williams, Jr., why are you cancelling meetings. This isn't the first time. The voter rolls in Beat 2 are a mess and you know it. If you can't commit to this job any longer, then you need to resign.
Tina Brown-Fullilove and Tabitha McCoy, you have been present when I have shown you all some of the problems with our rolls. Problems like purging those who have not voted in 10 years.
Some of the Election Commission was present at the Meet and Greet on 8 Jun 2015 and you heard me announce the upcoming Election Commission Meeting. Is this when you all decided to cancel the meeting? If so, that is not very responsible or responsive to the concerns of those who voted to put you in office.
Just to refresh your memory:
In Beat 2:
1. There are 31 people on our rolls who haven't voted since 2004.
2. There are 17 people on our rolls whose voter registration is more recent than the date they last voted.
3. There are 6 people on our rolls whose address is listed as a P.O. Box.
Elijah, why am I even having to bring these problems to your attention? In addition to being the Chairman, you are the Election Commissioner for Beat 2. In our case, the current Beat 2 Supervisor isn't going to help. He doesn't even do his job as a Supervisor. I hope you can get your job done, Elijah, without citizens having to come to you and get upset with you for not purging our voter rolls and for not holding your meetings on a regularly scheduled basis.
I am not aware of any other Board or Commission who does not comply with this requirement.
This Committee has reported to the Board of Supervisors that our Election Commission is not operating in the best interest of the registered voters of Tunica County. We have reported this more than a few times and those reports are a part of the Public Records.
Previously, we have consulted the Secretary of State's Office and been told if the Election Commission does not do their job, their responsibilities revert to the Board of Supervisors. This too has been reported to the Board of Supervisors through our written reports.
Today, I again consulted the Secretary of State and received additional information. Section 175 of the MS Constitution says the following:
"Section 175: "All public officers, for willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office shall be liable to presentment or indictment by a grand jury; and, upon conviction, shall be removed from office, and otherwise punished as may be prescribed by law."
Now, I sure hope we don't have to go this far but we have a problem with this Election Commission.
So, Elijah Williams, Jr., why are you cancelling meetings. This isn't the first time. The voter rolls in Beat 2 are a mess and you know it. If you can't commit to this job any longer, then you need to resign.
Tina Brown-Fullilove and Tabitha McCoy, you have been present when I have shown you all some of the problems with our rolls. Problems like purging those who have not voted in 10 years.
Some of the Election Commission was present at the Meet and Greet on 8 Jun 2015 and you heard me announce the upcoming Election Commission Meeting. Is this when you all decided to cancel the meeting? If so, that is not very responsible or responsive to the concerns of those who voted to put you in office.
Just to refresh your memory:
In Beat 2:
1. There are 31 people on our rolls who haven't voted since 2004.
2. There are 17 people on our rolls whose voter registration is more recent than the date they last voted.
3. There are 6 people on our rolls whose address is listed as a P.O. Box.
Elijah, why am I even having to bring these problems to your attention? In addition to being the Chairman, you are the Election Commissioner for Beat 2. In our case, the current Beat 2 Supervisor isn't going to help. He doesn't even do his job as a Supervisor. I hope you can get your job done, Elijah, without citizens having to come to you and get upset with you for not purging our voter rolls and for not holding your meetings on a regularly scheduled basis.
Letter to the Editor by Robert Tuchel
Blogger's note: Most of the time when a letter is sent to the editor, I don't post the same to this blog until after the Tunica Times comes out on Thu each week. When we don't hear back from the newspaper as to whether they are going to publish a letter, I'm going to go ahead and post to the blog.
Pharisees in the Temple of Government
Since the rise of human beings, there
has been a person who oversees the community.
Whether their work was done well or done poorly, their longevity
depended largely on the power the overseer exerted on those in the community.
The Mississippi Delta has had its overseers or leaders of the community for
hundreds of years.
The result of the overseer can be 1) the
betterment of the whole community, 2) the betterment of a portion of the community,
3) or it can be solely the betterment of the overseer. All too often the overseer or leader spent too
little time on our needs all the while saying that what he or she does is
for the good of all.
When Jesus chastised the Pharisees in
the Temple, it was because they behaved not as they said they believed. This is
common in our world today and happens among the leaders of many nations,
states, and communities.
Over the remainder of 2015 we will be
voting for leaders. Persons will be selected to be members of the “temple of
government.” Some candidates really are
not leaders. They are servants of special interest groups and individuals. Frighteningly, these groups and individuals
have enough money to “convince” us to select their candidate. These candidates will speak one message and
behave in an entirely different way. An individual who speaks one message and
behaves in an entirely contrary way is not a leader. These are the Pharisees
once chastised by Jesus.
For Tunica County to survive and
prosper, its leaders must have a clear record of honesty in every and all
matters. It is not what is said by the
candidate, it is not the bottle slipped into our hand, it is not the promise of
a job nor the envelope containing cash.
It is what the candidate has done for the people of our county…all of the
people of the county. Look at our
housing, the need for subsidies so we can eat.
Look at our poverty, the lack of jobs.
What does this tell us? Has it
worked for us?
Some incumbents must be removed from
our “temple of government,” the county government. Some candidates must be returned to our “temple
of government.” Only a few, well
selected, new candidates must be placed in our “temple of government”…our
County government where they accept the sworn oath of office and live by their
words and by their deeds.
Governing is a place of sacred
trust. It should not be defiled.
Robert Tuchel, 7 June 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Beat 2 Supervisor Platform
On Nov 3, 2015, Vote for Transparency
Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor Beat 2
Beat 2 Meetings will be held each month on the following dates. Beat 2 residents will have an opportunity to voice his or her concerns. We
will be discussing anything that is of concern to you, the residents of Beat 2.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 22 Feb 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 28 Mar 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 25 Apr 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 23 May 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 27 Jun 2016 @
5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 25 Jul 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 29 Aug 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 26 Sep 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 24 Oct 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 28 Nov 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Mon, 19 Dec 2016
@ 5:30p in the Courthouse
Additionally, for your convenience,
I will have an office in our home. The
address is listed below. My sole reason for running for the
Supervisor’s position in Beat 2 is to
serve you.
II. My main focus will always be the residents of Beat 2. You are my first priority. You come first. Additionally, I will be exploring Monthly Projects in addition to my other Supervisory responsibilities. Here’s my plan:
Jan 2016: Employees:
i. Review each employee’s file to make sure each person is being paid the correct salary and receiving their full benefits.
i. Review each employee’s file to make sure each person is being paid the correct salary and receiving their full benefits.
Feb 2016: Parks and Recreation:
i. Discuss how to increase the participation at the Aquatics Center.
ii. Review Recreation Programs.
iii. Review Senior Citizen Programs.
iv. Explore moving Summer Jobs Program to the Tunica County School District and reassigning Parks and Rec employees to Senior Services.
i. Discuss how to increase the participation at the Aquatics Center.
ii. Review Recreation Programs.
iii. Review Senior Citizen Programs.
iv. Explore moving Summer Jobs Program to the Tunica County School District and reassigning Parks and Rec employees to Senior Services.
Mar 2016: Arena:
i. Review the Arena’s event calendar.
ii. Find ways to increase bookings. ii
iv. Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of assisting with ideas for events.
ii. Find ways to increase bookings. ii
iv. Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of assisting with ideas for events.
Apr 2016: Economic Development:
i. Encourage diversity in recruiting new businesses. Example: Distribution Centers. ii. Keep an active list of Tunicans who have successfully completed the manufacturing courses. Make this list public.
iii. Create a new list of acceptable concessions for prospective companies.
Example: Most important on this list must be: Hiring of Tunica County residents.
iv. Create a list of benefits: Example: Highway and River Transportation. v. Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of making sure all lists are up-to-date; create a list of prospective companies.
i. Encourage diversity in recruiting new businesses. Example: Distribution Centers. ii. Keep an active list of Tunicans who have successfully completed the manufacturing courses. Make this list public.
iii. Create a new list of acceptable concessions for prospective companies.
Example: Most important on this list must be: Hiring of Tunica County residents.
iv. Create a list of benefits: Example: Highway and River Transportation. v. Discuss forming a Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of making sure all lists are up-to-date; create a list of prospective companies.
May 2016: Lawsuits:
i. Review past and active lawsuits.
ii. Identify problems areas and/or personnel.
iii. Implement training through Human Resources.
i. Review past and active lawsuits.
ii. Identify problems areas and/or personnel.
iii. Implement training through Human Resources.
Jun 2016: Housing and Planning:
i. Come up with a plan to beautify our community.
ii. Work with the Board’s Attorney to streamline the clean-up process.
iii. Develop links to grants and funding sources.
i. Come up with a plan to beautify our community.
ii. Work with the Board’s Attorney to streamline the clean-up process.
iii. Develop links to grants and funding sources.
These are the first six
months of special projects. Future
months will include: the Airport, Golf
Course, River Park and Museum.
I am
asking for your vote on 3 Nov 2015 for the office of
Beat 2.
promise, you will not be disappointed.
![]() |
Sunday, June 7, 2015
This Week in Tunica County
Get involved. Go to meetings. Voice your concerns.
Mon, 8 Jun 2015 at 6p: Supervisor Beat 2 Meet and Greet at G. W. Henderson. There are 8 candidates in this race. Let's see how many show up and address their future constituents.
Tue, 9 Jun 2015 at 5:30p: Election Commission Meeting at the Courthouse. This is an election year and our voters rolls are not pristine. Come out and show your concern. We need your help.
Wed, 10 Jun 2015 at 5p: School Board Meeting in the Tunica Elementary Auditorium. Our School District is in trouble. Further, rather then hearing the Community Comments in a respectful manner, this item has been placed after the Board's Executive Session. Folks, these are our elected officials. Come out and see how these meetings are being conducted.
Thu, 11 Jun 2015 at 5p: Board of Supervisors' Meeting at the Courthouse. Can't emphasize enough how important these meetings are to each and everyone of us.
And the most fun event of the week is:
Sat, 13 Jun 2015 all day: This is National Knit in Public day. I'm planning to have a blast!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
UPDATED: Opinion in the Tunica Times - Wyatt Emmerich
Well, I've just spent my evening writing the following post when I could have been reading or quilting or knitting or talking with a few residents of Beat 2. It makes me so angry when people write about Tunica without knowing the facts.
We have people running for office in Tunica County who don't know the first thing about what it takes to be a Supervisor. And, they have lots of money behind them. These people don't want what is best for Tunica. They want what is best for themselves and their friends. Don't let them buy your vote. Don't stand for people being on our ballot who don't live here. People are coming out of the woodwork to run for office when they don't even attend Supervisors' Meetings. Our situation is too
serious to take a chance on anyone who is not involved.
In Beat 2, we have 8 candidates on the Ballot. Four are running on 4 Aug and then there will be 5 on 3 Nov 2015. I will be on the ballot on 3 Nov. I'm not a relative of anyone in Tunica County or the State of Mississippi. I've done the work. I've spent years learning about our government and I am ready to go to work. I'm asking for your vote and your support. I won't let you down.
Read this post and then reread this post. Decide for yourself who got us into this financial position. For sure, it wasn't Phillis Williams, Sonny Nickson or McKinley Daley. It is dishonest for anyone to blame these Supervisors for the mess we are in.
Mr. Emmerich, who helped you write this opinion? I don't believe you have done your own due diligence and you have been fed a bunch of faulty information for political purposes. I welcome your comments and/or corrections.
UPDATE: The 15.77 mills that went into effect in 2013 was passed by the Board of Supervisors on 17 Sep 2012. Who were the Supervisors? Dunn, Burnett, P. Williams, Nickson and Daley. The County Administrator was Clifton Johnson. I believe Burnett was the only Supervisor to vote no on the tax increase. I suppose it was okay with him if we defaulted on our bonds.
We have people running for office in Tunica County who don't know the first thing about what it takes to be a Supervisor. And, they have lots of money behind them. These people don't want what is best for Tunica. They want what is best for themselves and their friends. Don't let them buy your vote. Don't stand for people being on our ballot who don't live here. People are coming out of the woodwork to run for office when they don't even attend Supervisors' Meetings. Our situation is too
serious to take a chance on anyone who is not involved.
In Beat 2, we have 8 candidates on the Ballot. Four are running on 4 Aug and then there will be 5 on 3 Nov 2015. I will be on the ballot on 3 Nov. I'm not a relative of anyone in Tunica County or the State of Mississippi. I've done the work. I've spent years learning about our government and I am ready to go to work. I'm asking for your vote and your support. I won't let you down.
Read this post and then reread this post. Decide for yourself who got us into this financial position. For sure, it wasn't Phillis Williams, Sonny Nickson or McKinley Daley. It is dishonest for anyone to blame these Supervisors for the mess we are in.
This post is being written in response to Wyatt Emmerich’s
Opinion piece in the 5 Jun 2015 issue of the Tunica Times.
Let’s start with who were the Supervisors during the years,
starting with 2001.
2001: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
2002: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
2003: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, Jackson, Pegram
2004: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2005: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2006: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2007: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2008: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2009: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2010: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2011: Dunn, Burnett, Battle III, B Williams, Pegram
2012: Dunn, Burnett, P Williams, Nickson, Daley
2013: Dunn, Burnett, P Williams, Nickson, Daley
2014: Dunn, Burnett, P Williams, Nickson, Daley
For the sake of brevity, I am only going to write about two
statements in this column.
The first statement is: “In 2007, Tunica County received a
whopping $32 million in gaming revenue.
That number has almost been cut in half, prompting the board of
supervisors to attempt to raise taxes by millions. The county is $70 million in debt and broke.” Before continuing I want to ask: “Mr. Emmerich,
who told you we are broke? Did you talk
with our County Administrator or our Comptroller?”
Here is a list of our income starting with 2007:
2007: $32.8M
2008: $37.7M
2009: $27.7M
2010: $24.9M
2011: $22.0M
2012: $22.5M
2013: $20.7M
2014: $18.4M
Notice how our gaming revenue decreased over the years. Who were the Supervisors during these years? Why didn’t these Supervisors raise taxes to
compensate for this loss of income? At
home, if your income goes down you have 2 choices: Cut expenses and/or earn
more income. Who doesn't know that?
During the following years, bonds were issued to build
various facilities without the benefit of a feasibility study for any of these
projects. Who were the
Supervisors? Did these Supervisors think they could just make decisions
like this without first doing their due diligence?
2001: $30M in bonds issued for the Arena
2001: $3M in bonds issued for the Tunica Museum
2003: $15M in bonds issued for the Airport Expansion
2004: $26M in bonds issued for the River Park and Museum
2004: $17M in bonds issued for the Golf Course and Tennis
This list totals $91M in bond debt.
As the following list will show, it wasn’t until 2013 that
any millage was put on the books to service the above bond debt. Who were the Supervisors?
The Supervisors who voted for this millage are the Supervisors that Mr.
Emmerich refers to as “the three-supervisor voting bloc”. Yes Mr. Emmerich, these three Supervisors had
the guts to start cleaning up the mess created by the Supervisors who were in
office prior to them taking office in
2012. If these three Supervisors had not
voted in the 15.77 mills for debt service, we would have defaulted on our
bonds. Bonds, that “the three-supervisor
voting bloc” did not issue as they didn’t come into office until 1 Jan 2012.
(General Fund: GF; Road Fund: RF; Bond Debt: BD)
2007: GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2008: GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2009: GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2010; GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2011: GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2012: GF: 8.75; RF: 0; BD: 0
2013: GF: 9.14; RF: 0; BD: 15.77
2014: GF: 9.14; RF: 0; BD: 15.00
The second statement is: “Tunica supervisors stuck it to the
casinos, raising their taxes 50 percent, a move the casinos called ‘crippling’.” Mr. Emmerich are you referring to “the
three-supervisor voting bloc”? If so,
you are wrong. The Supervisors who “stuck
it” to all of us were in office prior to 2012.
All of us have the same taxes due that the casinos have to pay based on
our own accessed value. All of us had our taxes increased about 50%. We didn't have a choice because defaulting on our bonds was not an option.
Mr. Emmerich, who helped you write this opinion? I don't believe you have done your own due diligence and you have been fed a bunch of faulty information for political purposes. I welcome your comments and/or corrections.
UPDATE: The 15.77 mills that went into effect in 2013 was passed by the Board of Supervisors on 17 Sep 2012. Who were the Supervisors? Dunn, Burnett, P. Williams, Nickson and Daley. The County Administrator was Clifton Johnson. I believe Burnett was the only Supervisor to vote no on the tax increase. I suppose it was okay with him if we defaulted on our bonds.
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