Mississippi School Boards Association
Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
2014 Edition
Directions: Each board member receives the evaluation in advance of the board meeting and rates each standard by placing either an S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) in the box to the right of the indicators listed below the standard. At the board meeting the board discusses the evaluation and comes to agreement on an overall numerical rating on each standard based on the rating of satisfactory or unsatisfactory on each indicator. (Example: Standard 1 has 10 indicators. If the board determine that the superintendent had made satisfactory progress on 8 out of 10 of the indicators, the numerical rating would be 80%.)
Any indicator receiving a "U" necessitates (1) a written response from the board to he superintendent specifying the reason(s) for the unsatisfactory rating and (2) a corrective action a plan written by the superintendent and approved b the board specifying the action the superintendent will take in the future to correct the deficiency. Such corrective action plan shall include measurable indicators of success (as agreed upon by the board with input from the superintendent) that clearly delineates the action(s) the superintendent must take to avoid a future unsatisfactory rating in the identified area.
Standard 1: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in implementing the district's vision, mission and goals. Overall rating: 80%
1.1 Accomplishes the goals of the board as measured by the "indicators of success" on the District Report Card. U
1.2 Collaborates with the Board in the preparation of long-term and short-term operational and instructional goals, which are objectively measurable as pre-determined through "indicators of success." U
1.3 Develops action plans with measurable "indicators of success" on the agreed upon goals. S
1.4 Collaborates with the Board in the preparation of annual monitoring intervals for all adopted goals. S
1.5 Collaborates with the Board in determining the reporting format to be used at monitoring intervals for adopted goals. S
1.6 Collaborates with the Board in the development of a Board "Annual Calendar" and assures that this calendar is included in the Board's monthly Board meeting packet. S
1.7 Provides system data and leadership to the Board at school board meetings regarding the status of and progress made toward accomplishment of Board adopted goals. S
1.8 Implements and evaluates the effectiveness of the adopted action plans. S
1.9 Repots annually to the Board on the status of goals attainment as measured by the pre-determined, "indicators of success" / measurable objectives. S
1.10 Effectively oversees and monitors the planning and evaluation of curriculum and instruction programs. S
Standard 2: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD in the continuous improvement of the school district. Overall rating: 75%
2.1 Assists the Board in meeting or exceeding the required training requirements of Mississippi. Overall Rating: S
2.2 Informs the Board about current trends and developments in education. Overall Rating: U
2.3 Prepares reports on progress made toward (1) the accomplishment of the district's goals, (2) the strengths and improvements needed in the school district, (3) any compelling problems(s) or emerging issues(s). Overall Rating: S
2.4 Participates in professional activities to enhance knowledge and skills. Overall Rating: S
Standard 3: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD to implement the district's organizational structure. Overall Rating: 0%
3.1 Operates through adopted policies as the district's chief executive officer. Overall Rating: U
3.2 Follows the Board's adopted Code of Ethics and Professional Governance Standards. Overall Rating: U
Standard 4: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in policy development and policy implementation. Overall Rating: 75%
4.1 Informs the Board about current rules, regulations, and accreditation standards of the Mississippi Board of Education and of applicable state and federal laws. Overall Rating: S
4.2 Adheres to the Board of policy on "Adoption of Polices" when developing policy or presenting new or revised policies to the Board for consideration. Overall Rating: S
4.3 Correlates applicable policies to agenda items at Board meetings. Overall Rating: U
4.4 Maintains an distributes all adopted policies. Overall Rating: S
4.5 Ensures all policies are updated an current and that the staff and community have access to such policies. Overall Rating: S
4.6 Provides recommendations on all policies presented to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.7 Seeks out staff and public opinion on applicable, proposed policies an reports the findings to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.8 Implements and explains policies and actions the School Board. Overall Rating: U
Standard 5: Meets established requirements in developing and conducting Board meetings. Overall rating: 100%
5.1 Posts all meetings by the Board in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Overall Rating: S
5.2 Follows the Board's adopted policy on conducting effective school board meetings. Overall Rating: S
5.3 Maintains the official School Board Minutes and other records that pertain to the State's Open Records Act. Overall Rating: S
Standard 6: Provides leadership as superintendent to the SCHOOL BOARD in personnel management. Overall Rating: 100%
6.1 Communicates Board beliefs/vision/mission/goals to school personnel. Overall Rating: S
6.2 Provides leadership to and general supervision of all school district employees. Overall Rating: S
6.3 Implements staff evaluation processes consistent with the state's evaluation system to ensure fair and equitable evaluation of all personnel in the district. Overall Rating: S
6.4 Maintains updated job descriptions for all staff. Overall Rating: S
6.5 Maintains an updated, Board approved school district organizational chart. Overall Rating: S
6.6 Has a Board approved plan for the recruitment of personnel. Overall Rating: S
Standard 7: Provides accurate data to assist the SCHOOL BOARD in financial management: Overall Rating: 77%
7.1 Coordinates with the Board in developing the budget. Overall Rating: S
7.2 Ensures that the board approves guidelines for budget decision making. Overall Rating: S
7.3 Develops the proposed budget following adopted budget policies that outline the budget development process and timelines to meet state and local requirements. Overall Rating: S
7.4 Implements and administers the budget in accordance with Board directives and policy. Overall Rating: U
7.5 Administers the approved budget within Board-established spending amounts and recommends budget amendments. Overall Rating: U
7.6 Prepares monthly financial reports on the status of the budget - reports to include, at minimum, money budgeted, received and expended to date in all budgeted areas. Overall Rating: S
7.7 Prepares and presents to the Board annually a five-year trend report on the school district's fund balance. Overall Rating: N/A?
7.8 Maintains the district's financial records and cooperates with auditors annually to audit financial records. Overall Rating: S
7.9 Provides the Board with a copy of the annual financial audit along with an executive summary of any findings/problems. Overall Rating: S
7.10 Reports annually to the Board the findings o the District's financial audit. Overall Rating: S
7.11 Provides the Board with monthly reports on all/any financial transactions involving sixteenth section monies. Overall Rating: N/A?
Standard 8: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in Board, staff and community relationships. Overall Rating: 50%
8.1 Demonstrates respect and cooperation in professional relationships with the Board and individual Board members, staff, and community. Overall Rating: U
8.2 Recognizes and protects the chain of command concept. Overall Rating: U
8.3 Works with the Board to develop ad implement a process that encourages and seeks the input of staff at all levels in decision-making on significant issues where it s appropriate. Overall Rating: U
8.4 Provides the Board with information on training opportunities, seminars, and conferences applicable to Board professional development and, whenever possible, attends Board training sessions with the Board. Overall Rating: S
8.5 Develops a process to receive input from citizens n matters relating to the school district and communicates with the community. Overall Rating: S
8.6 Implements he adopted Board policies on media communications. Overall Rating: S
8.7 Ensures that each school has a community engagement plan. Overall Rating: S
8.8 Ensures community easy access to the school district's "Annual Report Card." Overall Rating: S
This evaluation was signed on 7 Feb 2014 by:
Board President: Tomaka Cotton
Board Secretary: Marilyn Young
Superintendent: Bernard S. Chandler
Blogger's Notes and Analysis:
1. Our School Board has 5 members. Therefore, it would take at least 3 members to come to any consensus. That means at least 3 members would have to vote satisfactory for an S to be entered on the evaluation. Also, at least 3 members would have to vote unsatisfactory for a U to be entered on the evaluation. What is not represented in this evaluation are the votes of the remaining 2 members of the School Board.
2. There are 8 Standards in this evaluation.
Standard 1: 80%
Standard 2: 75%
Standard 3: 0%
Standard 4: 75%
Standard 5:100%
Standard 6:100%
Standard 7: 77%
Standard 8: 50%
3. The total value of the 8 Standards is: 557% divided by 8 = 69.65%
4. There are 52 subcategories on this evaluation. Of the 52 subcategories there are 38 satisfactory; 12 unsatisfactory and 2 not applicable.
So, here is the question: Who gets a $15,000 raise with an evaluation of 69.65%? Answer: The Tunica County Superintendent of Education.
Who voted for this raise?
District 1: Marilyn Young: No
District 2: Tomaka Cotton: Yes
District 3: Larry Braziel: No
District 4: Delois Hardiman: Yes
District 5: Joe Anderson: Yes
Please let me know in the comments section if I have any of this information wrong.
2.1 Assists the Board in meeting or exceeding the required training requirements of Mississippi. Overall Rating: S
2.2 Informs the Board about current trends and developments in education. Overall Rating: U
2.3 Prepares reports on progress made toward (1) the accomplishment of the district's goals, (2) the strengths and improvements needed in the school district, (3) any compelling problems(s) or emerging issues(s). Overall Rating: S
2.4 Participates in professional activities to enhance knowledge and skills. Overall Rating: S
Standard 3: Assists the SCHOOL BOARD to implement the district's organizational structure. Overall Rating: 0%
3.1 Operates through adopted policies as the district's chief executive officer. Overall Rating: U
3.2 Follows the Board's adopted Code of Ethics and Professional Governance Standards. Overall Rating: U
Standard 4: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in policy development and policy implementation. Overall Rating: 75%
4.1 Informs the Board about current rules, regulations, and accreditation standards of the Mississippi Board of Education and of applicable state and federal laws. Overall Rating: S
4.2 Adheres to the Board of policy on "Adoption of Polices" when developing policy or presenting new or revised policies to the Board for consideration. Overall Rating: S
4.3 Correlates applicable policies to agenda items at Board meetings. Overall Rating: U
4.4 Maintains an distributes all adopted policies. Overall Rating: S
4.5 Ensures all policies are updated an current and that the staff and community have access to such policies. Overall Rating: S
4.6 Provides recommendations on all policies presented to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.7 Seeks out staff and public opinion on applicable, proposed policies an reports the findings to the Board. Overall Rating: S
4.8 Implements and explains policies and actions the School Board. Overall Rating: U
Standard 5: Meets established requirements in developing and conducting Board meetings. Overall rating: 100%
5.1 Posts all meetings by the Board in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Overall Rating: S
5.2 Follows the Board's adopted policy on conducting effective school board meetings. Overall Rating: S
5.3 Maintains the official School Board Minutes and other records that pertain to the State's Open Records Act. Overall Rating: S
Standard 6: Provides leadership as superintendent to the SCHOOL BOARD in personnel management. Overall Rating: 100%
6.1 Communicates Board beliefs/vision/mission/goals to school personnel. Overall Rating: S
6.2 Provides leadership to and general supervision of all school district employees. Overall Rating: S
6.3 Implements staff evaluation processes consistent with the state's evaluation system to ensure fair and equitable evaluation of all personnel in the district. Overall Rating: S
6.4 Maintains updated job descriptions for all staff. Overall Rating: S
6.5 Maintains an updated, Board approved school district organizational chart. Overall Rating: S
6.6 Has a Board approved plan for the recruitment of personnel. Overall Rating: S
Standard 7: Provides accurate data to assist the SCHOOL BOARD in financial management: Overall Rating: 77%
7.1 Coordinates with the Board in developing the budget. Overall Rating: S
7.2 Ensures that the board approves guidelines for budget decision making. Overall Rating: S
7.3 Develops the proposed budget following adopted budget policies that outline the budget development process and timelines to meet state and local requirements. Overall Rating: S
7.4 Implements and administers the budget in accordance with Board directives and policy. Overall Rating: U
7.5 Administers the approved budget within Board-established spending amounts and recommends budget amendments. Overall Rating: U
7.6 Prepares monthly financial reports on the status of the budget - reports to include, at minimum, money budgeted, received and expended to date in all budgeted areas. Overall Rating: S
7.7 Prepares and presents to the Board annually a five-year trend report on the school district's fund balance. Overall Rating: N/A?
7.8 Maintains the district's financial records and cooperates with auditors annually to audit financial records. Overall Rating: S
7.9 Provides the Board with a copy of the annual financial audit along with an executive summary of any findings/problems. Overall Rating: S
7.10 Reports annually to the Board the findings o the District's financial audit. Overall Rating: S
7.11 Provides the Board with monthly reports on all/any financial transactions involving sixteenth section monies. Overall Rating: N/A?
Standard 8: Provides leadership to the SCHOOL BOARD in Board, staff and community relationships. Overall Rating: 50%
8.1 Demonstrates respect and cooperation in professional relationships with the Board and individual Board members, staff, and community. Overall Rating: U
8.2 Recognizes and protects the chain of command concept. Overall Rating: U
8.3 Works with the Board to develop ad implement a process that encourages and seeks the input of staff at all levels in decision-making on significant issues where it s appropriate. Overall Rating: U
8.4 Provides the Board with information on training opportunities, seminars, and conferences applicable to Board professional development and, whenever possible, attends Board training sessions with the Board. Overall Rating: S
8.5 Develops a process to receive input from citizens n matters relating to the school district and communicates with the community. Overall Rating: S
8.6 Implements he adopted Board policies on media communications. Overall Rating: S
8.7 Ensures that each school has a community engagement plan. Overall Rating: S
8.8 Ensures community easy access to the school district's "Annual Report Card." Overall Rating: S
This evaluation was signed on 7 Feb 2014 by:
Board President: Tomaka Cotton
Board Secretary: Marilyn Young
Superintendent: Bernard S. Chandler
Blogger's Notes and Analysis:
1. Our School Board has 5 members. Therefore, it would take at least 3 members to come to any consensus. That means at least 3 members would have to vote satisfactory for an S to be entered on the evaluation. Also, at least 3 members would have to vote unsatisfactory for a U to be entered on the evaluation. What is not represented in this evaluation are the votes of the remaining 2 members of the School Board.
2. There are 8 Standards in this evaluation.
Standard 1: 80%
Standard 2: 75%
Standard 3: 0%
Standard 4: 75%
Standard 5:100%
Standard 6:100%
Standard 7: 77%
Standard 8: 50%
3. The total value of the 8 Standards is: 557% divided by 8 = 69.65%
4. There are 52 subcategories on this evaluation. Of the 52 subcategories there are 38 satisfactory; 12 unsatisfactory and 2 not applicable.
So, here is the question: Who gets a $15,000 raise with an evaluation of 69.65%? Answer: The Tunica County Superintendent of Education.
Who voted for this raise?
District 1: Marilyn Young: No
District 2: Tomaka Cotton: Yes
District 3: Larry Braziel: No
District 4: Delois Hardiman: Yes
District 5: Joe Anderson: Yes
Please let me know in the comments section if I have any of this information wrong.