Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Please, stop drinking the Kool Aide...

Why are so many people caught up in this "he doesn't live here" belief when talking about our County Administrator?  Hello Tunica, the new Comptroller doesn't live here either.  You know, the Comptroller Cedric Burnett keeps trying to move into the CA position?  That Comptroller.

Tell you what, why don't we just stop this hate fest and file for receivership?  Will that make you happy?

At last night's Board of Supervisors' Meeting, Cedric made a motion to have the Comptroller and the Chancery Clerk serve as Co-County Administrators.  Really Cedric?  How many times do you have to be told that the County Administrator and the Comptroller may not be the same person.  Honestly, you are like a little kid trying to wear his parents down to get his way.

You know, each of us is entitled to our own opinion but none of us is entitled to our own facts.

No matter your opinion, the facts say that our tax structure was broken toward the end of the last century by those we elected to office.  While this tax structure benefited everyone, those who benefited the most were the casinos, the large property owners and the large land owners.

Here's another fact: Neither Phillis Williams nor Sonny Nickson nor McKinley Daley nor Michael Thompson are responsible for our broken tax structure. 

No matter your opinion, former Boards of Supervisors and former County Administrators failed to recommend to the public an increase in our taxes to keep up with the falling revenue from gaming and our falling property values.  Why aren't you blaming them?  Why do you continue to blame Williams, Nickson, Daley and Thompson and why aren't you, at the very least, questioning Dunn and Burnett?

Look, we can't print money.  That's a fact.  What is it going to take for you to stop criticizing the 3 new Supervisors and Michael Thompson?  For Pete's sake, give these 4 people credit for having the guts to stand-up and get to the bottom of our financial problems.

You want to complain about "all the new employees" who have been hired?  Go talk with your Sheriff and the Parks and Recreation Director.  You want to save some money?  Here's an idea: Approximately one third of our employee are overpaid.  Did you know that we could save approximately $400,000 a year by bringing just ten of these people into the mean salary suggested by the Stennis Report?  You like that idea?  Go talk with your Supervisor.  I'd go talk with mine but, you know, my Supervisor is Cedric.

Here's something else I've been thinking about:  You know the 12% money we've been giving the School District...did you remember we have about 36 mills on the books for schools.  What if the school lived only on the 36 mills?  Oh, maybe they wouldn't be able to do that since our property values have gone down.  Then the School Board would want to increase our mills.  Maybe when you see this money coming directly out of your pocket, you might start screaming about spending so much of your hard earned money for a D rated school system.  You see, I believe since you don't ever really "see" the gaming revenue that goes to the School District, you aren't really paying attention.  But, then again, that's my opinion, not the facts.

So, what are you going to do?  Are you going to keep putting your head in the sand and "drinking the Kool Aide" or are you going to look at the facts and help find solutions?  As for Bob and me, we don't too much like the flavor of the Kool Aide Tunica is serving. But you already knew that.

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