Monday, November 3, 2014

Preparing for the 2015 Board of Supervisors' Elections

This is a new project for us.  We are going to start posting our Supervisor's voting records by Beat starting with Aug 2014.  Going back further might be too overwhelming.  The reason we are posting by Beat is because some votes may be of interest to your Beat but not to mine.

Example: The Robinsonville Community Center:  If you live in Beat 1, you may find a vote in favor of this project beneficial.  Since I live in Beat 2, I may think this project may be needed but we shouldn't have built it now due to our finances at the moment.

In the next post, I will be sharing the Aug 2014 voting record for the Beat 2 Supervisor, Cedric Burnett.  We need 4 other volunteers to research Beats 1, 3, 4 & 5.  If you volunteer, you will need to have your report for Aug 2014 to me by 15 Nov 2014.  Please use the format of the Aug 2014 for Beat 2.  You will find the report in the next post.

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