Thursday, February 27, 2014

27 Feb 2014 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

27 Feb 2014: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p


Thank you for your appointment this evening.


We have a few questions we hope can be answered tonight.  The questions are about the 501c3 status of our Component Units.  These Component Units are:


Component Unit
Tunica County Airport Commission
Tunica County Arena and Expo Center
Tunica County Museum, Inc.
Tunica County National Public Improvement District
Tunica County Public Projects, Inc.
Tunica County Tourism Commission
Tunica County Utility District


  1. Are all of the above units 501c3?
  2. What is the purpose of the request for this status under the IRS codes?
  3. Under the recent Independent Audit, we became aware of both Tunica County Public Projects, Inc. and Tunica County Tourism Commission objecting to opening their books for Mr. Thompson.  The Transparency Committee received a letter of objection from Tunica County Public Projects, Inc. objecting to providing information about expenses and income to the public.  (This letter is now part of the Public Records.)  The question is: Can these Component Units keep from the Public their financial information when they are asked to allow the Public to see their records?

 During our research we found yet another 501c3 that gave us pause.  The name of this entity is called Sports Unlimited of Tunica, Inc. and shows Billy Willis as the Registered Agent.  Why would our Parks and Recreation Director need a 501c3 such as this?  We couldn’t get an answer from the former County Administrator.  We are hoping Mr. Thompson can shed some light on this situation.

Note: The chart above will be edited once Mr. Thompson's research is complete.  Additionally, we need to make sure everyone who reads this blog knows that the Tunica County Museum, Inc. had no problem in disclosing all of their records to Mr. Thompson.



Attached to this report is a copy of the information we sent to the MS State Auditor.  The Transparency Committee was concerned about 2 claims that were paid on 30 Nov 2011.  This would be with the approval of the former Board of Supervisors.  We are hoping with the new County Administrator and Comptroller we will be able to put this concern to rest.


The claims were paid to Gold Strike Casino in the amounts of $5,738.94 and $5,971.25 for a total of $11,710.19.  These two claims were charged to the Sheriff’s Department.  I was told 2 different things by MS State Auditor Earl Smith.


The first was told to me by phone.  I was told the former County Administrator told Mr. Smith this was a coding error and should have been coded for Homeland Security and paid for with 2 Homeland Security Grants (Jun 2010 and Aug 2011).  For me to accept this would mean I would have to believe an Accounting Clerk, the Tunica County Comptroller, the County Administrator and all 5 Supervisors missed this error.

The second was told to me via email from Mr. Smith after I requested another review.  In this second scenario Mr. Smith said these expenses were paid for with grants awarded to the Sheriff’s Department in 2011.
Hmmm, which is true?  Tonight we are submitting a Freedom of Information letter to get to the bottom of this expense.

Election Commission:

On 19 Dec 2013, our Committee reported to you that we were no longer going to deal with the Election Commission.  We are going to come right to you, the Board of Supervisors, with our concerns.
Mr. Dunn, last year you asked the former County Administrator to look into getting the Election Commission minutes transcribed to a format that was not handwritten.  To the best of my knowledge, this has not been done.  Can you make this happen?
We will be looking at the voter rolls before the 2014 Mid-Terms.  I’m hoping they will be in order and additionally, I hope the Election Commission is able to count our 12 little precincts on the same evening as the election.

Tonight we are passing on to the Tunica County Board of Supervisors information we were given about the residency of Supervisor Burnett.  This information says that Cedric and Tasha Burnett live at 4653 Range View Circle in Memphis, TN   38128-1599.  There is an AT&T landline going to this residence (901) 382-2037.

There are many of us in this County who are way past this foolishness.  We have serious problems and we need 5 working Supervisors to solve these problems.  We need 5 Supervisors who are fully invested in Tunica County by residing within his or her Beat.  One has to ask: Why are we putting up with this dishonesty?
Why are we putting up with Supervisor Burnett not approving the Claims but cashing his paycheck?  Do we have any problems in our other Beats with the residency of the Supervisor?  Dunn?  Nickson? Daley? Williams?  Burnett?

Note: During the meeting each Supervisor was asked if they "resided" in their Beat.  Nickson, Daley and Williams stated that they did live in their Beats.  Dunn told me to continue with my report and Burnett didn't answer.

In the election of 2011, Tasha Burnett voted at the R. C. Irwin Library.  This I know to be true as I was the Poll Watcher at this Precinct.  I do not believe Tasha lives or has ever lived in Tunica County.  The question is, what are the other 4 Supervisors going to do about this?  Are you going to investigate this information or are you going to let this information go in one ear and out of the other?  Change is moving much too slowly in Tunica County.  Are you going to look into this information or not?  And if not, why not?  The rest of you have to reside in your Beats.  Why aren’t you demanding the same of Burnett?
Phillis, we know it has been hard for you to stand up for change in our County.  Your willingness to stand-up for what is right has not gone unnoticed.  Tunica County needs you to continue to vote with Nickson and Daley for this change.  You are the first woman to be elected to serve on the Tunica County Board of Supervisors.  We are counting on your vote to help make Tunica County a better place to live and work for all of our citizens and not just the few.

6 Jul 2011                                                                         Page 1 of 3
TO:            MS Office of the State Auditor
Phone:      601-576-2800
FAX:          601-576-2686
From:        Barbara Tuchel
Phone:      662-671-9481
FAX:          662-363-1346
RE:            Tunica County Sheriff Expense

I am writing to ask for another review of the complaint sent to you on 1 Feb 2011.

After speaking with Earl Smith, it is my understanding that the claims noted in the original complaint were paid for by two Homeland Security Grants.  The first was in Jun 2010 and the second in Aug 2011.

Reasons for asking for another review:

  1. These expenses were charged to the Sheriff’s Dept (200) instead of Homeland Security/Emergency Management (280).
  2. The Manager of Homeland Security/Emergency Management is Randy Stewart.  Stewart is also the Chief Deputy in the Sheriff’s Dept.
  3. When the Board of Supervisors approves the Sheriff’s annual budget it does not include control of the Homeland Security/Emergency Management funds.  These are two separate budget items.
  4. It is concerning that the Tunica County Administrator is going back 2 years to use funds from a Homeland Security Grant to pay for an expense in Nov 2011.
  5. The statement in item #4 above does not fit the mo of how monies are spent in Tunica County.  Example:  On 29 Feb 2012, the Board of Supervisors approved a Homeland Security Grant (233) for $300,000.00.  When the claims for Feb 2012 were paid on 5 Mar 2012, the docket included $101,499.45 from this Grant.  This Grant was not approved by the Board of Supervisors before funds were spent.
  6. It is too coincidental that the $11,710.19 just happened to be spent in Nov 2012, the same month as the election.
Page 1 of 2 Sent 1 Feb 2012

TO:            MS Office of the State Auditor
Phone:      601-576-2800
FAX:          601-576-2686

From:        Barbara Tuchel
Phone:      662-671-9481
FAX:          662-363-1346

RE:            Tunica County Sheriff Expense

Following please find the internet form from your website.  I was unsuccessful in submitting this complaint online.
Please acknowledge you have received this complaint by sending a message to my email at:

IV: Allegation and of facts:

This allegation was observed by reading the claims for the month of Nov. 2011.  These records are in the Public Records Office.  I am a Whistleblower and a member of Tunicans for Transparency in Government.  Quite frankly, our committee has just about given up in getting the absolute truth when we question our government.  We are turning to your Department for help.

The following was paid along with other Tunica County claims:

Claim: 11316
Vendor: 3304 Gold Strike Casino
Invoice: 278-A
Date Paid: 30 Nov 2011
Fund-Dept-Objective: 001-200-476 (200= Sheriff’s Dept.)
Description: Meals and Lodging
Amount: $5,738.94

Claim: 11316
Vendor: 3304 Gold Strike Casino
Invoice: 278A
Date Paid: 30 Nov 2011
Fund-Dept-Objective: 001-200-476 (200=Sheriff’s Dept.)
Description: Meals and Lodging
Amount: $5,971.25

Total Amount of Check: $11,710.19

I have called the Gold Strike Casino and was told that a LaTonya Hamp is employed.  I have no idea if this has any relevance to this complaint or not.  Additionally, I’ve been told but have no way of verifying that the Sheriff  hosted a party at Gold Strike after the election.
Notes: 26 Jun 2012: Spoke with Earl Smith in the State Auditor’s Office.  This was investigated and was paid for with Homeland Security Grants from Jun 2010 and Aug 2011.   All we can do is question or Board of Supervisors each and every time they approve these grants.


27 Feb 2014: Hand delivered at Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p
Dear Mr. Wiley:
Pursuant to the state open records law, MS Code Sections 25-61-1 to 25-61-17, I write to request copies of the supporting documents for the following claims:
Claim: 11316
Vendor: 3304 Gold Strike Casino
Invoice: 278-A
Date Paid: 30 Nov 2011
Fund-Dept-Objective: 001-200-476 (200= Sheriff’s Dept.)
Description: Meals and Lodging
Amount: $5,738.94/

Claim: 11316
Vendor: 3304 Gold Strike Casino
Invoice: 278A
Date Paid: 30 Nov 2011
Fund-Dept-Objective: 001-200-476 (200=Sheriff’s Dept.)
Description: Meals and Lodging
Amount: $5,971.25

t is provided by the MS open records law that a response is expect within fourteen (14) business days (MS Code Section 25-61-5(1)).  If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records.   I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in a fine of up to $100 and all reasonable litigation expenses (MS Code Section 25-61-15).

Thank you for your assistance.


Barbara R. Tuchel

Cc:       Michael Thompson
            Ellis Pittman
            Robert Tuchel




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