Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Board of Supervisors' Meeting 17 Sep 2012

All was not lost…

At the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting on 17 Sep 2012, the Board voted to approve the 2012-2013 Budget and an ad valorem increase of 15.77%.

There were some budget changes from the original presentation. One of these changes was an increase to the budget for an Animal Control Officer and a vehicle. Thank you to the Board of Supervisors for this.

I do disagree with the Board in comparing what is budgeted for Health Care to what is budgeted for the Tunica Humane Society. We need both.  I for one would not do what the volunteers at the THS have done and are doing. These volunteers saw a need in Tunica County and they provided it.

It is my understanding that the Supervisors have received many nasty letters and phone calls about this budget item. There is no excuse for this behavior. This is not the way to bring together the citizens of this County for the communal good.

What is being asked of the Supervisors is to take another look at the Road Department budget for monies needed for the Tunica Humane Society. This no kill shelter is good for our community and we need it much more then we need those 2 snow plows.

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