Friday, June 15, 2012

A Seat at the Table

For some time now, we have been watching the actions of the Tunica County Sheriff at Board of Supervisors’ Meetings.

Since the first of the year, Sheriff Hamp, when present, has walked in and stated: “All rise, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors’ is now in session.” What the heck is this all about?

This is what the MS Code says about the Sheriff’s attendance at Board of Supervisors’ Meetings:

MS Code Ann. 19-3-25 (2011) Sheriff to attend meetings. “The sheriff of the county shall attend all meetings of the board of supervisors, either in person or by deputy, and shall execute all its process and orders.”

That’s it. This one sentence does not say anything about the Sheriff sitting at the Board of Supervisors’ table. This one sentence does not say anything about the Sheriff wedging himself between the Board President and the Board Attorney. What is all of this foolishness?

Actually Sheriff Hamp, your time would be better spent learning when you may execute an arrest and when you may execute a citation.

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