Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A light bulb moment

For me...

Since the Board of Supervisors' Meeting this morning, I have received a few disgruntled comments...all from white Tunicans.

First of all, I do not believe Tunica is going to become another Clarksdale just because the color of the skin of the present Board of Supervisors happens to be black. That being said, we could become another Clarksdale if the character of this Board of Supervisors is not above reproach. Unfortunately, that means this Board of Supervisors has to be better then the last Board and they have to serve all of the residents of Tunica.

Further, if you are one of the Tunica residents who sat on your butt and now wants to complain...talk to the hand. I've found that in most cases, you don't know what you are talking about because you haven't taken the time to discover the truth.

Maybe the changes from the last election are not the best we can do but it's a start.

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