Monday, January 30, 2012

Now this is a riot....

Did you know that Tunica County is now the proud owner of $6348.84 worth of Riot Equipment? Not very funny is it?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Taking Responsibility for Your Vote

It's not just our duty to vote, we need to be responsible for the results. For awhile now, I've felt that those who voted to put Bush and Chaney into office should be helping to clean-up the mess Bush and Co. hoisted on our country. I don't see this happening. And what about those who didn't bother to vote? As fellow Americans, where is their responsibilty in all of this mess?

What about our local elections? What is our individual responsibility here in Tunica County?

Here's an example to mull over: In Beat 2 there are approximately 1200 registered voters. On 8 Nov 2011, 665 votes were cast for the office of Beat 2 Supervisor. These 665 votes represent 55% of the 1200 registered voters in Beat 2. This would mean that 45% or 535 of the registered voters in Beat 2 did not want to vote or did not bother to vote. So, the question is this: By not voting does a person have any responsibility to their fellow citizens?

Now, let's go back and work with the 665 votes that were cast for the position of Beat 2 Supervisor. Of the 665 votes cast, 424 went to Burnett and 241 went to Hudson. The 424 votes represents 33% of the 1200 registered voters in Beat 2. The 241 votes represents 20% of the 1200 registered voters in Beat 2.

This means that 80% or 959 (424 + 535) of the registered voters in Beat 2 either voted for Burnett or didn't vote at all. To my way of thinking, this 80% of the registered voters in Beat 2 are, for the next 4 years, responsible for the performance of the Beat 2 Supervisor. Good luck with that.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Posting of Meetings

Why isn't this being done consistently?

I spent just over a year trying to convince the Election Commission that it was their responsibilty to post their meetings.

It is so annoying to feel I need to put these meetings on this website. It is not my job!!! That being said and since our various Boards are not posting their respective meetings, these are the meeting I have on my mind at the moment.

31 Jan 2012: Board of Supervisors @ 9a.
6 Feb 2012: Board of Supervisors @ 9a.
7 Feb 2012: Board of Alderman @ 3p.
8 Feb 2012: Board of Education @ 5p.
14 Feb 2012: Election Commission @ 5:30p.
15 Feb 2012: Board of Supervisors @ 5p.
21 Feb 2012: Board of Alderman @ 3p.
29 Feb 2012: Board of Supervisors @ 5p.

Don't count on this information showing up here each month. Call your representatives and ask them to post their meetings as the Open Meeting laws require. Thank you so very much.

BTW on Sat, 11 Feb 2012, Tunicans for Transparency in Government will meet in the R. C. Irwin Library at 1p. Everyone is welcome.

Why are our legal expenses so high?

It appears to me Tunica County government is setting us up for these employee lawsuits because the Board of Supervisors does not have in place what is expected of any other $45 million business.

Here are a few ideas to turn this situation around:

1. Each employee should be given a job description.

2. Each employee should have a yearly review as close as possible to their employment anniversary.

3. Each employee should have a current Employee Handbook.

4. The Employee Handbook should be reviewed annually with any changes added to the Board of Supervisors' Minutes and changes sent to all employees. It needs to be noted this rewrite has been in the works for about 2 years. Come on, get the job done.

So, what is the cost to Tunica County for not getting our house in order? The cost in Nov 2011 was just shy of $50,000.00.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Transparency Meeting 14 Jan 2012

Tunicans for Transparency in Government will hold their meeting Saturday, 14 Jan 2012, at the R. C. Irwin Library at 1 p.m. All adult residents of Tunica County and all elected officials of Tunica County are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A light bulb moment

For me...

Since the Board of Supervisors' Meeting this morning, I have received a few disgruntled comments...all from white Tunicans.

First of all, I do not believe Tunica is going to become another Clarksdale just because the color of the skin of the present Board of Supervisors happens to be black. That being said, we could become another Clarksdale if the character of this Board of Supervisors is not above reproach. Unfortunately, that means this Board of Supervisors has to be better then the last Board and they have to serve all of the residents of Tunica.

Further, if you are one of the Tunica residents who sat on your butt and now wants to to the hand. I've found that in most cases, you don't know what you are talking about because you haven't taken the time to discover the truth.

Maybe the changes from the last election are not the best we can do but it's a start.

Road Manager

Before you read this posting, go back to the posting on Mon, 10 Oct 2011.

Okay, so now you have the background. Today the Board of Supervisors chose to replace the Tunica County Road Manager. Here's the problem. Three of the 5 Supervisors are ... well ... new. Did the new superevisors know the history concerning the loss of reimbursement before they made their decision? Hmmm, I don't know if they did or not. Based on the information I gathered on this subject from attending Board of Supervisors' Meetings, I would have made the same decision. Frankly, I was appalled at the Road Manager's attitude toward this problem. That's why I wrote about it on 10 Oct.

All of that being said, it appeared to me that some employment decisions were decided by the Board of Supervisors before today's meeting. Here are two examples:

1. After the Road Manager was not rehired, the Board of Supervisors did not decide to advertise for this vacancy. All five Supervisors voted to appoint Joe Eddy Hawkins. (See Democratic Executive Committee on this blog posted 31 Mar 2011). Joe Eddy Hawkins is the same member of the DEC who thought it was okay to certify Jerry Gentry to run for the Superintendent's job and Hawkins openly admitted they knew Gentry lived in Memphis. So, we are expecting Hawkins to follow FEMA regulations so we will be eligible for reimbursement?

2. The next appointment has to do with the Comptroller. Another job that was not advertised. This position went to Lawonda Knighten who has been attending Board of Supervisors' Meetings for a good while.

So, if these positions were talked about and agreed upon by the Board of Supervisors before this morning's meeting, this would be a violation of the MS Open Meeting Law.

Additionally, what happened to all the complaints about job descriptions and advertising for open positions? The Employee Handbook allows for the interdepartmental transfer of employees. Lawonda Knighten is already employed in the Comptroller's Dept. but I can't find Joe Eddie Hawkins anywhere. What are his qualifications for the job?

Board of Supervisors' Meetings

This morning, 3 Jan 2012, was the first meeting of the new Board of Supervisors. Thanks go the Beat 4 Supervisor, Sonny Nickson, for bringing up the subject of moving Board of Supervisors’ Meetings to evening hours.

What was finally agreed upon was this: Starting in Feb 2012, the first meeting will be at 9a on the first Monday of the month. The middle meeting and the end of the month meeting will be held at 5p.

This is why I think the decision that was made this morning was not a good and transparent decision for the residents of Tunica County.

1. The first meeting of the month contains all of the department reports and the paying of the claims. The middle and the end of the month meetings usually have much smaller agendas and usually are not all that interesting.

2. When residents begin to realize there is not that much on the middle and end of the month agendas, they might lose interest and stop attending. It sure would be a shame to let our newly found citizen participation start to wane.

This is why I think it would be a good thing for Tunica County to hold all Board of Supervisors’ Meetings at 5:30p:

1. Tunicans would get to hear what is going on in their government through reports from department heads.

2. Tunicans would get to hear the reading of the claims and know where their government is spending county funds.

3. Additionally, by holding Board of Supervisors’ Meetings at 5:30p, we could meet in the courtroom and everyone would get to have a seat. The courtroom also has a speaker system so we could hear what was being said. These are problems that now exist in the current Board Room...not enough room and we can't hear.

4. If by chance the courtroom had been in use during the day of a Supervisors' Meeting, the courtroom would be cleared out and we could move in at 5:30p for our meeting.

Supervisors, please bring this up for further discussion. At various county meetings, you have been able to observe that Tunica County residents are interested in what is going on. Please make your meetings and yourselves available to your constituents.