Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Update on "Car 54" Post

And so, it continues. We finally got a list of county owned vehicles. The Meals-on-Wheels bus is now listed under the Board of Supervisors. All of the 25 seat passenger vans are owned and operated by North Delta Planning. Well, they may have been purchased by North Delta Planning but the drivers are assigned to the Recreation Department and are paid from the Recreation Department's Budget. Wonder who is maintaining these vans and putting gas in their tanks? Besides, the word used in the meeting was that these vans are "totally" owned and operated by North Delta Planning.

On the list of vehicles from the Chancery Clerk there is one School Bus listed under the Recreation Department. Item #16 on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda for 1 Nov 2010 is to "ratify acceptance of donation of school bus from the Tunica County School District." (Notice the use of the singular of the word "bus" on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda.) I called the Chancery Clerk and asked if we now had 2 buses and I was told we had 3 and one was not working. Gee, this wasn't mentioned at the 1 Nov 2010 Board Meeting and no one asked how much it was going to cost to repair this bus after the Board accepted it.

At the 1 Dec 2010 Board of Supervisors' Meeting, the Chancery Clerk requested the Board of Supervisors vote to remove a bus from inventory because it was not working. (This item was not listed on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda for this date.)

Now, let's see what the Public Records for Nov 2010 reveal about these buses. In Book #139 on page 336, there is a letter from the Parks and Recreation Director requesting the Board of Supervisors to accept 3 buses from the Board of Education. This letter is dated 21 Apr 2008. That's right, 21 Apr 2008.

In Book #139 on page 336 is the Resolution dated 1 Nov 2010 accepting the buses. Notice the plural use of the word "bus".

There is a time lapse of 2 years and 7 months between the request and the acceptance. There are questions that remain on this subject:

1. Were the buses insured during this time?
2. What budget was charged with the expense of fueling and maintaining these buses?
3. What was Tunica County's exposure?

What a mess!!!!

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