Thursday, May 11, 2017

Very interesting comrad

Just checked the stats for yesterday on this blog.

We had 389 hits from the U.S. and 353 from Russia.  FROM RUSSIA?  WHAT THE HECK?

Dear Bennie:

It is time to start impeachment proceedings for 45.  He has continued to lie to the American people.  When is it enough to rid us of this person?

Further, I cannot find an answer to the following:. If it is proven that Russia interfered with our election and 45 knew about it, does pence become president?  That doesn't seem right.  Does​ this go to the Supreme Court?  Does the Supreme Court nullify this election?

Please stand-up and start the ball rolling on impeachment.  45 is tearing our Country apart.

Blogger's note: email sent to Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dear Senators Wicker and Cochran:

It is past time for both of you to stand up for our Country.  It is clear that 45 fired James Comey because he is conducting an FBI investigation into Russia's interference in our last Presidential Election.

We need an Independent investigation and we need it now!

How long are you going to wait before you stand-up for what is right?  It is time to impeach this administration.  You cannot believe that you can remain silent while our Country goes down in flames and retain your seats in Congress.

And WHEN this investigation proves that Russia helped to elect 45, his replacement is not Pence or Ryan or Hatch.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

So Roger....

It's about the Senate Healthcare Working Group.

Where is the bipartisanship and where are the women?

If you are not raising a stink about this all male/all Republican Committee, then you are contributing to the problem.

To be clear, I prefer that Congress fix what is not working with the ACA.  Additionally, I believe the insurance companies are the biggest problem with the ACA.  When they are compensating their CEOs to the tune of many millions of dollars and raising rates on Americans, they are not playing fair.  Your continued support for these tactics makes me question who you are really working for.

Email sent to Senator Roger Wicker who is up for re-election in 2018.

Blogger's note: The following statement is copied from Senator Wicker's website.  Is Wicker helping to move MS forward or is he voting the party line?  To my way of thinking, if Wicker isn't speaking out now about this working group, he is not standing up for health care or women.  

Health Care

I have a solid understanding of healthcare issues and how they affect Mississippians. I sat on the subcommittee that develops the budget for the Department of Health and Human Services for twelve of my thirteen years in the U.S. House of Representatives and was the Chairman of Public Health Committee during my time in the State Senate. As a member of Congress, I voted to create the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and the Medicare prescription drug benefit, ensuring our state's children have health insurance coverage and our seniors do not have to choose between buying groceries and paying for their prescriptions.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

A Profile in Courage

Bob and I just watched President Barack Obama receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award.

President Obama reminded us what makes America such a success. Congratulations Mr. President and thank you for the example the Obama family set for our Country.

Friday, May 5, 2017

From the Opposition Report

"Of the 11 states in which 30% or more of the under-65 population has some sort of pre-existing condition, all 11 were won by Trump in 2016.

That’s right: The states who are most likely to suffer from the GOP-led effort to kill the Affordable Care Act are all of the shiny, crimson, Trump-voting variety. 

In fact, all of the states you were already thinking of when you read there were 11 that would face catastrophe are on the list. Alabama will cough up six votes for this bill. All four Representatives from Arkansas will choke down the fury of their constituents. Along with those three, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia will combine for a likely 49 votes. They’ll take those votes with them when they head back to their home districts.

Most of those states are so reliably Republican at election time, the representatives needn’t worry. Their voters are used to lodging their will against their own best interests. But for states whose voters are engaged enough to have bipartisan balance representing them in D.C., Congress may end up in the burn ward.

Blogger's note:. Wake-up Mississippi.  We deserve better than this.  We are NOT a plantation!  Let's change our flag and start voting like we matter!  It's time for Mississippi to turn BLUE!"