Today is 8 Oct 2016. Republicans, forget about your candidate's tax returns. Your candidate does not have a moral center.
Today, I am reminded of First Lady Michelle Obama's statement: "When they go low, we go high."
On 8 Nov 2016, I will be watching the total votes in Tunica County for both the Democratic and the Republican candidates' for President of the United States of America. Depending on the breakdown, we will see a picture of the morals of this County and our citizen's ability to break with group think and vote for progress.
You had your chance Republicans and you chose poorly. You chose Bush/Cheney. And then you tried out Sarah Palin. You need to work on your Party and find someone with a brain and a moral center. Your current candidate is not it.
Do not criticize Hillary Clinton when your Party has presented our Country with this poor excuse for a human being. By associating with your candidate, you are condoning his beliefs and actions toward women.
I'm enthusiastically voting for Hillary Clinton. She's qualified and fit to lead our Country.
It's time for MS to show ourselves and the Country that we are not the bumbling idiots they think we are.
It's time for MS to turn blue, again.