Wednesday, March 16, 2016

About last night...

There was a Board of Supervisors' Meeting last night.  All of the Supervisors were in attendance except Michael Johnson, who was on the phone.

Before I go on, let me say this about that: Apparently, it is okay for a Supervisor to attend a meeting via phone if there is a physical quorum.  That is, a quorum cannot be created by a member calling in to attend the meeting.  I don't like this but there it is.  In my opinion, if you can't put your butt in the seat, you are absent.

Oh and one more thing: TCUD Matt Young again did not show to give his report.  Folks TCUD is a big problem and the Director can't even be bothered attend a meeting and report so that the public can hear what is going on.  Written reports to the BOS does not get it.  You people work for us and we want to hear from you.

Okay, so here goes:

Last night, County Administrator, Adrian McKay, proposed the hiring of a Senior Accountant.  The person he proposed is Tim Hale who used to be with Williams, Pitts and Beard.  McKay stated that Hale had been involved in the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Tunica County Audits.  Hmm, I thought there wasn't an audit for 2014 and Michael Thompson was being blamed for this oversight.  At least this was the story until last night.

It has long been my contention that the Comptroller leads in our financial audit and until recently, McKay was the Comptroller.  His job.  His responsibility.

So, McKay wants to hire Hale.  McKay interviews Hale.  McKay does not allow the current Comptroller, Delilah Vaughn, who will be Hale's supervisor, to interview Hale.  McKay does not allow the Human Resources Officer, Hylan Oliver, to even look at the resume so that he can weigh in on the appropriate salary.  Then McKay suggests a salary of $47,400 for Hale when Vaughn was paid $43,000 in the same position.

Both Sonny Nickson and Phillis Williams voted against hiring Hale.  They lost their bid to Dunn, Johnson and Pegram.  Then Nickson suggested a salary of $43K for the position.  Again, Nickson and Williams lost their bid to Dunn, Johnson and Pegram.

Wonder where Hale lives?  Tunica County?  Probably not.  So much for hiring people who live in Tunica County.  Oh, you only had to live in Tunica County if your name was Michael Thompson.  Sorry, I forgot.

Well Phillis, how do you like your choice of County Administrator now?

Then we get to James Dunn's agenda item to move the first BOSs' Meeting to 9a.  During the meeting he made some grumblings about moving all of the meetings to 9a.  Rev. Fullilove stood up in the audience and said this would not be good for the citizens and Dunn had not bothered to ask the citizens.  Of course, Pegram wants to move the meetings to 9a like they used to be.  You know, when the Board of Supervisors didn't want the public to know what was going on...when they sold our souls down the river with all of these Component Units and Bonds.

I believe this move by Dunn is to silence Sonny Nickson and give King James, a/k/a James Dunn, the opportunity to pull the wool over our eyes yet again.  For those of you who don't know, Sonny Nickson is a teacher and he is in class teaching so our children can learn at 9a in the morning.  Moving the meetings to 9a would leave the citizens of Beat 4 without a voice at the table and would disenfranchise your Supervisor.

Also on my mind: About our Health Insurance: yes we have to get bids each year but know this Dunn, Johnson and Pegram: We are going to be watching very carefully how you handle this contract.  Nick Floyd and Associates have been good for our County.  Through the Bridge Policy they have returned money to our County.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Maybe we should ask Attorney Perry

Before I forget there is a BOSs' meeting tonight, 15 Mar 2016, at 5p.

In last week's Tunica Times there is an opinion piece written by Brooks Taylor.  It's on pages 4 and 10 of the 11 Mar 2015 issue.

Within this opinion, Taylor States:

"...the Tunica Museum (is) unique among the amenities and attractions built with gaming revenue.  It's staff are not county employees, it is not a county owned facility..."

Really?  Then why did the County issue a $3M Bond for the museum?  The airport employees are not County employees and except for Jason Lloyd, neither are the employees at the golf course.

Elsewhere in this opinion, Taylor States that the Founders of the Tunica Museum intended that the museum is a gift to the community.  What does this mean?  A physical gift or an enhancement?

For a very long time folks in Tunica have wondered why these Component Units were set-up as 501c3 facilities.  Maybe this is an opportunity to ask Attorney Perry for a definitive answer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What is wrong with Gov Bryant???

How can Gov Bryant endorse Ted Cruz?  Cruz helped to shut down the Federal Government and our Govenor endorses him?

And surprise...MS has been called for The Donald.  When are Mississippians going to stand up and make a change?

We need jobs, education and infrastructure. Therefore, we need a Democrat in the White House.

My prayer is that Hillary will draft Bernie as her Vice President and save us from our own madness!!!


Monday, March 7, 2016

Thank you Sonny Nickson...

Tonight is another Board of Supervisors' Meeting at 5p.  I've been really lax in posting lately.  Have been working on a lace project and an original quilt design....and I'm enjoying myself.  Sometimes it is a bit tiresome to write on the blog.  Oh we go:

At the BOS's meeting on 29 Feb 2016, Beat 4 Supervisor, Sonny Nickson, brought to the public's attention 3 resolutions dated the 28th of Jan 2016.  These resolutions had not been acted upon as directed by the Board of Supervisors.

These resolutions were 1.)to post and then advertise for a Public Information Officer, a Front Desk Clerk in Administration; 2.) to hire W. C. Eskridge to replace Jewelie Brown as our Code Enforcer and 3.) to enact an in-house transfer of Vanessa Carter to Accounts Payable.

Apparently, direction was given to not act upon these Board decisions and the implication was that James Dunn had called a halt to these actions.  And you all wonder why I refer to him as King James?  He signed the resolutions as Board President so what is the problem?

It needs to be understood by all of our Supervisors that once a County Administrator is in place, Supervisors may not interfere with the day to day operation of the County.  In fact, the only power a Supervisor has is when he or she is sitting at the Board table.

It seems to me that King James has been around long enough to know better...if in fact this is what happened.  Maybe we need to consider term limits for Supervisors in the State of MS.