Friday, December 20, 2013

19 Dec 2013 BOS Meeting: Various Subjects

19 Dec 2013: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

 Thank you for your appointment this evening.

I.            Election Commission:  As this Board is aware, the Transparency Committee has attended Election Commission meetings and reported our findings to you.  At one stretch, we attended meetings for 2 years with the exception of one month during this 2 year time frame.

Our last discussion with this Board was about Election Commission reports not being typed.  Mr. Dunn, you asked our former County Administrator to look into this problem and find a solution.  There was no follow-up to this request that was mentioned at a Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and to date; I don’t believe this has been done.

Attached to this report is a copy of one of the reports we made before this Board.  This particular report is dated 15 Jun 2012.  This is a synopsis of some of the problems we have on this very important Commission.

At the moment, you are discussing how to fill the vacancy for Beat 5 on our Election Commission.  Our Committee is asking you not to appoint former Commissioner, Eddie Ryals for the following reason:  When our Committee asked the Election Commissioners to follow-up on a Beat 3 resident, we supplied information for them to move forward with their own investigation so that Marietta Battle could either be removed from Tunica County’s voter rolls or allowed to remain on our voter rolls.  Mr. Ryals was the Commissioner who told us there would be no investigation as the Battles had a business in our County.  Now we are all aware that having a business in a district does not allow you to vote in said district.  Voters must register and vote where they reside.

The time is long past and we have too many other pressing issues for us to have to deal with the residency of elected officials in this County.  Whether the problems are with the Election Commission and/or the Circuit Clerk’s office, the problems need to be fixed.  I do know this; the Transparency Committee is no longer going to bother with this Election Commission. 

II.          Grants: Quickly on this subject: please be aware that each time you all approve a grant it is costing us money.  Yes, even if the grant is at 100%.  A case in point is the recent purchase of the four wheelers.  These pieces of equipment will cost us money in insurance and gas and employee time.  And for what?  Why do we need them?

III.        Moonlighting: Tunica County’s policy on Moonlighting can be found on page 18 of the current Employee and book.  We’ve included a copy of that page in this report.  The handbook states what any full time employee must do to work outside his or her obligation to Tunica County.  One of these obligations is to submit a written request to the Board of Supervisors “prior” to starting another job.  We have brought this problem to the attention of the former County Administrator and we had no success.

If this Board finds it appropriate, would you consider asking the new County Administrator to send a memo to all employees to remind them of this obligation should they wish to seek employment in addition to their job with Tunica County?

Our search of public records can find no evidence of any letters asking for Board approval.  Attached to this report are some names we believe are working in addition to their job at Tunica County.  These names are K. C. Hamp, John Pickett, III, Glen Grant, Dr. Henry Hargrow, Eugene Bridges and Ann Johnson.

This information is not new.  With the changes we’ve had in our government, this might be a good time to make sure all employees are treated fairly.

IV.         Independent Audit: Where are we in this process?  Are we going to be getting a final report or a report of what has been found so far?

V.            Budget and Claims: In May of this year, this Board approved a claim from the Sheriff’s department for $23,675.00 to pay for a 2013 Dodge Charger.  And yet, on 30 Sep 2013, there was a report to adjust the 2012-2013 Budget.  This report showed the Sheriff’s department to be $297,000.00 over budget.  This is just one example of what our Committee found in just one month of this past fiscal year.  How is this happening?

It is concerning to hear this Board discussing not paying County obligations.  Wouldn’t it be better to pay the present claims and amend the budget to reduce the objectionable spending?  Asking for a monthly report of departmental spending is a good first step.  Please consider reducing departmental budgets to rein in spending.

One thing is for sure, we can’t afford the new Community Center and the public really does need more of an explanation of why our County has to borrow $850K to purchase land for a private company. 
Supporting information and or reports...
15 Jun 2012
I.           Election Commission:
A.   Meetings not being posted as required by the MS Open Meetings Law.
B.   Jun 2012: No meeting held as the Courthouse was locked and only 2 Election Commissioners showed up.  Elijah Williams and Tina Brown
C.    There has been no transcription help offered as requested by the Board of Supervisors on 13 Apr 2012.
D.   Final purge date is 8 Aug 2012.
II.         Research:
A.  “A properly maintained voter roll contains all of the names of eligible voters who have registered to vote in your county together with their correct address information, and it does not contain the name of any voter who is ineligible to vote in your county.” 
                 1.   Conclusion: If they are not meeting, they are not maintaining.
B.  “They act as a group, through their minutes, which should be filed with the circuit clerk of the county.  
                 1.   Conclusion: Minutes are not being transcribed or filed.  These minutes are hand written and therefore are subject to change by anyone who can lay their hands on these documents.
 See MS Code 25-41-11 below.
 C.    Election commissions are also responsible for hearing and resolving disputes concerning the denial of voter registration by a circuit clerk. If the dispute is resolved in favor of the applicant, the individual is placed on the voter rolls by the election commission. This is the only time that the election commission may place a name onto a voter roll. 
                      1.    Conclusion:  If the public is unaware of when the Tunica County Election Commission meets, how can they get their problem resolved?
D.   Circuit Clerk:
                      1.    “A circuit clerk is required to attend the regularly scheduled meetings of the election commission.”
a.    Conclusion: This is not being done.
                      2.    “A circuit clerk must also give all assistance that he is capable of giving to the election commissioners to assist them in the revision of voter rolls.”
a.    Conclusion: There is no computer access or printed voter roll available during the Election Commission Meetings.
                      3.   “A circuit clerk keeps copies of the minutes of the meetings of the county election commissioners. Those minutes are prepared by the election commission when official action has been taken.”
a.    Conclusion: These minutes are handwritten and therefore subject to alteration by anyone who has access.  For the public’s protection, the Election Commission Minutes need to be transcribed and read and approved at the next Election Commission Meeting.
25-41-11. Minutes of meetings
(1) Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of a public body, whether in open or executive session, showing the members present and absent; the date, time and place of the meeting; an accurate recording of any final actions taken at such meeting; and a record, by individual member, of any votes taken; and any other information that the public body requests be included or reflected in the minutes.  The minutes shall be recorded within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) days after recess or adjournment and shall be open to public inspection during regular business hours.
25-41-15. Enforcement of chapter; civil penalty
The Mississippi Ethics Commission shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter upon a complaint filed by any person.  Upon receiving a complaint, the commission shall forward a copy of the complaint to the head of the public body involved.  The public body shall have fourteen (14) days from receipt of the complaint to file a response with the commission.  After receiving the response to the complaint or, if no response is received after fourteen (14) days, the commission, in its discretion, may dismiss the complaint or proceed by setting a hearing in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Ethics Commission.
After a hearing, the Ethics Commission may order the public body to take whatever reasonable measures necessary, if any, to comply with this chapter.  If the Ethics Commission finds that a member or members of a public body has willfully and knowingly violated the provisions of this chapter, the Ethics Commission may impose a civil penalty upon the individual members of the public body found to be in violation of the provision of this chapter in a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a first offense and One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for a second or subsequent offense, plus all reasonable expenses incurred by the person or persons in bringing the complaint to enforce this chapter.
Other information taken from the Secretary of State’s website is listed below.  This information is found on the 2012 Election Calendar.  We may have missed some of the dates.
10 Jan 2012: Election Commissioners meet to purge their rolls. *NOTE: This is within 90 days of an election – no systematic purging should occur at this time. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-153(1)(a)).
8 Aug 2012: Purging: Deadline to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official list of eligible voters for the November 6, 2012 General Election – systematic purging must cease 90 days before an election. (42 USC 1973gg-6(c)(A))
10 Aug 2012: Purging: Election Commissioners are required to meet to purge the poll books. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-153(1)(d) (1972)) *Note – no systematic purging may occur within 90 days of an election.
16 Nov 2012: Election Commissions: Deadline for County Election Commissions to declare results of the General Election and deliver certificates of elections to those elected. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-601 (1972)) No candidate shall be certified as elected unless all required campaign finance reports have been filed. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-811 (1972))
Tunica County Employee Handbook: page 18
6. Outside Employment or "Moonlighting"
"No employee may engage in employment which could cause a conflict of interest, or use his County employment for personal gain.  Outside employment must not interfere with performance of duties for the county.  Any outside employment must have prior approval of the Board of Supervisors.  To apply for approval, you must submit a written request clearly describing the outside employment duties and hours to your department head who will send the request to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.  Your first loyalty has to be to your duties with the County."
Tunicans for Transparency in Government report 5 Apr 2010 page 5
C.  Beat 2:  Those of us who live in Beat 2 are still without fair representation on this Board because you will not do what is necessary and that is to vacate the seat occupied by Cedric Burnett and hold a special election to fill the Beat 2 place on this Board.
1.    Submit a list of staff at Henderson Funeral Home.  It has been brought to our attention that the program work for each funeral is done by one of Tunica County’s Department Heads.
2.    There is no record of requesting approval from this Board for part-time employment at Henderson Funeral Home by any of these employees.  I don’t think the people of Tunica County elected our Sheriff with the expectation of him having outside employment.  The Board of Supervisors is aware of the Moonlighting rules that are a part of The Employee Handbook and you have chosen to ignore this rule at least once in 2009.  It would be unfair to ignore this rule again.
3.    Copy of voter registration for Beat 2 showing both Cedric Burnett and Clara Burnett’s residence as 1370 Beatline Road.  At the Budget Hearing in 2009.  Burnett said he didn’t live at 1370 Beatline Road.  The public is not so gullible as to be taken in by all the construction going on at the above address.
MS Code: 25-1-59
“If any state, district, county, county district, or municipal officer during the term of his office shall remove out of the state, district, county or municipality for which he was elected or appointed, such office shall thereby become vacant and the vacancy be supplied as by law directed.”