Monday, August 12, 2013

Hello Recreation Department

And another thing....
Haven’t noticed the Recreation Dept.’s weekly advertisement in the Tunica Times telling us what is going on this week at the Rec.  We are watching you too, Billy Willis.

Hello GreenTech

It is my understanding that the requirements stated in the MS State Economic Development documents between our state and GreenTech require GreenTech to have built their plant in Tunica County on the “Metro Mega Site” and to employ 350 employees by 31 Dec 2014.  If I am wrong about this, someone please correct me.
Assuming this is correct information Tunica, let’s not be fooled again.  If by chance GreenTech manages to build their plant by 31 Dec 2014, they could employ 350 people on the morning of 31 Dec 2014 and lay them off on 1 Jan 2015..  We need to hold these folks feet to the fire and make sure they do the right thing by us.  We are all tired of game playing. 

In the meantime, what can we do to help ourselves?  If you would like to be employed by GreenTech, make sure you take the required courses that have been discussed by Tunica Economic Development and our Board of Supervisors.  Show that you are willing and able to do what is required to get a good paying job. 

What can the Board of Supervisors do to help the community?  If any of the Executive Sessions being held between you and Lyn Arnold are concerning an already approved project such as GreenTech, have your discussions in an open meeting.  Each and every time the Board enters into Executive Session with Economic Development, I personally am not trustful. 

Let’s take the politics out of the GreenTech discussion.  There has been enough politics from both sides concerning GreenTech.  What I care about is this plant being built as promised; Tunicans getting jobs and GreenTech contributing to the economy of Tunica County, MS.  We are watching you GreenTech.  Just because we are southern does not mean we have “stupid” stamped on our foreheads.