Friday, May 31, 2013

Social Security Information

The following is information I just received from "Social Security Works."  As many of you know, I have signed and have asked many of you to sign a petition to remove the cap from Social Security earnings.  To me, this just makes sense.

Here you go:

The annual Social Security Trustees Report is in and it shows that Social Security's surplus is large and growing, and can pay out 100% of promised benefits through 2033.

On 1 Jun 2013, Social Security’s board of trustees will release their annual report on the financial outlook of Social Security’s trust fund, and it will find that the surplus is continuing to grow and will be around $2.8 trillion in 2013.

Social Security will take in more money than it pays out, roughly $40 billion more in 2013—and cannot by law contribute to the deficit.

"It’s the rest of the retirement system that’s in crisis. Traditional pension protections are greatly diminished, housing is down, health care costs are up and 401k plans are unreliable. With over half of working-age American households unable to maintain their standard of living in old age, we need to focus on expanding Social Security—not cutting it."

If you agree, write to your Senators and Representatives in Congress.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our report to Board of Supervisors 6 May 2013 @ 9a

At the last Board of Supervisor’s meeting, there was quite a discussion around the Independent Auditor’s Report. I have here a copy of the letter that was submitted to this Board asking for this audit. You already have a signed copy of this letter in your minutes. You are being given this copy as a reminder that three different citizens groups asked for this audit. Quite frankly, we don’t care how much it costs. This letter is backed by the citizens of Tunica County’s right to know.

During the recent presentation by Mr. Thompson, we learned that the Financial Statements for TCUD were in the possession of Clifton Johnson and not a part of our public records. May I remind you all that the Transparency Committee sent a Freedom of Information letter to Tunica County Public Projects asking for their income and expenses. What we received was the letter attached to this report. How different would our feelings toward TCPP and Tunica National be if we were told something like…”can we start with our financial statements?” As you know, that just wasn’t the case. We sent another letter to TCPP on 9 Jan 2013 asking for a copy of their letter to their contact in Jackson. Since today is 6 May 2013 and we have not had a response to our second letter, I am assuming there really wasn’t a letter sent by TCPP’s to an “official in Jackson”.

So, please stop trying to interrupt this auditing process because each time you object citizens are sitting here wondering what is being hidden. We need you 3 new Supervisors to stand strong and to insist this audit continue and let the chips fall where they may.

Now, onto why the Transparency Committee asked for this appointment with you.

We sent a Freedom of Information letter to the Recreation Department through your attorney, Andy Dulaney. The letter asked for “the schedule of membership fees for the Tunica County Parks and Recreation Department.” The information was received very promptly and we thank Billy Willis for his cooperation.

It has been brought to our Committee’s attention that Tunica County Seniors are now required to pay the same membership fee as Corporate Members. This fee is $30 annually. A few obvious questions would be: Why are Seniors who are most likely not working but living in Tunica County asked to pay the same membership fee as Corporate Members who are working and most likely not living in Tunica County? (Note: Until recently, Tunica County Senior Citizens were not charged for membership.)

However, this is not the question that brought our Committee to write the Freedom of Information letter. What caused us to write the letter was learning that only some Tunica County Seniors were being charged the membership fee. Those Seniors who come to the Rec on Tue, Wed and Thu are not being charged a membership fee. Tunica County does not have means testing for charging membership fees. Therefore, our Committee is asking the Board of Supervisors to drop the Tunica County Resident Annual Membership Fee for Seniors as our gift to our older residents for all that they have done for our community during their working years.

By the way, have you all noticed that Membership at the Rec fluctuates between 1000 and 2000 members year in and year out? Why is this?

Secondly, since 2008 this Committee has asked that a weekly schedule of Rec Dept. offerings be advertized in the Tunica Times. It is said that we are all entitled to our own opinions but we are not entitled to our own facts.

In Tunica County it is a fact that the Black Community communicates through their churches and schools. The White Community communicates through their local newspaper. Both of these statements are facts. This Committee has asked for a weekly schedule of Rec happenings to be advertized in the Tunica Times for 5 years. That’s a fact. So, what is the problem?

This Board recently approved the building of yet another Community Center in North Tunica? Okay, so you can afford a new Center but you can’t afford to tell the White Community what is going on at the 3 Centers we’ve already got? How is that right?

Here’s another fact: Personally, I am not a member of the Rec because I am determined that I am not going to participate until the Recreation Department makes an effort to reach all Tunica County residents.

It is my understanding that the Tunica Times was summoned to Billy Willis’ office this past Jan and told “he” couldn’t afford to advertize in their newspaper. “He” could only afford to post what’s going on at the Rec in schools and churches. First of all, the budget monies that are budgeted for Parks and Recreation belong to the residents of Tunica County; not to the Director of Parks and Recreation. Secondly, what is really being said here? The Recreation Department can only afford to advertize to the Black Community?

During this Freedom of Information process between the Transparency Committee and the Recreation Department we received a brochure prepared by the Recreation Department called “Take Time for Fun.” So, why isn’t this being distributed? Why can’t the Rec Department take info from this already prepared document and advertise to the White Community?

Actually, I found in this brochure an activity that interests me but how was I supposed to know? Through osmosis? It has to be advertized to all residents of Tunica County. That’s what advertising is…you finding out how to reach your customers.

There is one more thing we need to bring to the attention of the Board of Supervisors. It is our understanding that a female white employee has been suspended from the Recreation Department for something that was actually done by a female black employee. Will you please check into this? If this is true, it will be just another indication of why we need a Human Resources Manager.