Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beat 2 Supevisor....Absent

For the last several months, the Beat 2 Supervisor has stepped out of the room during the reading of the claims.  Actually, so has the County Administrator.

Other then the obvious "I don't care scenario" what could possibly be the reason? 

Here's another idea: On the Public Records claims docket where the Beat 2 Supervisor would sign his name you will find the word "Absent". 

Why is he stepping out of the room to be recorded as "Absent"?

Why doesn't he want to sign the docket?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Okay, so I left something out

It has been brought to my attention that I left something important out of "The Sheriff's Behavior" posting to this blog.

One of the things the Sheriff was heard to say at the meeting was said to Mr. Nickson's back as he (Mr. Nickson) was leaving the room.  It was something about it being unlawful for Mr. Nickson to leave the meeting.  Okay, so I heard it too and didn't include it in the previous posting.  Sorry!!!! 

We all know this can't possibly be true.  Anyone is free to leave this meeting at anytime.  We know this because the Supervisor from Beat #2 has left the meeting during the first meetings in May and Jun 2012 and nothing was done or said about his actions.

So, thank you so very much for bringing my oversight to my attention.   Along with your complaint, you have provided me with yet another opportunity to remind YOU of  my Supervisor's absence during the reading of the claims this past May and Jun.  Any other complaints? Bring it on.