Thursday, September 15, 2011

And we're back...

Just returned from the 15 Sep 2011 Board of Supervisors' Meeting. You guys...I don't know what to say.

Sandy Williams, the Executive Director of the Tunica Humane Society, reported about all of the donations from Harrah's, Sidewalk Angels and others that have allowed this wonderful group of volunteers to provide Tunica County with this facility. Tunica County is a better place to live because of the Tunica Humane Society.

At the present time, Tunica County has budgeted $30,000 to the Tunica Humane Society. What Ms. Williams was asking for was an additional $20,000 per year to help pay the cost of utilities, supplies, etc. The motion was made by Supervisor Williams and seconded by Supervisor Pegram. Supervisors Battle, Burnett and Dunn voted against this motion.

You have got to be kidding me. This request amounts to an additional $1666.67 per month. Do you guys even know how much money you are wasting on this FEMA garbage pick-up deal? No, you don't. You, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors, are wasting so much money every month. I don't know how you sleep at night.

And now this wonderful facility, that was entirely built by volunteerism and donations, needs a little help, and you can't find $20,000 to do your part.

And Sheriff Hamp, you are in these meetings every month with some grant or new hire and you cannot even appoint and/or train an Animal Control Officer. Whose job did you think it was to pick-up stray animals? It's yours. Disgusting.