Thursday, June 30, 2011

Board of Supervisors' Meeting 30 June 2011

Just returned from the above meeting.

The first thing on the agenda was a request to approve a grant application for the Tunica County Sheriff's Department. The grant was from the MS Victims of Crime Program. The amount of the grant would be $38,628.00 with matching funds of $12,876.00 coming from Tunica County.

The County Administrator explained that the Sheriff expected around $20,000 from the Fire Department for dispatch services provided to the Fire Department by the Sheriff's Department and he (the Sheriff) would pay the $12+ from these funds.

The District 2 Supervisor, Cedric Burnett, moved to accept this grant. The motion died for lack of a second. Don't get to say this much so here it goes: Thank you gentlemen for putting a stop to this request.

We need more jobs not more grants.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This ain't no popularity contest

On 24 May and 31 May, there was information posted on this site regarding a MANDATORY report for all candidates to report to the Circuit Clerk their campaign receipts and expenses. The first report was due on 10 May and the second report was due on 10 Jun.

This isn't a popularity contest. We need people in office who will pay attention to the details. Holding public office in Tunica County, MS is serious business. Why would anyone trust you if you can't even get your reports in on time?

As of 15 Jun 2011, about 11 a.m., this is what was in the Circuit Clerk's file or rather what wasn't in the Circuit Clerk's file:

The following candidates have missed both the 10 May and 10 Jun filing deadlines:

Casey L. Johnson: Candidate for Coroner
Lawyer Porter: Candidate for Circuit Clerk
"Big" Brian Smith: Candidate for District 2 Supervisor
Christopher Thomas: Candidate for Coroner
Tammie Turner: Candidate for Tax Assessor & Collector

The following candidates missed the 10 Jun filing deadline:

Lil Joe Anderson: Incumbent Constable for the Southern District
Arthur "Hot Shot" Ankston: Candidate for Sheriff
Ellis W. Darby: Incumbent Justice Court Judge for the Southern District
James E. Dunn: Incumbent District 1 Supervisor
Thommy Gibbs: Candidate for District 3 Supervisor
Glen Grant: Incumbent Coroner
Tyrone Hall: Candidate for Superintendent of Education
Rodney Hibbler: Incumbent Justice Court Judge for the Northern District
Mark Hudson: Candidate for District 2 Supervisor
Curtis "Rerun" Jackson: Candidate for District 4 Supervisor
Louise Linzy: Candidate Justice Court Judge for the Southern District

I hope I have the offices correct. By the way, when you turn in your reports at the Circuit Clerk's Office, make sure the Circuit Clerk or one of her staff puts a date stamp on the document. Three reports had not been stamped.

Another subject about last night

When the Community Debate started, only one Supervisor was there on time. That Supervisor was the District 1 Supervisor, James Dunn. Thank you James for showing the respect this County's citizens deserve. Billy Pegram, Paul Battle and Bobby Williams never did show up.

For those of you who were not there, the questions from the panel were posed first to the Candidates for Superintendent of Education. The second set of questions were for the Supervisors and Candidates for Supervisor.

After the Superintendents' part was completed, in walks the District 2 Supervisor, Cedric Burnett and the Sheriff. Gladhanding all around. How disrespectful of the citizens who attended and the candidates for Superintendent of Education. You both know better.

I want to say something specifically to our Sheriff, K. C. Hamp. When you were elected to be the Sheriff of Tunica County, I thought we elected a 24/7 Sheriff. However, almost everytime I see you, there too is Cedric Burnett. Hamp we elected you the Sheriff of Tunica County not bodyguard for Burnett. Enough said.

And More on Jobs:

And here is another place to employ Tunicans who are unemployed: Henderson Funeral Home.

This is one of the many reasons I am running for public office. I live in Beat 2 and my Supervisor's full-time job is running Henderson Funeral Home. Instead of giving an opportunity to an unemployed Tunican, my Supervisor has chosen to employ people who are already employed by the County.

Want to know who they are?

1. Sheriff K. C. Hamp: Last night at the Community Debate, Sheriff Hamp told us his job was 24/7. I agree. Our sheriff needs to work for Tunica 24/7. That's what we elected for him to do.

2. John Pickett, III: Pickett is listed under Administration but he actually runs the Meals on Wheels program out of the President's Building.

3. Dr. Henry Hargrow: Hargrow works in Youth Services under the County Administrator's wife, Ann Johnson.

4. Ann Johnson: Johnson runs our Youth Services department and does the programs for Henderson Funeral Homes. How do I know this? I have at least one such program stating "Programs by: Ann Johnson (662) 541-0210."

5. Eugene Bridges: Now this would be a third job for Bridges. Bridges is employed by our Sheriff; he is one of our 2 elected Constables and he is listed as being a Director at Henderson Funeral Home.

Now because Hamp and Bridges are elected, it is unclear whether they have to go before the Board of Supervisors and ask for permission to "Moonlight." There is no question that Pickett, Hargrow and Johnson must have the approval of the Board of Supervisors.

This is what the Tunica County Employee Handbook says about Moonlighting:

"Public Records: Book 94 Page 145 – 146

6. Outside Employment or “Moonlighting”

No employee may engage in employment which could cause a conflict of interest, or use his County employment for personal gain. Outside employment must not interfere with performance of duties for the county. Any outside employment must have prior approval of the Board of Supervisors. To apply for approval, you must submit a written request clearly describing the outside employment duties and hours to your department head who will send the request to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. Your first loyalty has to be to your duties with the County."

Seems pretty clear to me. I've checked the Public Records and no such letters of approval exist.

At present, Tunica County's unemployment is about 18%. Doesn't my Supervisor, Cedric Burnett, have the slightest bit of guilt about what he is NOT doing? There are 5 jobs listed here that could take 5 people off our unemployment rolls.

More on Jobs

Another question asked at the Community Debate last night had to do with the recent pay cuts while our income was reduced due to the Casinos being closed while our county was flooded.

It was interesting that the candidate didn't really answer the question. First, it needs to be said we should never have been in this position. Tunica County has purchased more then we can afford. That being said, here's my take on what should have happened.

1. If the Board of Supervisors was going to cut salaries, they needed to cut from the top and leave the folks at the bottom alone.

2. The Board of Supervisors needs to take a good look at the Road Department. Did you know that our Road Department has 22 employees and 19 pick-up trucks? This didn't happen without the Board of Supervisors approval.

3. The Board of Supervisors needs to tell the Road Manager that we are not buying anymore equipment until we get all of our people back to work and our financial house in order. I swear, it seems that every month the Road Manager is in there with yet another bid on some type of equipment.

4. Why are we paying between $14,000 and $17,000 every month to get the grass cut? And it's not even being cut by a Tunica owned company!!! How about buying a couple of lawnmowers and putting some of our folks to work? This has been suggested to the Board of Supervisors by Tunicans for Transparency in government. To date, there has been no action.

5. So, I then went to the Road Manager and posed the same question. Answer was "Little Lady, you just don't understand." First, I understand perfectly and I AM NO ONE'S LITTLE LADY.

More to think about later....

Jobs for Tunicans

Last night at the Community Debate there were several questions asked of other candidates about creating jobs for Tunica County residents. I wish I had been asked that question because I have a couple of ideas.

Let's start with this: On 25 Aug 2011, I wrote the following letter to the editor.

"Hire Tunicans 1st

Here’s the deal. It’s become pretty obvious that Schultz is not going to be “making pipe by Christmas” for various reasons. So, what can be done about the unemployment in Tunica County right now?

The 1st thing that needs to be done is for the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator to take a look at the personnel records of County employees and employees of the agencies we fund. The Board and the County Administrator will have to require that all employees provide the physical address of their residence. A Post Office Box will just not get it. We’re not looking for people who say they live here and are using someone else’s address. We are looking for people who have both of their feet firmly planted in Tunica County, MS.

Second, identify the skills required for jobs held by non-residents. Does an unemployed resident of Tunica County possess these particular skill sets?

Third, hire the Tunica County resident and make an effort to find a job for the non-resident somewhere else. It’s tough for anyone to be unemployed but we need to take care of our own first. Personally, I’m really sick of people who don’t want to live in Tunica County having jobs here and at the end of the day, going home to wherever it is they prefer to live."

So, what did the current Board of Supervisors do with this idea? Nothing.

Thank you

Want to say thank you to Rev. Fullilove and his wife, Tina, for all of the work it took to put on the Community Debate last night. For those of you who did not attend, you missed a wonderful opportunity to start making your personal decision of who to trust with your vote. This is not a popularity contest and Tunica needs a fresh start.

Thanks again to Rev. and Mrs. Fullilove.

Monday, June 27, 2011


And now let’s take a look at the Tunica County Redistricting Committee’s report turned into the Board of Supervisors on 31 May 2011. Subtitle: “Uncracking the Town of Tunica by Reuniting Communities of Interest.”

Don’t know what “uncracking” means? I didn’t either. Here is the definition of “cracking” provided by Southern Echo. “Cracking is a redistricting device by which concentrations of Black or Latino voters are divided up or fragmented among several districts or wards, to prevent the community of color from winning enough seats to gain a majority of votes on a municipal or county board, or to win enough seats at the state level, to impact the formation of public policy.”

How is this possible? The 2010 Census tells us that Tunica County, MS is 73.5% Black and 23.7% White. Therefore, this “cracking” business is impossible in Tunica County.

Let’s read further into the Tunica County Redistricting Committee’s report and maybe we will find what is really being suggested.

1. There is the suggestion that the Black or Latino citizens are being placed in districts “with Whites with high income and more education” and that “voter turnout is affected by the level of income and education. People with less income and education tend not to vote to the same extent as those with more income and education.” And you know this how? Every American has a chance to improve their circumstances. Take a look at who is living in our White House. Additionally, there are no tests for income or education attached to a person’s right to vote. Redistricting has nothing to do with these quoted statements.

2. There is also the suggestion that Tunica County residents needed to be divided into “communities of interest.” Apparently, this means that in the White community we attend the same churches, our children attend the same schools, we use the same recreational facilities and we eat in the same restaurants. Further, according to this report the Black community would do the same…attend the same churches, same schools, and same recreational facilities and eat in the same restaurants. Says who? What a divisive attitude.

I will say this regarding Tunica County Recreational Facilities. Since 2008, Tunicans for Transparency in Government has been asking the Board of Supervisors to have a weekly schedule of what is going on at the Rec advertised in the Tunica Times. By not doing so, it is my opinion that the Board of Supervisors is contributing to the activities not being marketed to all of the residents of Tunica County.

Back to the original discussion:

In the first paragraph of this report from the Tunica County Redistricting Committee is the following: “The committee has attempted to be transparent and inclusive in the development of community plan 1a.” Really? I didn’t know about it. The President of the Tunica County Branch of the NAACP didn’t know about it. It wasn’t advertised in the Tunica Times. Afterwards, I did hear these meetings were held at the G. W. Recreational Facility.

Tunicans for Transparency in Government advertises their meetings in the Tunica Times. And every adult resident of Tunica County is welcome.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Southern Echo

So, did you Google “Southern Echo”? Did you find the Program for Southern Echo’s 20th Anniversary Celebration that was held in Jackson, MS on 10 Dec 2010?

Page 7 of the Celebration program contains an announcement of Southern Echo’s Exemplary Leadership Award being given to Tunica County resident, Melvin Young. So there will be no mistake about what was stated in the program, here is the quoted material:

“Melvin Young has been the Executive Director of Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County for more than 15 years. Melvin led the 4-year battle to prevent the Tunica County plantation leadership, with the assistance of a state-appointed school conservator, the State Dept. of Education, and the state’s Attorney General from creating an all-white public elementary school in Tunica County in violation of federal court school desegregation orders. As a result of the intense community organizing training and civic engagement work within the county there is now an all-African American school board on which a majority of the members have come through the processes of Concerned Citizens. The Tunica County School Board has undertaken a 5-year experimental program designed to create a quality public education and which is intended to be a model process that other districts can consider. Melvin has enabled Concerned Citizens to assist emerging grassroots organizations in at least four other counties in the Delta in developing the skills and tools of community organizing strategic planning and organizational development. Melvin is an active participant in the work of the MS Delta Catalyst Roundtable, the Education Stakeholders Alliance, the MS Coalition for the Prevention of Schoolhouse to Jailhouse, the South x Southwest Experiment, the Pushback Network and on the Board of the Southeast Regional Economic Justice Network.

In addition to his work on public education issues, Melvin has become an accomplished trainer of community organizations, leaders and public officials on how to draw political redistricting maps that create fair districts for African American communities and provides this training to communities across the Mississippi Delta.”

You have got to be kidding. I thought we were looking for the most qualified candidates for our Board of Education no matter what the color of their skin happens to be.

And since when did the residents of Tunica County agree to have “Concerned Citizens” involved in our public educational system?

Exemplary Leadership Award

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Google this...

Southern Echo.

Know what you are talking the work.

After the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting on 31 May 2011, I had a conversation with a gentleman who identified himself as Gu (goo). I guess that’s how it’s spelled. Gu was apparently present for the Redistricting Presentation put on by "Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County" and "Southern Echo".

Seems Gu was more then a bit upset by what I had said at the Public Hearings on Redistricting. The gist of what he was saying was that Voter Registration and Redistricting has nothing to do with each other. I really don’t know if he was present at either the 6 Jan or the 9 May 2011 hearings or if he was talking about what he had heard or been told. So, let me set the record straight.

Members of the Transparency Committee have attended the monthly Election Commission Meetings each month since Apr 2010. We have asked for and paid for a complete list of Registered Voters and the list we are working with is dated 31 Mar 2011. We are trying to identify Registered Voters who don’t appear to live in Tunica County. The work of the Election Commission has not been particularly effective in the clean-up of the Voter Rolls.

At the 6 Jan Public Hearing, this committee reported that “we need to get our Election Commission and Voter Registrations straightened out before we can honestly begin talking about Redistricting.” At this meeting we gave 2 examples of problems we’ve found. (Believe me, there are more problems then just these two.)

1. We showed that in Tunica County, there is seemingly nothing to stop a person from registering to vote in one District, moving to another district and continuing to vote in the District where he/she first registered to vote. It's a matter of honesty if one chooses to change his/her address or not.

2. We showed that the MS State Representative from Districts 2 through 5 in Tunica County has not changed her address since she first registered to vote in 1983. Now, although Clara Burnett still lives in District 2, she does not live at 1370 Beatline Road. By using one of our prominent citizens as an example, we are showing the widespread disregard for this necessary information.

At the 9 May Public Hearing, this committee reported on the Election Commission and on the proposal by the Board of Supervisors for the Redistricting of Tunica County.

In this blog, let’s address what we said about the Election Commission.

1. As of 31 Mar 2011, Tunica County had 6255 registered voters. Tunica County has been added to the list of MS counties who have more registered voters then would be normal for a county with our population.

2. By our hand count, we discovered there are 399 people who remain on the active voter rolls even though they registered prior to 31 Dec 1999 and have never voted in Tunica County, MS. 399 people: that’s 16 percent of our voting rolls.

3. By our hand count about 80 people are using a P. O. Box as their official address for voter registration purposes. This address has to be the physical address for obvious reasons.

4. We reviewed the P. O. Boxes used on the Primary 2007 Record of Absentee Ballots. We have found only one of those boxes still listed on the 31 Mar 2011 voter rolls. I can’t imagine what the possibilities are for this group of facts. (Additional note: If you have any thoughts about a recent conviction in our county, please keep them to yourself until you have gone to the Courthouse and asked to see the Primary 2007 Record of Absentee Ballots. Then you can draw your own conclusion(s). I have done so and I am standing by my belief that this conviction is wrong.)

5. We’ve found instances of married couples who are still living together being registered in different precincts and at least 2 of these mistakes have these couples voting in different Beats. Examples:

Marilyn Young: Beat #1, Precinct #1 and Melvin Young: Beat #3, Precinct #6;

Kay Sartori: Beat #2, Precinct #4 and Rob Sartori: Beat #3, Precinct #5.

(Additional note: At the 10 May 2011 Election Commission Meeting, this Committee asked the Commission to take note of these corrections. We'll see if they've been corrected by the 14 Jun 2011 Election Commission Meeting.)

6. We found that since the 6 Jan 2011 Public Hearing for Redistricting, our MS State Representative, Clara Burnett has still not found the time to come to our Courthouse and change her address to where she now lives on Pritchard Road. Since Ms. Burnett was in attendance at this 9 May Public Hearing, I asked her to set an example for the entire County and to please come to the Courthouse and change the address on her Voter Registration.

Now, back to Mr. Gu. What he was mad at me about was that I kept talking about the addresses of Cedric Burnett and Clara Burnett at these Public Hearings for Redistricting when the purpose of the Hearings was about Redistricting. Mr. Gu thinks my statements are political because I am running against Cedric Burnett. Guess you could choose to see it that way by ignoring or not knowing the facts.

Mr. Gu, this committee has been reporting on the address being used by Cedric Burnett since Aug 2009. If you had ever come to a Board of Supervisors’ Meeting before 31 May 2011, read the Tunica Times, attended an Election Commission Meeting or a Tunicans for Transparency in Government Meeting, you would know that. You would also know that Cedric Burnett is not the only Supervisor we have looked at for address problems.

I will restate what this committee said at the 6 Jan 2011 Public Hearing for Redistricting: “we need to get our Election Commission and Voter Registrations straightened out before we can honestly begin talking about Redistricting.” Redistricting is about “One Person, One Vote.” We can't have one without the other.

Right now Tunica County has the cart before the horse. Our Voter Rolls are a mess. Mr. Gu, what are you doing about this problem besides complaining?

Running for office is not a popularity contest. Running for office is hard work and commitment to the people. All of the people.

Being in office is not gathering your friends around you and giving them yet another job when you could give those same jobs to someone who doesn’t already have a job. You do know Tunica County’s unemployment is around 18%? Maybe that’s news to you too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Transparency Meetin 18 Jun @ 10 a.m.

Tunicans for Transparency in Government will hold their next meeting one week later then normal. This month’s meeting will be held on Saturday, 18 Jun 2011, at the R. C. Irwin Library at 10 a.m. All adult residents of Tunica County, all elected officials of Tunica County and all candidates for public office are welcome to attend.