Sunday, February 27, 2011

So, this is how Tunica County rolls

In Aug 2009, the Transparency Committee became aware that the house located at 1370 Beatline Road was not occupied. This is the address used by Beat 2 Supervisor Cedric Burnett on his Statement of Intent to run for public office in 2007.

Also, during the month of Aug 2009, the Tunica Humane Society ran an article in the Tunica Times asking Tunicans to call their Supervisor and ask for financial support for THS from the county. There was a phone number listed next to the name of each Supervisor except for Cedric Burnett. Next to Burnett’s name the article stated that Burnett’s contact information was not available.

With these 2 pieces of information, the Transparency Committee started looking into this situation.

Again, in Aug 2009 at the Public Hearing for the 2009 – 2010 Tunica County Budget, I asked Burnett if he lived at 1370 Beatline Road. Burnett stated he did not live at this address. I asked Burnett where he lived. Burnett stated: “Keep looking, you’ll find it.”

Present at the 2009 – 2010 Tunica County Budget Public Hearing were some members of the Transparency Committee; citizens interested in funding for the Tunica Humane Society and the publisher of the Tunica Times. Also, in attendance were all 5 Supervisors, County Administrator Clifton Johnson, Sheriff K. C. Hamp, Chancery Clerk Susie White and Board Attorney Andy Dulaney. There were probably other interested parties present.

After the “Keep looking, you’ll find it” statement from Burnett, I asked the Board of Supervisors to vacate the Beat 2 seat and hold a Special Election for this position. The BOS took no action.

The next thing we did was to contact the Tunica County Election Commission. I contacted Election Commission Chairman Elijah Williams and asked him if he knew where Burnett was living. Williams stated Burnett lives at 1370 Beatline Road. I informed Williams that Burnett said he did not live at this location and that Burnett said this at a Board of Supervisors’ Meeting in front of many witnesses. I then asked Williams if the Election Commission had verified all residency requirements for candidates. Williams stated the Election Commission takes them at their word.

The Transparency Committee has continued to make ourselves aware of activity at 1370 Beatline Road. In Jan 2010, a temporary storage unit was placed on this property. During the next several months, debris from the interior of this house was moved outside and what appeared to be construction or remodeling of some type was beginning to take place. Periodically, the Transparency Committee has taken pictures of the activity at this location.

On 15 Apr 2010, I happened to notice there was no building permit showing outside of the house. I went to the Planning Commission and asked if a building permit had been issued for this address. The answer was no and a stop work order was issued that day. Once the stop work order was issued, Burnett came to the Planning Commission and paid $65 for the Building Permit. In Burnett’s handwriting, the permit indicates Burnett to be the owner of this property. On 24 Feb 2011, tax records indicate Clara Burnett was still the owner of this property.

The 1370 Beatline Road property is still unoccupied today, 27 Feb 2011.

On 4 Jan 2011, Cedric Burnett filed another Statement of Intent using the 1370 Beatline Road address. On 21 Jan 2011, I filed a Statement of Intent to run for Supervisor of Beat 2. During the week of 21 Feb 2011, I asked my husband to take some pictures of the 1370 Beatline Road location. On 23 Feb 2011, Cedric Burnett had Judge Rodney Hibbler issue a warrant for the arrest of Robert B. Tuchel on the grounds of trespassing. There is no sign posted on this property and the house is unoccupied. Notice also on the warrant: Cedric Burnett is using his mailing address: PO Box 961 while using Bob’s physical address.

The warrant states that Bob: “did willfully and knowingly enter upon the lands of Cedric Burnett without the permission of said Cedric Burnett or his lessee or the agent of either and unaccompanied by said Cedric Burnett or his lessee or agent of either taking pictures of resident in Tunica County, MS.”

Note: The improper use of the word “resident” is as stated on the warrant.

In my opinion, Cedric Burnett has used his position as a Tunica County Supervisor to influence a judge to issue this warrant.